Turning It Around: The Prospects

     Paper constitutions raise smiles on the faces of those who have observed their results; and paper social systems similarly affect those who have contemplated the available evidence. How little the men who wrought the French Revolution and were chiefly concerned in setting up the new governmental apparatus, dreamt that one of the early actions of this new apparatus would be to behead them all! How little the men who drew up the American Declaration of Independence and framed the republic, anticipated that after some generations the legislature would lapse into the hands of wire-pullers; that its doings would turn upon the contests of office-seekers; that political action would be everywhere vitiated by the intrusion of a foreign element holding the balance between parties; that electors, instead of judging for themselves, would habitually be led to the polls in thousands by their “bosses”; and that respectable men would be driven out of public life by the insults and slanders of professional politicians.

     [Herbert Spencer, “From Freedom to Bondage,” 1891]

     “And are we not big enough to meet them in plain battle?”
     “We are four men, some women, and a bear.”
     “I saw the time when Logres was only myself and one man and two boys, and one of those was a churl. Yet we conquered.”
     “It could not be done now. They have an engine called the Press whereby the people are deceived. We should die without even being heard of.”

     [C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength]

     Many would say that the American experiment has falsified its test thesis: i.e., that a constitutional republic formed for the protection of individuals’ rights can endure. It’s an argument worth considering. We the People of the United States have meekly surrendered to a Usurper Regime that’s cheated and defrauded its way to power, is destroying our economy, and is eliminating several of our long-established rights as we speak. Yet what the Usurpers are doing is forbidden by the Constitution! How, then, are they getting away with it?

     It’s quite simple, really: A constitution, no matter how freedom-oriented or well designed, cannot enforce its own terms. There must be an external enforcement agency – and it cannot be the government itself. It can only be the people who have chartered the government and demand that it remain within its constituted bounds.

     As I’ve written before, the key to the restraint of government can only be an armed, vigilant, and freedom-loving people. If the people lack sufficient arms, or are unaware of what’s being done to them and its probable consequences, or are insufficiently attached to individual liberty as a sacred principle to rise up in its defense, they will fail to restrain the depredations of the State, whether by inability or unwillingness. That’s why totalitarians always:

  1. Target the educational and communications sectors of a nation first and foremost;
  2. Strive to divide the people, setting some against others;
  3. Forbid the private ownership of weapons.

     Items 1 and 2 have been under way for decades. The Left’s conquest of the educational and communications sectors is nearly complete. It has used those levers to create several deep divisions among us. The Usurper Administration is working on item 3. If it should succeed in disarming the citizenry, the fat lady will have sung this opera’s final aria. It could hardly be simpler. Yet it appears too complex for most Americans of today. Why?

     Bookworm has a thesis:

     I was a little girl in San Francisco in the 1960s, but I certainly remember the rebellious spirit that animated the youth of the 1960s and early 1970s. They were pushing back against the traditional values of their parents and teachers.

     In leftist Marin, though, in the first decades of the 20th century, the young people were entirely in sync with the leftist values of their parents and teachers. That appears to be true in liberal enclaves across America. It’s also the case that young people in changing communities (traditional homes, leftist teachers’ unions), will hew to their teachers’ values. My generation sneered at the teachers. (I still do because, with few exceptions, I found my children’s teachers to be singular ill-informed and not very bright.)

     I assumed that, eventually, conservativism would intrigue these young people because it was the opposite of the stifling conformity imposed on them in their communities and their homes. After all, the media, the entertainment world, and the history books constantly tell us that the youth movement in the 1960s was a rebellion against the stifling conformity of 1950s America.

     There hasn’t been a counter-revolution, though. Today’s young people are more sheeple-like even than my now-grown kids were.

     I added the emphasis.

     I’ve had little contact with teens these past couple of decades. If Bookworm is correct, there will be no pro-freedom uprising by the current crop of young Americans (i.e., the 18-34 age bracket). The best of them simply aren’t interested; the rest have their hands out for freebies. Guns? Forget that; these tykes aren’t even interested in owning a car.

     We old farts haven’t “uprisen” either. Most of us are too busy arranging to protect ourselves, our spouses, and those sheeplike kids; the rest haven’t the strength or the stamina. (I’m in the latter group.) That makes the near-term prospects for an uprising look bleak. The Usurpers will probably get most of what they want, if not all of it.

     What about the longer term? Is there no possibility of an unindoctrinated generation of pro-freedom rebels willing to risk their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for liberty and justice?

     Where would they come from? Certainly not from our existing educational institutions. Nor could they learn what they would need from the media of today. The barons of technology would surely impede their communications, so they might not even be able to find one another. As for arms, if the Usurpers succeed in destroying private weapons rights, where would they get them?

     It’s not looking good, Gentle Reader. It looks very much as if the future of freedom is in the hands of today’s Americans: you and me. And we’ve been sitting on our hands, waiting for someone else to shoulder the burden.

     I think I’ll go bash my head against the wall for a while.

I Love the Smell of Victory in the Morning!

And, coffee, of course.


When Trump is in Mar-a-Lago? When Biden-Harris occupy the seat of federal government?


According to this video, a poll has reported that 70% of the GOP would consider WALKING OUT, should Trump start a 3rd party.


Not to mention the huge number of Dems that are disgusted with the Democratic Left in control of the government, and their party.

So, yeah, VICTORY!

Oh, and about that coffee? I’m looking for a new coffee; the store brands I’ve been buying are just not tasting the same (even the color of the bean looks ‘off’). I like the milder blends of Starbucks, but I refuse to give them any more money.

So, in the comments, could you make some recommendations? Price is definitely a factor. There are blends I would love to buy, but – come on! $20 or more a pound?

Too rich for my blood.

Let’s Have an End to Rule by Nobility

They sure don’t act all that noble, so let’s cut out the special privileges.

Many More Questions Than Answers

This was always a strange story. The contradictions were obvious, the reports were apparently steered towards the desired end.

My take?

The Leftists wanted to take the focus off Ashli Babbit’s death. The public was starting to gain support for asking some preliminary questions:

  • Exactly WHICH officer actually fired the shot?
  • What he ordered to, or did he panic?
  • Why can’t he be named, and the public be able to find out who he was, what his record looked like, and is there any indication that this was anything other than a tragic case of accidental shooting?

Where Sicknick is concerned, there are MANY questions, and they are being buried in a rush to label the Capitol crowd as murderers. Not an accident, but deliberate, 1st degree murder.

This is a good explanation of the facts and conflicting stories as they are currently known.

The most disturbing part? The body was cremated. No further forensic investigation can be done. And, we all know how easy it is to bury/fake documentation. And, witnesses.

We Really Can’t Help It…

     …we humans have a hard time separating people’s personalities and characters from our opinions of the ideas they espouse. We tend to assess the validity of a Cause according to the strengths and weaknesses of those who promote it: their public conduct, their cumulative reputations, and whatever we can learn about their pasts. The squib below cites one variety of this: the doom-shouter who seeks to panic others into important decisions without taking time for study and thought.

     Another variation is the apologist who seeks to blame the failures of his theses on the behavior of others. I’ve seen this in more settings than I can remember offhand. In a recent instance, a Republican partisan sought to blame the loss of a GOP Congressional candidate he supported on – drum roll, please – the Libertarian candidate and those who voted for him! Those votes were “stolen” from the Republican, you see. If it weren’t for his Libertarian opponent, those voters would have…what’s that you say? They wouldn’t necessarily have voted for the Republican? They might have voted for some other minor-party candidate? They might have stayed home?? Great God in heaven!

     Such attempts to transfer the blame for one’s troubles onto others’ shoulders is common enough in politics. But it does the self-exculpator no good at all. Indeed, it diminishes his reputation for future contests.

     Tom Knighton shows us an ideologically flavored case:

     The Socialist Party isn’t much of a political party. As far as electoral gains go, they make the Libertarian Party look downright competent.

     However, like many small political parties, they use social media to get their ideas out into the public consciousness.

     And, because they’re socialists, they post things like this:

     In other words, government-run healthcare fails because of capitalism.

     You really have to wonder. If you’re conscious of your own reactions to that sort of blame-shifting, that is. But it’s been a feature of socialist economies for decades. The Soviet Union, Red China, Cuba, North Korea, socialist Venezuela all blamed their economic failures on “imperialism,” “capitalist saboteurs,” and the like. It’s never the fault of socialism, you see. That’s simply unthinkable.

     Have a snippet from the great Gregory Benford’s somewhat neglected novel Against Infinity:

     “Every civilization up until now has evolved because of internal contradictions — conflicts within it that forced change. Capitalism proceeded by contradiction to produce socialism — it was inevitable….
     “The Marxists thought that under socialism, alienation and class warfare would stop….The administrators faced a problem Marxism never discussed: how well socialism works. What is the good of being exactly equal to everybody else, if that means you have to be poor?…
     “So to stop socialism from sinking into the mud, the bureaucrats had to promote expansion — off-planet, out into the system. But socialism is an historical necessity that arises when you get a certain density of population. Once people spread out….
     “And therein lies the true comedy….You see, the Marxists always assumed that the next step would complete the cycle of contradiction and change. It is so amusing! Because they could imagine no further change beyond socialism, they assumed — without thinking — that there would be none. They didn’t notice that the dialectical model predicts no Final Revolution….There is instead an equilibrium between the two forms. So we get humankind — with refined, humanitarian socialism in the older, crowded core. And capitalism sprouting up like weeds at the edge.”

     In other words, if it weren’t for the existence of capitalist economies that stand ready to rescue socialist ones from their failures, the socialist economies would collapse at once. The socialist planners and oligarches of Benford’s novel were at least realistic enough to admit it. But our contemporary socialists are unwilling to do so. Among other things, it would wound them in their self-righteousness.

     There’s another clue to the validity of a Cause: whether its promoters posture as morally superior to those who question their schemes. People who are sincere about what they espouse should admit to human fallibility – to the possibility that they might be wrong. But that, too, is rare among ardent Cause People. The ones who strive to stampede you into a highly committal decision without taking time to study and think are the worst of the lot. They combine the subtlety of the cattle prod with the superciliousness of the bullhorn-wielding, fire-and-brimstone-shouting, street-corner preacher.

     Verbum sat sapienti.

Ace Does It Again

     Striking the jugular in a minimum of words is becoming his specialty:

     [O]nly the dishonest attempt to panic other people into making decisions.

     Please read the whole column. Now, Gentle Reader: Which side of the political spectrum has made a specialty of screaming that “There’s no time to waste!” and “We’ve got to act now!” Given what has followed from their many “crises,” can you think of a single reason to grant them the smallest shred of credibility?

     Americans’ ears and psyches are becoming numb to the Left’s crisis-shouting. That’s only to be expected…but I shiver to think what it might mean should a genuine crisis arise that really does demand something like immediate action.

Karma Bites Another Woke A$$

This time, Bruce Springsteen.

Doesn’t he know that driving recklessly offends Mother Gaia?

The Rubin Report

I’ve been watching his stuff, and he is really good. Not over the top, just what we from the middle of the country call – “Midwest Normal”.

You know – typical Deplorables.

And the Rubin Report is only 1/2 an hour, so – doesn’t take up too much of the day.

Other videos you will want to put on your ‘must-see’ list:

Ronald Reagan on Johnny Carson, discussing the budget, among other things.

Kurt Russell on Gun Control – amazingly, for a Hollywood actor, he’s remarkably sensible.

Not Important, Just Funny

Religion and Realism in Fiction

     There’s “religious fiction,” of course. Everyone is aware of the “Left Behind” series, which despite its many flaws was widely read and applauded. We also have the works of writers such as C. S. Lewis, Taylor Caldwell, Frank Peretti, Ted Dekker, Karen Kingsbury, and others. Their novels are explicitly religious, almost polemic about the faiths they uphold and promote. Their readers tend to be equally religious and passionate about it.

     There’s also completely secular fiction, in which religion has no place whatsoever. Innumerable novelists write this sort of tale. Their characters are never depicted in a church or temple, in prayer, or in worship of any other form. While some of their readers might be as religious as the devotees of the writers in the previous paragraph, surely they’re not there for a religious message, as there won’t be any.

     Tales that fall between those two poles – i.e., stories whose characters do allow religion a place in their lives, though it doesn’t utterly dominate the tale being told – are exceedingly rare in contemporary fiction. When we consider that most Americans do have a religion of some kind and do give it some portion of their daily or weekly attention, the paucity of such stories seems rather strange.

     If Americans are largely believers of some kind, wouldn’t fiction that allows religion a place be more realistic than either the religion-dominant narratives or the utterly secular, religion-never-mentioned variety? It seems logical – which might be the first hint of an explanation for the scarcity of such tales.

     The first demand of the reader of fiction is for entertainment. Religious settings and practices are almost antithetical to entertainment. Alongside that, the typical reader doesn’t pick up a novel to read about himself or his own life. He has at least some desire to escape: to depart from the “real” world he inhabits and to spend some time in another. So the omission of certain aspects of “real life” might be an asset to the storyteller.

     All the same, there’s something not quite right about the total absence of religious ideas and practices from fiction other than the explicitly polemic sort. After all, religion is one of the most important of the forces that have shaped human history. Depicting crises in the lives of persons who sincerely hold to a recognized religious faith, and showing how their faiths can assist or impede them in coping with those crises, is one of my major reasons for writing. As I have a hard time naming another writer who does so, it can make me feel rather alone.

     Just now I’m reading a first-contact novel, Revelations by Robert Sells, in which the religious convictions of certain participants play a significant role. I’m not yet ready to recommend it, but we shall see. At least it includes persons with religious convictions that matter to them enough to act upon them. They don’t just sit around fingering their rosaries. And in this Sells’s tale strikes me as more realistic than not, despite its science-fictional premises.

Just Catching Up on the News

I’ve been under some time pressure. Yesterday was the start of a virtual course for a local organization, and it took a certain amount of time to prepare for it. With that first class done, I can better target the plans for the next 3 weeks. It should be easier from now on.

I also have been chipping away at CEUs for insurance license renewal. I need to finish over the next month, so I can renew without a problem. Again, somewhat time-consuming, but not that difficult.

Which leaves my upcoming PT appointments; I see the Ortho guy today, to get the referral, then tomorrow start the grind. I’ve done this for a few other injuries in the past. It’s not difficult, but it does take regular adherence to the program.

However, at the end of this cycle, I should be stronger and better able to work on further fitness goals.

With all that on my plate, it’s no surprise that I’ve pretty much ignored current events. Failure to shut down the impeachment trial was a slam-dunk for the Dems/Dems-Lite (otherwise known as RINOs). It says something about the current state of the GOP when the best pushback against this extra-legal action is from Rand Paul, a Libertarian. You might THINK that the GOP would see supporting the President, and Constitutional protections, as critical.

You would be wrong. The GOP politicians and administrators of the party structure see Trump and his supporters as a barrier to their function, not a benefit.

The first thing to do after the trial – no matter how it turns out, is to get involved at the local level in politics. Know who the influential people are, and start networking with those who want to get these RINOs OUT. It makes no sense to say, well, at least the GOP controls that vote, if the vote is a Dem-Lite one.

You might want to read this essay in The Tablet – it identifies the entangled entities that lay behind the Push-Trump-Movement. I hate to say it, as it almost sound conspiratorial, but we have to uproot the Elite that stand to gain from the impoverishment and political strangulation of The Normals. That means, if someone is working ‘with’ – really, FOR, China, they need to be exposed, de-fanged, and kept from exercising their influence for a foreign power.

Sign me up!!

Too Important Not To Publicize

     “When a man shows you who he is, believe him.” – Maya Angelou

     Here is Massachusetts’ Undersecretary for Climate Change David Ismay, showing you exactly who and what he is: a totalitarian who would rather that we freeze to death, and sacrifice forever the power to go where we please, when we please, than admit that his “climate change” horseshit is…well…horseshit:

     I’ve downloaded the video, in case YouTube decides to delete it.

     Ismay and his ilk are aspiring tyrants who want complete control over every aspect of your life. Never, ever imagine otherwise.


It’s back! And bigger than ever!

What must I do to be free of it?

The Sacrament Of The Hour

     For a long time, I’ve referred to abortion as “the sacrament of the Left.” Having an abortion, or having had one in the past, is one of the ways a woman establishes her bona fides as a trustworthy (?) leftist. (Men who are responsible for pregnancies terminated via abortion receive a “derived” form of credibility…as long as they never, ever say anything negative about “her” decision.) A woman who’s never had one is regarded far more warily by her leftist acquaintances. A woman who’s at all dubious about “a woman’s right to choose” is viewed as a vampire would view crucifixes and holy water.

     But there’s a problem before the Left. The percent of abortions being sought by older women is increasing, while the percent sought by younger women, including the unmarried, is declining. It seems that the decline American reproductive rates and the declines in premarital and extramarital sex are putting something of a squeeze on the Left’s recruiting. The future isn’t looking too bright.

     So a new sacrament is needed. And mirabile dictu! One has arisen just in the nick of time: Vaccination against the Wuhan Virus!

     We’ve spoken of the masking mania as virtue signaling, and it surely is. It’s well established that except for respirator masks that virtually no one is wearing, masking does nothing to impede the transmission of the Chinese Lung Rot virus or any other. But while wearing a mask does nothing to slow the spread of the Kung Flu, it signals that you care. You’re being socially responsible. Those you encounter can count on you to “come through” when it matters.

     Still, a great many people are getting very tired of masking. Increasing numbers of Americans are refusing to go along with the “mandates.” Ever more states and localities are separating themselves from the masking mania and declaring the whole thing a matter of individual choice…which it should have been from the start. So the virtue-signalers and loyalty assessors clearly need something new, and the vaccines have come along at just the right moment.

     So the Left will obviously regard an article like this one as a dagger to the heart. Wherever it appears, it will be condemned as the vilest sort of pro-illness slime. Thou shalt not denigrate our Sacrament! Legislators will be approached about what might be done to “limit its reach.” I’d be entirely unsurprised were YouTwitFace – that’s the YouTube / Twitter / Facebook conglomerate – to refuse to allow it to appear on their “platforms.” There may even be attempts to sue the author for libel. (Of whom? Don’t bother us with details, quibbler; we’re The Anointed and we make the rules here.)

     Spread it around, Gentle Readers. Please spread it around. Remember that the “medical establishment” condemned attempts to use hydroxychloroquine, zithromax, and ivermectin as anti-WuFlu treatments…and now the studies that refute their condemnations are multiplying like toadstools.

     We who blog may be the last defenses against the flood of disinformation by which the Left hopes to subjugate the country. Don’t let them get away with it. Hold your head high.

The 2nd Trial Will NOT be a Slam-Dunk

I remember reading F. Lee Bailey’s memoir (before he got old), and one of the first things he had to tell a guy – who’d quickly WON on a trial just a short time before – that the 2nd trial was NOT likely to favor him.

He pointed out that, during the 2nd trial, he would be facing people who truly believed that “he got away with it the first time, but this time he won’t be as lucky”. So, that’s an issue.

Also, the Dems have lumped together multiple charges (a practice that many DA’s do as a regular course of action). The thing is, when multiple charges are brought, the pro-not guilty crowd puts all their effort into winning on the big charges. In order to “give those voting for conviction something”, the jury often finds those guys guilty on a lesser charge.

Trump’s gotta beat ALL of the charges – and, given the squishiness of the Sorta-GOP, that’s looking less likely every day.

So, just don’t be surprised at any outcome.

Where it All Started Falling Apart

This guy thinks that Sidney Powell is generally competent – and, she MAY be, although she didn’t appear to have her stuff together at her last few appearances. However, much of that could be explained by the information in this post, and the others that follow it.

Trump has faults, along with his virtues. One of his biggest is that he tends to keep those people close who have come through for him in the past, no matter how they are performing at present.

One such is Rudy Giuliani. Whatever his reputation in the past, he is past his sell-by date. And, if this guy’s information is to be relied upon, Rudy has developed a big drinking problem since his Glory Days.

Like I said, I really cannot vouch for the accuracy of this – but, given what I’ve seen so far, it rings true.

Trump needs an organizer around him, someone who can prioritize, crack the whip as needed, and have a clear picture of what needs to be done. Trump is out of his competency area at dealing with the Deep State – he’s generally run lean & mean companies, with minimal people at the executive level, and those tended to be home-grown, in his organization. Most others are sub-contractors, or temporary hires.

I’m not sure what skill set is needed for destruction of the Deep State, but I’m pretty sure that it needs to START with wholesale downsizing of departments, other than the core. People in other parts of the Executive Branch have to have a complete hiring freeze for at least 2 years after the purge starts, to keep the leeches from slithering into other parts of government, later to surface and destroy.

I wouldn’t volunteer for that job of dynamiting the crew out. I wouldn’t know how to circumvent the tenacious Leftists who would use every tactic at their disposal to keep sucking at the public tit.

So, what CAN be done?

Use the state powers of regulatory nullification, obstruction, and keeping the scoundrels out of the states. We have pretty good control at the state level already. Step up the level of non-cooperation with the Federal forces – particularly the regulatory – and begin the process of starvation of the Federal government.

Pearls of expression.

Because my grandmother was not a pleasant woman. Cold, vain, cheap, fussy and tactless, far fonder of her friends — of which she had, to me, a shockingly high number; my mother regularly mused about selling tickets to her funeral — than her own family. To whom she could be, frankly, a bitch.

~ Kathy Shaidle quoted in “Kathy’s World.” By Mark Steyn, Steyn Online, 1/9/21.

Don’t Get TOO Excited

Many of the NLDs are seeing the Chief Justice, John Roberts, declining to preside over the 2nd attempt to Get Rid of Trump, 4Evah, as an indication that the Justice recognizes the legislative lack of standing to try a FORMER President in an Impeachment Trial.

That brings to mind TWO possible answers to the persecution:

  • If the Senate tries Trump, they are implicitly admitting that HE is the current President, or,
  • They have no right to try a Former President.

I doubt it will even slow the runaway train that this extra-judicial idiocy is. The Left has NEVER let a lack of consistency or logic stop them from any of their escapades.

What I see is a far more dangerous maneuver:

It keeps Roberts from any involvement in the process, and leaves him free to put himself right in the middle of any lawsuits that hit hit Court. If he HAD participated, it would have given Trump reason to challenge his voting on a matter in which he was involved.

Never discount the perfidy of Weasels.

Marginalia 2021-02-08

1. Missings.

     Just about the only way to know how important something, or some activity, really is to you is to go without it for awhile.

     The C.S.O. and I were once pro-football addicts. Sunday during the NFL season, we would watch at least two, and more often than not three games. It hardly mattered who was playing. But several years ago, when the kneeling-during-the-anthem BS started, we decided we would forgo it. Neither of us would tolerate disrespect toward the country that had made those players wealthy and famous. I expected that we’d miss it. I was wrong.

     When the Wuhan Virus Panic overtook the country and shut down the other two sports we followed – Yankee baseball and New York Rangers hockey – we had to adjust to their absence as well…and wonder of wonders, that proved no more stressful than forsaking pro football. Shortly after that, as those three things were our only reasons for subscribing to cable television, we “cut the cord.” The savings have been nice, but even nicer is the increment to our time to do other, more productive or pleasurable things.

     The Chinese Coronavirus scare has been horribly destructive to American life – it’s cost us a stolen national election, among other things – but as you can see from the above, it’s also been an education of sorts. I wonder what else we’ve learned from it?

2. Politics Uber Alles.

     No doubt you’ve read about this little morality play already:

     Oh, heck no. The Trumpites next door to our pandemic getaway, who seem as devoted to the ex-president as you can get without being Q fans, just plowed our driveway without being asked and did a great job.

     How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness?

     Of course, on some level, I realize I owe them thanks — and, man, it really looks like the guy back-dragged the driveway like a pro — but how much thanks?

     These neighbors are staunch partisans of blue lives, and there aren’t a lot of anything other than white lives in neighborhood.

     Miriam Weaver notes:

     [Virginia Heffernan] goes on to suggest, and I’m not making this up, that the kind act of her neighbors is comparable to Hezbollah caring for its elderly and sick population in Lebanon – as a way to gain loyalty….

     Amazingly, Virginia ends her piece with an almost incomprehensible amount of arrogance. She says she can’t offer her neighbors absolution for their support of Trump, but she can offer an invitation for her neighbors to “recognize the truth about the Trump administration” and “work for justice for all those whom the administration harmed.” Because, as she insists, “Only when we work shoulder to shoulder to repair the damage of the last four years will we even begin to dig out of this storm.”

     These…persons, for whom political affiliations and policy differences are cause enough to hate, are the reason for the polarization of the American people. Never, ever believe for a moment that their spokesvermin’s calls for “unity” are anything except a coded demand that we in the Right cease to oppose and resist them.

3. Weaponized Hypochondria.

     I wish I could justify driving to Virginia and buying a car from Eric Peters:

     I went to the live – and let live – store described in my most recent Diaper Report ( see here ) where “masking” isn’t asked about, much less insisted upon, with a friend of mine. We rode in her car, together – Undiapered – neither of us being sick nor afraid of sickness the other hasn’t got.

     We went to this store and enjoyed the company – as well as the sight – of other Undiapered folks, people not turned into quivering hypochondriacs living in panicked dread of sickness and afflicted by the belief that the wearing of a rag over their portals will prevent them from getting a sickness others haven’t got and so can’t give them….

     Later, I got a call from this friend who told me her daughter would not come over for dinner that evening as planned – having learned her mother rode in a car with an Undiapered, Undiapered.

     This friend-of-mine’s daughter – who is a grown woman – was absolutely mortified that her mother would take such a risk as to be in a car with me and in a store with others like me. And like herself as well, since she also doesn’t Diaper.

     The daughter, you see, is a Weaponized Hypochondriac: made so by a campaign of fear porn that’s aimed at destroying American social cohesion and interpersonal trust.

     Please read the whole thing, and reflect on the deeper agenda of those who would frighten us out of our families, friends, and faces.

4. Too Much Data, or Not Enough?

     Several statisticians have presented compelling cases that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. As their cases are probability-based, those who insist on believing otherwise simply dismiss them.

     Several analysts of American electoral results have noted deviations from previous patterns that aren’t “merely” unprecedented, but are so radical as to be all but impossible. But “all but impossible” isn’t quite the same as “impossible, so once again, those who insist on believing otherwise simply dismiss them.

     Many affidavits about underhandedness by election officials have been sworn under oath, all to the effect that systematic cheating occurred in the last six states to file their results. Others have reported on truckloads of ballots being imported across state lines, and voting machines that underweighted votes for Trump and overweighted votes for Biden, or simply transferred Trump votes to Biden. Yet again, those who insist on believing otherwise simply say “they’re lying,” and dismiss them.

     The presidency was stolen. The mountains of evidence and testimony are well beyond conclusive. But really, all you need to know to reach that conclusion is this:

     One candidate hardly campaigned at all. The other was on the stump almost continuously, at dozens of rallies attended by tens of thousands. The former is a mentally deficient corruptocrat barely capable of getting all the way through a sentence without lapsing into gibberish, yet the mainstream media worked tirelessly to suppress all discussion of his many low dealings and those of his family. The latter, whom the media hated and defamed at every opportunity, was the most effective president since Grover Cleveland.

     The rest, as they say, is an exercise for the reader.

5. A Pre-Announcement.

     From 12:00 AM (PST) Saturday February 20 through Monday February 22, my most recent novel will be free of charge at Amazon:

     Gail was a has-been singer from a forgotten band, surviving by performing for small crowds in coffee houses and bars, near to giving up on everything.

     Evan was a venture capitalist, widowed by cancer and robbed of his only child by a car crash, who kept going on momentum alone.

     They were going through the motions, barely clinging to life, until one Friday evening in a central New York bar, when a faint and a spontaneous rescue brought them together.

     Then the music really started.

     Get it while it’s free – and if you enjoy it, please, PLEASE review it!

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