Do Facts Matter Part 2

     In response to the first episode in this tragedy, reader Clayton commented thus:

     “Respectable, law-abiding Negroes could solve the problem by bringing their unruly racial brethren to heel.”

     Which is why desegregation and the end of Redlining was a disaster for Blacks: much like the US and EU strip-mining anyone with talent from the Third World, thus guaranteeing the Third World stays that way and gets worse, by allowing the “talented ten percent” of US Blacks to escape their feral cousins, any potential cultural or social restraint was removed. “Finding good schools,” that is, getting the hell away from Feral Americans, became just as important to Blacks on the right side of the IQ curve as Whites in general.

     There is a great insight here. Intelligence is distributed differently among the races. Moreover, intelligence correlates strongly with “law-abidingness:” the willingness and ability to conform to the dictates of the law. With about a standard deviation (15 IQ points) separating the means of their intelligence distributions, about one-sixth of American Negroes fall on the right side of the mean for American Caucasians. That gives them an incentive to separate themselves from their racial brethren and merge, geographically, behaviorally, and occupationally, with the Caucasian majority. That benefits those who can separate themselves, which no man of good will could condemn…but there are other effects as well.

     The portion of the American Negro demographic “left behind” is predominantly well to the left of the intelligence / law-abidingness mean. Without the leavening of the “talented tenth” that might assist the whole in rising toward the American Caucasian norm, those communities tend to drift further from it. Worse, the “left behind” tend not to view the “talented tenth” as models to which to aspire, but as “race traitors.” Worse still, the recent promotion of “multiculturalism” and “moral relativism” has strengthened the resistance of the “left behind” to the surrounding culture and its norms. What could possibly have resulted other than the emergence of an unruly subculture, disdainful of the laws and immiscible with the larger American culture of achievement and public order?

     Whether any power could undo that effect is open to question.


     Individuals pay attention to facts when making decisions for themselves and their families. They behave quite differently in conversations with others…and in the voting booth. In those realms, expressing widely approved attitudes and intentions gets priority. If the position that “the races differ in important ways” is widely disapproved – which has been the case for some time now – it will seldom be expressed, for fear of social and commercial exclusion.

     The same is true for voting decisions. Popular delusions about “the secret ballot” to the side, our neighbors know to a high degree of accuracy where we stand politically. We tend to vote as if they were looking over our shoulders. Thus, attention to the facts is discouraged in favor of conformance with the dominant attitudes.

     Note that the “dominant attitudes” are dominant in expression only. Individuals are aware of the facts; they merely keep that awareness to themselves, reserving it for more personal decisions about where to live and with whom to associate. (Note that very few of America’s more vociferous left-liberals live near a significant Negro population.) Coupled to the desire to assist less fortunate others that arises from human “fellow-feeling,” great harms are inflicted upon depressed sub-populations by way of government programs supposedly designed to “help” them.

     It has been observed that international aid to Third World nations only enriches their dictators. It leaves their subjects no better off than before at best. Even gifts of survival goods – food, clothing, medical supplies – tend to do no good. The power elite seizes such gifts and uses them to reinforce their own positions. The recent history of Somalia, Ethiopia, and the Sudan speaks eloquently to this point. Observant Americans have been drawing the moral…yet most fail to see the application to the very same problems within our own borders.

     Facts may be stubborn things, but they cannot compel us to give them their due, the occasional mugging notwithstanding. There’s a reason Robert Fisk’s surname has become a verb.

This Needs to Stop

But, given the culture in the Modern Democratic Party, will not – as long as the *Resident, and much of Congress and the Senate, are in thrall to China and other countries.

I’ve long been around Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and other Asian groups). It’s pretty much the standard today in STEM fields.

Most are fine people; a few are racist and classist. They are generally OK about concealing their contempt for those who don’t share their ethnicity, but when 2 or more are together, they will chatter about “Those People!”. No, the subject of their disdain is not “How great Americans are!”, but “They’re stupid, uncultured, and ugly”. They say that for ANY American – no matter what the ethnnicity – learn to listen for the phrases – you will likely be amazed at how often they use them.

The Tech companies don’t care. They just want their work done as cheaply as possible. And, once the workforce reaches a critical number, a NON-Asian candidate hasn’t a chance at being hired.

Worse, from the companies’ standpoint, many of those hires aren’t all that good. It’s not uncommon for the so-called tech expert to be clueless about the skill they were hired for (often they are a relative of someone else on the staff). So, what happens?

The new guy OWES the person who allowed them to get the treasured work permit; often, a large part of their salary is kicked back to that person. That’s why they’re always broke, and live in group housing. That concept of mutual obligations is foreign to most Americans, and death to a meritocracy.

Technical ignorance? Phfft. Easily handled by offloading the task to someone more technically proficient in India, working long distance. Miraculously, the fixed code will appear by the next day – it’s not brilliance, but off-shoring the task.

If the ethnicity is Chinese, expect China-favorable code to be inserted into the application. American software is a time-bomb waiting to go off. That’s yet another reason to use, and get familiar with, Linux. Across the planet, Geeks with No Life are pouring over the code, looking for just such malicious insertions, and working out fixes and work-arounds for the problems.

BTW, that article at the top of the post? Read the comments. They will give you a fuller picture of the reality than any “news” organization will.

Pearls of expression.

In a “60 Minutes” interview the devious duo [Bill and Hillary] was trying to spin their way out of Jennifer Flowers tattling on her long-term affair with Bill. . . . Bill and Hill were supposed to come off as a normal, wholesome, devoted-to-each-other married couple instead of the more accurate picture that was coming into focus – a philandering cad and serial sexual harasser with an insanely power-hungry harpy in tow.

‘When Mama Ain’t Happy’: Hillary Clinton meets Tammy Wynette.” By Stephen Paul Foster, FosterSpeak, 6/30/21.

Two narratives about Franken-19.

Raúl Ilargi Meijer nicely contrasts the control/manipulation v. common sense thinking about The Virus:

A Tale of Two Narratives.” By Raúl Ilargi Meijer, The Automatic Earth, 7/27/21.

I still find the deception and malevolence behind the control narrative astonishing. It’s a great tragedy that such an infestation of evil thinking occurred in the United States and throughout the Western world. We have a diseased political class. Particularly the press and big tech part.

Who are these people?

Do Facts Matter?

     This appears to be the question of our time – the supreme question of our time.

     What does it mean to be oppressed? According to the dictionary, to oppress means “to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power.” If we use that definition as our filter, which of the following American demographics appears to be oppressed?

  1. Amerinds?
  2. Asians?
  3. Hispanics?
  4. Negroes?
  5. Whites?

     To the best of my knowledge, no “cruel or unjust impositions or restraints” afflict any of those five groups. None of them are “subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power.” One of them gets special considerations from the law, as the past eighteen months of nonstop violence and looting in two dozen American cities demonstrates. If we add the de facto imposition of racial quotas in education and hiring, and government set-asides in the awarding of contracts, the position of the American Negro looks rather privileged.

     Then there’s crime. Time was, the Department of Justice kept track of racial aspects of violent crimes and crimes against property: broadly speaking, who did what to whom, by race. However, the DoJ discontinued that practice in 2014. Today the curious American must recur to local sources that maintain such statistics. Charles Murray did, and the numbers tell a foreboding tale.

     But the tale is anything but new. Jared Taylor has been keeping track for a long time. The patterns are quite clear. However, if you dare to cite those figures in public, you’ll get called – pardon the irony – everything but white.

     Facts, you see, no longer matter:

     Pennsylvania State University is defending a professor who pulled a white student in front of his class and told him that he’s breathing, so he may have oppressed someone today.

     Professor Sam Richards, who teaches the 700-student “SOC119: Race and Ethnic Relations” course, pulled students up before the class on June 30 to discuss white privilege.

     “I just take the average white guy in class, whoever it is, it doesn’t really matter,” Richards said. “Dude, this guy here. Stand up, bro. What’s your name, bro?”

     The student, Russell, stood up to face the class.

     “Look at Russell, right here, it doesn’t matter what he does,” the professor continued, according to a report from Campus Reform. “If I match him up with a black guy in class, or a brown guy… who’s just like him, has the same GPA, looks like him, walks like him, talks like him, acts in a similar way…and we send them into the same jobs…Russell has a benefit of having white skin.”

     In another class on March 4, Richards attacked two white students as “oppressors” while discussing the Critical Race Theory training taking place at Coca-Cola. The company made headlines after it was revealed that they had instructed their employees to “be less white.”

     Richards, according to Campus Reform, asked the class for thoughts on a Coca-Cola slide which read, “To be less white is to be less oppressive, be less arrogant, be less certain, be less defensive, be less ignorant, be more humble, listen, believe, break with party, break with white solidarity.”

     So according to this “professor,” this “scholar” of racial and ethnic relations, we whites are the oppressors. How? Simply by daring to breathe.

     Facts no longer matter. Perhaps they never did.

     Had enough yet?


     Divide et impera, the Romans liked to say. “Divide them and rule them.” Create mutually hostile groups in a subject population and set them at one another’s throats. They’ll be too busy fighting one another to resist Roman rule. It worked, for a time.

     Today’s version is identity-group politics. We’ve got plenty of them but only the Negroes are rampaging through the streets. Only the Negroes are claiming that we white folks have our boot on their necks. Only the Negroes are incited to violent fury when a policeman shoots and kills a black criminal. And only we whites are told that we mustn’t retaliate for all the destruction, disruption, and dislocation – that “we have to be bigger than that.”

     Do you suppose this fireman felt he had to be “bigger than that?”

     An off-duty New York City firefighter was brutally attacked by a mob of teenagers while he was walking his dog in a Queens park on Friday.

     The firefighter encountered a mob of approximately 100 teens, when one of them declared “it’s fight night” and jumped him.

     According to a report from the New York Post, “the 44-year-old victim said he was strolling with his 3-year-old Labradoodle Dylan in Juniper Valley Park in Middle Village at around 9:55 p.m. Friday when he was suddenly targeted by the mob.”

     “There were at least 100 kids … I was walking my dog. They just picked me out and approached me,” the still-shaken victim, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Post Saturday afternoon. “One kid took his shirt off and said, ‘it’s Fight Night!’ He said he was 19 and said, ‘I could fight you.’ Everyone took their cell phones out. There were cell phones everywhere.”

     “They all came at me…A kid came up behind me and hit me in the back of the head with a bottle and I let go of the dog,” he said.

     The father of three explained that luckily there was an ambulance nearby that pulled up and stopped the attack.

     Yes, the “teenagers” were black. Were you in any doubt?


     Were we to subtract the Negro demographic from these United States, the nation’s violent-crime and crimes-against-property statistics would virtually disappear. So would 90% of the political issues that are used to bludgeon whites about their “privilege.” That could be done peacefully, after an agreement that the black race is incompatible with the others and must be separated geographically from them. But our spineless, parasitic political class must first be replaced by patriots with clear vision and common sense. Failing that, this scenario is much more plausible.

     We cannot continue to be victimized both criminally or politically, yet continue to be a unitary nation. The current situation is unsustainable. Therefore it will not be sustained. The sole questions remaining are about methods and details.

     Respectable, law-abiding Negroes could solve the problem by bringing their unruly racial brethren to heel. Will they see the writing on the wall and do so? Or will they continue to “circle the wagons” around black criminals, and to claim that it’s privileged white oppressors who are really to blame?

     Can facts be made to matter once again?


The giant middle finger from the toads.

The passage of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 was a classic demonstration of how America works, or doesn’t, depending on your point of view. While we focus on differences between Republicans and Democrats, it’s their uncanny habit of having just a sliver of enough agreement to pass crucial industry-friendly bills that really defines the parties.[1]

The giant higher education rip off is financed by a devil’s bargain. Naïve, energetic, and/or ambitious young people buy into the notion that a college degree is essential. That degree has built in obligations for the student to finance stadium construction, frivolous degrees for one and all, princely salaries for professors and diversity commies, and, for good measures, a healthy dose of physical assault for free speech promoting un-woke opinions. The price of admission to this clown car experience is ruinous for the young who don’t yet grasp the relentless effects of compound interest or that seemingly decent people would connive against them by making them the cash cows for the university high life.

The bankruptcy change guaranteed a life of debt slavery for such a precious resource with profound implications for political stability, home ownership, and family formation. A moral approach — missing on all fronts — would have shifted the risk to the universities and made them shoulder the risk of student default and fine tune their tuition, compensation, hiring, and curriculum policies accordingly.

But, no, that road wasn’t traveled at all. Everything proceeded on autopilot and the devil take the hindmost. 21st-c. America in its present form. The young will justifiably feel outrage over this and America’s political class will rightfully be seen in yet another area to be utterly indifferent to our national interest and the interests of our citizens.

Pay up, kids! Rev that hamster wheel. That’s what the political class has in store for you. And, please. Don’t blame “capitalism.” There are basic duties of every decent government on earth that have nothing to do with that. Public order, honest dispute resolution, attention to the welfare of the nation as a whole, control of the plutocrats. Marxism has nothing to offer here except even worse concentration of power and even more official unaccountability. A profound moral revolution is called for. Solzhenitsyn pointed the way with his simple but complete injunction: “Live not by lies.”

[1] “The Trillion-Dollar Lie. Universities built palaces and financiers made fortunes in part through a lie: that student loans can’t be discharged in bankruptcy. But a series of court cases is helping unravel the scam.” By Matt Taibbi, TK News, 7/22/21.

Quick Takes

One: The Left ruins everything it touches



Our host tipped me off to this piece up about the “wokification” and corrupting of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings which was, actually, the first true long and weighty piece of literature I ever read.  In that tip our host stated (italics in original):

The trend among Leftists in the arts has been to desecrate great older works such as The Lord of the Rings in any possible fashion, and to condemn outright that which it cannot somehow spoil.

It suddenly occurred to me: Morgoth and then Sauron took elves and broke & ruined them to create orcs as servitors to their evil – “a ruined and terrible form of life”.  So, too, do Leftists take the transcendent and uplifting and break & ruin them in the service of their evil.

And while I’ve only recently become a fan of art museums, I find myself gravitating towards art that uplifts, that enlightens, and that shows incredible talent and skill mastered over years. I see the destruction of art, specifically, as a way to break our appreciation for our own civilization. For when cans of an artist’s feces are hailed while actual art is denigrated, we’ve lost our sense of our own civilization:

Great civilizations can survive a lot of things, but not impoverishment of spirit. – Mark Steyn



And while driving one day I found the classical channel.  OK, I like heavy metal, and generally listen to talk radio, I was captivated by the transcendent skill that it took to compose some of the pieces I heard, as well as the coordinated orchestra – practiced and accomplished and disciplined musicians all – that were required to produce that piece.




Two: Bertold Brecht: Prophet



Single, Military-Aged Males From Haiti and Senegal Walk Through Border Gate in Del Rio (VIDEO)

From f*cking SENEGAL?  Who remembers the “refugees” from the Congo and other African nations at our border?  And IIRC, but I can’t find a link, they were observed to have rolls of $100 bills.  As Surak notes:

June 2021 was a record month ever for illegal crossings, with 900,000 total so far in 2021. That is more than the population of some states. There are not many cities larger than that.

And separately, same link:

It’s planned. Do you understand? The United States is under invasion, our armed forces are standing down, and “law enforcement” is assisting.

Those of you who think that in 2024 Trump will come roaring back?  Nope.  Not happening.  TINVOWOOT.  Never mind all the skullduggery (love-love-love that word!) that happened in 2020, just think of all these illegals and refugees streaming and/or being flown in who will be naturalized in the nick of time for the 2024 elections (embedded quote, bolding added):

The Obama administration had its own project for turning aliens into citizens as quickly as possible in order to get them on the voting rolls, but the new strategy goes beyond anything Obama tried to do.

The new strategy begins with using DHS to assemble all the available data on the “potential naturalization-eligible populations” and breaking it down by age, sex, and zip code, as well as other demographic details, to target “outreach”.

By “outreach”, the working group of agencies headed by Biden appointees means converting aliens into citizens.

That data will allow the government and a spectrum of “partners”, most of them Democrat allies, to target resident aliens the way a corporation targets potential customers of its products.

Except that the data is coming from the government and the product is voting for Democrats.



The piece quoted is by Daniel Greenfield, who wrote about this before; HOW THE LEFT WINS ELECTIONS BY TRANSFORMING NATIONS:

Bertolt Brecht once wrote, “Some party hack decreed that the people had lost the government’s confidence and could only regain it with redoubled effort. If that is the case, would it not be simpler if the government simply dissolved the people and elected another?”



And from the main source article from Peter Grant:

With every illegitimate, un-American move the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party make, that switch is getting closer and closer to being flipped.  If they continue on their current path, sooner or later, that’s going to happen . . . and they’re going to rue the day they made it inevitable.

Brecht’s sarcasm is now literal truth. Western governments are dissolving their peoples and electing other peoples in their place. Democracy allows peoples to elect governments, but power also allows governments to elect a people. The left has decided that it can win the demographic game of thrones by changing the demographics. And it’s right.



America has been betrayed by both Left and Right – the former who envision a compliant and dominant voting bloc, and the latter who want cheap labor.




Three: The future belongs to those who reproduce

So a few days ago I took the kids on a whale watching trip.  Great trip, lots of whales – a good first-time experience for them.  A first for me was one humpback who breached several times, and another who did fin slapping.  The older one asked pointedly: When are we coming again?  Amusingly, the young one complained about still thinking they were moving as I was putting them to bed.  I tend to get my “sea legs” very quickly and wonder if they’re following suit.

I got to chatting with one of the crew, a young woman who – as it turned out – was a few days away from her 30th birthday.  Attractive… and unengaged, let alone unmarried, and with no kids.  Inferentially, because it’d be rude to just ask, there were no plans to get hitched or have children.

Meanwhile, in a video I wish I still had, a Muslim preacher was holding forth in Europe and, as they talked about conquest, several parents held up their infants.  They know. Muslim Births Projected To Outnumber Christian Births, Others By 2035. And from this article (bolding added):

Algeria’s undisputed ruler until his death in 1978, said it clearly in a 1974 UN speech:

“One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends.

Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.



Look, I’m not arguing for women to be barefoot and in the kitchen squirting out kid after kid relentlessly year-over-year for their whole fertile lives.  But the trends are clear – we are being outbred in our own lands.  From that same article as above:

In Australia the trend is like this:

30 years ago, there were about 25.000 Muhammedans in Australia. Today the official figures are said to be 350.000

A demographer studying Muslim migrant populations recently came up with the following:

Average Muslim migrant populations tend to double in size approx. every 10 Years.

On my old blog I discussed The Islamic Lotus and the peril we face, based on this analogy:

Imagine a large lake with an invasive new plant that doubles every day.  Located in a bay, it doubles daily without notice.  But all of a sudden, a total surprise, it is suddenly covering 1/16 of the whole lake, then 1/4, then 1/2, then the entire lake is choked with it. Seemingly overnight… in scant days… a clear lake is taken over.

y = e^x

Exponential curves are a cast-iron b*tch when the independent variable goes positive.

As Muslims migrate in, some moderate.  Some, like my (nominally) Sunni Muslim wife, are really atheists and are not an issue – I cannot envision headstrong Mrs. N adopting any kind of headbag (in a conversation with her sister who voiced a thought that maybe she’d start wearing a hijab, my wife exploded “We’re Kazakhs, we don’t wear that Arab sh*t”!).  But in general they do not assimilate – they’ve come to conquer, and they know it.

And so many Westerners – whether in Europe or America – are utterly clueless… and will be utterly clueless right until they’re choked by that weed.



Charles Martel, Jan Sobieski III, Vlad Tepes, and others weep as our elites willingly surrender – indeed, give aid and comfort to the invaders – what they fought, and what countless Westerners gave their lives, to defend.




OK, an open question.  The last Covid collection was looooong, so long people have commented negatively – and fairly – about it.  Here’s the issue: the deluge of information has not slowed.  So I am openly asking for suggestions on how to shorten them to a “manageable length” while still making sure I cover things well.

Gifts, Love, And Miracles

     Today’s Mass reading from the Gospel of St. John told of the miracle of the Loaves and Fishes:

     After these things Jesus went over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias. And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased.
     And Jesus went up into a mountain, and there he sat with his disciples. And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh. When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do.
     Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little.
     One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, saith unto him, There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?
     And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.
     When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten.
     Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world.
     When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.

     [John 6:1-15]

     Food, it has been said, is our most common nonverbal way of expressing love. We feed those we invite to our homes. Moreover, we put forward the best we have, not the leftovers from last week’s repast of Hamburger Helper. Not to offer any food or drink is an indirect way of saying I am either indifferent or hostile to you. You are at best an interruption to my preferences, and I look forward to your departure. Those who cross our threshold will get the message either way.

     Several readers have remarked upon the frequency of eating scenes in my novels, especially those of the Futanari Saga. Gatherings among the characters nearly always involve food and drink. (Yet they aren’t grotesquely overweight. Praise God, a miracle! (:-)) The significance should not be lost, for those characters are nearly all animated by love: love of the Christian variety at the very least, and in several cases of the more intimate kinds as well.

     The entire point of the saga was to depict love under challenging circumstances. For whose circumstances could be more difficult than my fictional futanari, excluded from both recognized sexes by an accident of genetics and unable to do anything about it? A brief passage from Innocents captures the essence of the thing:

     Hallstrom sighed. “I wish I knew of a doctor or a nurse I could seduce into joining the school. Not many of our sort go into medicine, though.”
     “Why do you suppose that is, Amanda?” Anna said.
     “I haven’t the faintest idea, dear. I know of only one who went into one of the helping professions, a girl who works as a grief counselor in the Rhode Island schools.” She smiled faintly. “Perhaps we’re too wrapped up in our own concerns.”
     “Easy enough to see how that can happen,” Juliette said.
     “Not admirable, though,” Rowenna said. “Definitely not constructive. We want the rest of the world to see us as just like them, if not quite. That we’re children of God just as much as anyone else. But the few of us who’ve come out have almost all gone sex-toy. Playthings for wealthy Jap wankers who want lovers that look, smell, and feel like cute birds but come equipped with something hot and juicy to stuff up their—”
     “Yes, of course, dear,” Hallstrom interjected. “You’re right, as much as it pains me to admit it. But all Athene can do with its students is educate them. We can’t reshape their characters. And to be perfectly fair, the typical futa does have quite a high hill to climb, what with the, ah, competition we face these days.”
     “I just don’t get that,” Juliette murmured. “I don’t think I ever will.”
     “It’s not always hard to understand, love,” Rowenna said. “Consider my Holly. Can you imagine her as anything but a woman?”
     “I guess not,” Juliette said. “But she’s an exception.”
     Rowenna smiled. “As are we, love. If there’s an important difference between her sort and ours, it’s emotional rather than physical. Surgery can deal with most of the bodily bits. What still matters that comes out the other end of that process are convictions and attitudes.”
     “Self-image,” Celia murmured. “We look in our mirrors and see what God made us. We might like it and we might not, but most of us learn to accept it. They can’t accept what they see. They hate it and become obsessed with changing it, and these days they can. So they do.”

     In contrast to contemporary transgendered persons, my futanari characters can do nothing whatsoever about their uniqueness, except learn to love and accept themselves. It’s a considerable challenge, made even more formidable by the existence of men of great wealth who value them for their unique bodies alone. Such men are among us today, as I discovered when I started to research the segment of the sex industry centered on transwomen.

     But love of self answers only part of the human need for love. We also yearn for the love of others, and to love them in return. He who can’t get or give love tends to get sick and wither away. Lacking evidence that others value him, he tends not to value himself. The consequences are predictable.

     And so, when those we love visit us, we respond with gifts of food. Oftentimes they bring a little something as well. The significance of the exchange goes far beyond matters of nutrition.


     That human need for love deserves more attention than most give it. Other creatures have affinities that resemble love, but considerable ambiguity surrounds them, even in the nurturing of their young. Only in humans does love appear to be a survival requirement.

     And herein lies a great mystery: Love would seem antithetical to survival, at least at microscale. For love motivates gifts, and to give is to deprive oneself. Yet humans do it all the time.

     Love, however expressed and “accessorized,” weaves together every sort of association. Despite the seeming clash with isolated personal motivations, it’s present in all human structures, from the nuclear family to the nation. The need to love and to be loved appears to be integral to our natures.

     Why is this attribute of Man not included in compendia of the miraculous? There’s no biological basis for it. It manifests between persons so different from one another that their sole shared characteristic is their humanity. It even manifests between humans and their pets, whether or not Spot or Felix can reciprocate it.

     Creation itself is sufficiently mysterious to occupy legions of powerful minds for millennia, which is indeed what it has done. But this embedding in Mankind of love, the essence of God, is even more numinous. It points arrow-straight at the Creator Himself. For who else could have produced a sentient creature, inherently aware of his separateness from the rest of existence, yet filled with a need to be united with the whole – i.e., to love and be loved?

     Miracles extend from the greatest of the galaxies to the smallest child. God’s love is in all of them.

     May God bless and keep you all.

A giant uncontrolled experiment.

I have the feeling that the story about Covid and the vaccines is about to change dramatically . . . .

That is, we will be moving from “the vaccines will save you” to “the vaccines may kill you”. And I don’t mean through unintentional and unfortunate adverse effects, though those are bad enough, and much more common than we are “allowed” to know. I mean that the spike proteins the vaccines force your cells to make [. . .] kill more people than the virus they purportedly protect against.

* * * *

[Part of the vaccine approval process was not politicized but those involved] did get emergency authorizations, for which other substances, that could have saved countless lives, needed to be banned and ostracized. But in the end it all comes down to what the “vaccines” accomplish over the medium- to long term, and that is exactly the part that was never tested.[1]

Years ago I watched a NASA documentary about the many Shuttle missions and what had been learned or observed from them. One segment of the film reported that the forest clearing and burning in the Amazon was so extensive that it could be seen from the Shuttle. The rain forests were a matter of “great concern” in those days and I have a feeling that over the years the fear that the world would run out of oxygen abated quite a bit because nature’s regenerative powers proved to be more than were expected. It’s almost as though there was a terrestrial attempt to generate hysteria on an environmental issue, though I know that’s just crazy talk on my part.

Be that as it may, the film had a rather elegant take on the issue, which was that humans were undertaking a giant uncontrolled experiment down there in the forest. It acknowledged a legitimate concern but stopped short of saying that doom was inevitable. Would that there were such restraint now. Mr. Meijer essentially makes the same point here, namely, that a certain supposed short-term efficacy of the vaccines is touted as getting us out of the “minefield” of the Franken-19 virus but no one knows jack about how this is going to play out long term.

That’s a charitable take. Namely, reckless behavior to achieve a short-term benefit but crossed fingers on the long term. The less charitable take, which I endorse, is that there are elements of astonishing manipulation and determination to get the vaccines into the human piping regardless of any and all known risk factors. Kids and infants have nearly nonexistent risk of succumbing to the virus but the vaccine commies are, so help me God, absolutely determined to vaccinate THEM. Those are some diseased minds and tainted souls who are pushing that, but rest assured that they are.

Then there’s the full-court press to denigrate and dismiss the now well known efficacy of HCQ and Invermectin, among other drugs and treatments, AND the very small risks of dying from the virus — particularly if you actually do something for stricken people instead of sucking your thumb and mouthing the mantra “ain’t it awful.”

Too, I’ve read that earlier vaccines tried with the swine flu or something were withdrawn after the appearance of drug reactions far, far less serious than what were seeing now with this whatever. But here we are touting officially touting some revolutionary approach to immunization that involves fiddling with one’s actual genes, if I understand the approach. This is not a traditional approach where a weakened or neurtralized piece of the disease organism is introduced to the immune system which is then “trained” to recognize the actual pathogen if it arrives. No such mobilization of the body’s natural defenses is involved and now we have the spike protein cascading throughout the body like brooms in Disney’s cartoon, “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.” And we’re supposed to listen to asshats who think they’re gods and have the intellectual horsepower to reboot the globe. And spike proteins are collecting in the ovaries of women and the hearts, lungs, and brains of both sexes with consquences unknown to any human on earth (though we’re beginning to get an idea). Fertility is what concerns me as does the obvious agenda of economic destruction.

A giant uncontrolled experiment.

I quote Paul Craig Roberts earlier. “The entire ‘pandemic’ has been conducted outside the realm of evidence.” That is true and I have NO doubt that the public health, pharmaceutical, and media sectors know damn well that the evidence is firmly against them so censorship, repression, infantilization, and outright lies are the order of the day. God blesss the people in the streets in France and Greece who are signaling they’ve had enough with that.

[1] “Rage Against the Vaccine.” By Raúl Ilargi Meijer, The Automatic Earth, 7/24/21.

Proud To Be…?

     The “pride talk” has gotten way, way out of hand.

     Even John Hinderaker has fallen into it:

     Most people, first of all, are proud of being Americans. That is a good thing.

     Is it? Are you proud to be an American? Is “being an American” your personal achievement? If not, what are you “proud to be?”

  • Negro?
  • Hispanic?
  • Homosexual?

     I’ve seen all those “prides” bandied about recently. They’re all equally silly. If Smith is Negro or Hispanic, the “achievement” is Smith’s parents’ for not strangling the little monster in his crib. As for being “proud to be gay,” don’t you fudge packers, meat smokers, and carpet munchers claim that it isn’t a choice – that you were “born that way?”

     Get it right, people:

Pride is appropriate only for one’s own achievements.

     Now, there’s a difference to be demarcated: the difference between “proud to be” and “proud of.

     I was born an American. Therefore, it is not my achievement. I am exceptionally pleased to be an American, and would never want to be anything else. So let’s can the “proud to be” BS and look at the relationship properly. I am proud of America, and I hope you are, too:

  • For being explicitly based on individual freedom;
  • For being the most moral and honorable nation in history;
  • For several times fighting to save other nations from their own follies;
  • For trying to maintain a government genuinely based on the consent of the governed.

     Has the United States failed, now and then, to live up to its ideals? Yes. But every other nation in history has done so more frequently and to worse effect – and that’s if it had ideals in the first place. Them’s the facts, Jack. So much for the detractors and spittle-flingers.

     Let all your “prides” be just.

     There will be no commenting on this mini-tirade.

Collection of Covid Info

All links are presented “as is” and I make no guarantee for the accuracy / truthfulness of any. However, as a pattern of what I’ve been observing, all the links presented here – and yes, I leave many I read out (believe it or not!) – seem to me to fit into a unified and consistent skein on this subject.

Note: LOTS and LOTS of info; I don’t want to abuse my being a guest here so am striking a balance between frequency and size, so these are large compilations once a week as 1) there’s a lot of info about this coming out, and 2) I suspect (and hope) the information dams are cracking.  Nor do I expect every link to be clicked on, but rather am presenting a smorgasbord for you to select as you will.  (Most memes are presented AS IS, but if you like one of my cartoons, please just reference me as the creator and give a linkback to Liberty’s Torch where you’re seeing it.  I paid for each cartoon to be professionally done, and through the linkback hope to drive more traffic to Liberty’s Torch in general!)

I want to thank COLD FURY and THE OTHER MCCAIN for, respectively, specifically mentioning my prior Covid link post in a post of their own, or including that listing in one of their own link compilations.  I also want to thank WRSA for commenting with this excellent link:

Barnhardt Podcast #150: Holo-cough Denial



Many have noticed that the globalists are using private industry to drive this implementation of government policy, in what is IMHO a textbook case of Fascism, to push this Jab into everyone’s arms.  Two posts from Cold Fury (which I saw courtesy of the fact they linked to this essay, see above):

Is “mind your own fucking business” a good enough reason for ya?

Followed up:

I repeat: who they are, what they do

** So what is this?  A perfect, classic example of Alinksy’s RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”  Quote:

“If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)”

They have weaponized this.  Conservatives and Libertarians have a profound respect for private property – as we should.  But it’s been used against us like an Aikido master.  Rules and honorable behavior are only to be applied against honorable foes.

Can a business ban unvaccinated customers? Here’s what we know

Also noted by our host:

Corporate Misbehavior

And overseas:

New Proposal: Your Workplace Could Make Vaccination Mandatory Against Coronavirus




** Video.  Supposedly in Dallas, TX, and per comments a few months ago.  Bullets.  Centers of masses.  Now.  This is unconscionable.



From this post at Vlad Tepes:

Socialist School board shuts down ALL critics of CRT: Links post 1 for July 16, 2021

** Quote:

Governments have been committing a massive lie of omission when it comes to administering the clot shots to people. They claim its approved, but then do not state that in fact it is not approved in terms of going through the rigorous testing procedures and regulatory bodies that normally test new medications, let alone brand new technologies as a whole. In other words, they say it is approved (under the emergency measures act, usually unstated) knowing that people who hear this will imagine it is approved in the same way aspirin or Tylenol is.

More and more people are catching on to this though and asking the direct question: “Is this approved by whatever federal regulatory agency that nation may have, or is it just by order under an emergency measures act?” As a result, it looks like governments are about to make it so that federal agencies will approve these gene therapy shots without the proper testing or time required to do them, but put an official stamp on them. And the deconstruction of Western, science based civilization moves forward a giant step.

And as more and more people question, look for the distractions to start popping up.  E.g.:

Active Shooter Outside Washington Nationals Game Causes Chaos Inside Stadium – Fans Take Cover Under Seats (VIDEO)

** We’re going to see more of these, IMHO, and other “distraction” methods.  And more panic porn about the Delta variant, then the Lambda variant, then…

Biden Regime Tightens Regulations on Taking a Shower

** Seems unrelated but it is: the never-ending hemming-in of liberty on matters large and trivial is designed to forge mental chains on us with restrictions on even the smallest of things.  For there are no chains stronger than imposed restrictions that we have made part of our internal character.

Why My Son Is Unvaccinated

** Quote:

“[Fauci] could get a job working for the Weather Channel because they’re the only people on the planet that could be more incorrect than him.”

That’ll leave a mark!  Oof!  Make that comment go viral!  Apply Alinksky Rule 5!

Pandemic and vaccine news: July 19, 2021

** First, thanks Surak for the HT at the top.  But in all this very-good info, please note one thing he wrote:

“One slide shows the WHO changing their definition of herd immunity to exclude natural immunity, a former part of the definition.”

If your goal is the squashing of a pandemic, you keep natural immunity as part of the equation.  If your goal is a needle in every arm heedless of anything else, you exclude it.

So much for the COVID-19 vaccination!

** Peter Grant with some great data.  And the implications are clear, but I’ll proffer another: if the current Jabs are ineffective against the Delta scariant, and then the doubtless follow-ons, then it means Jabs forever.  More:

Breaking: 60% of British COVID Patients Have Received at Least Two Vaccine Doses

SARS-CoV-2 mass vaccination: Urgent questions on vaccine safety that demand answers from international health agencies, regulatory authorities, governments and vaccine developers                  

** Abstract:

Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, the race for testing new platforms designed to confer immunity against SARS-CoV-2, has been rampant and unprecedented, leading to conditional emergency authorization of various vaccines. Despite progress on early multidrug therapy for COVID-19 patients, the current mandate is to immunize the world population as quickly as possible. The lack of thorough testing in animals prior to clinical trials, and authorization based on safety data generated during trials that lasted less than 3.5 months, raise questions regarding vaccine safety. The recently identified role of SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein for inducing endothelial damage characteristic of COVID-19, even in absence of infection, is extremely relevant given that most of the authorized vaccines induce endogenous production of Spike. Given the high rate of occurrence of adverse effects that have been reported to date, as well as the potential for vaccine-driven disease enhancement, Th2-immunopathology, autoimmunity, and immune evasion, there is a need for a better understanding of the benefits and risks of mass vaccination, particularly in groups excluded from clinical trials. Despite calls for caution, the risks of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination have been minimized or ignored by health organizations and government authorities. As for any investigational biomedical program, data safety monitoring boards (DSMB) and event adjudication committees (EAC), should be enacting risk mitigation. If DSMBs and EACs do not do so, we will call for a pause in mass vaccination. If DSMBs and EACs do not exist, then vaccination should be halted immediately, in particular for demographic groups at highest risk of vaccine-associated death or serious adverse effects, during such time as it takes to assemble these boards and commence critical and independent assessments. We urge for pluralistic dialogue in the context of health policies, emphasizing critical questions that require urgent answers, particularly if we wish to avoid a global erosion of public confidence in science and public health.



Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children

** JAMA article – bookmark this!!!  Let our children breath!  Related:

Fauci Now Claims Universal Masking in Schools for Everyone Older than 2 ‘Is a Reasonable Thing To Do’

Hey Fraudci, do the letters F and Y have any significance for you.  The problem will be that schools are so risk-averse that administrators would rather die than do anything that might open them to a lawsuit.  “We follow CDC guidelines” is a large part of trying to forestall any suits (I’ve already seen this on school websites and emails).  I suspect that my pushing on it at our kids’ private school is the big reason why they’ve worked to push us out – without admitting that’s what drove their pushing us out.

Biden Says the CDC Will Likely Issue Guidance Saying Unvaccinated Kids Have to Wear Masks When Returning to School

Think Twice Before Giving the COVID Vax to Healthy Kids

** Of course there’s a compelling reason: global population reduction.

Covid vaccines for kids under 12 expected midwinter, FDA official says

** And once “fully approved” the push will be to mandate this for all kids (adults too).  But when the dying starts?  Oh, wait, the dying has already started and they’re still pushing forward with this.  Full approval will be pushed through soon.

** Related:

Fauci says he would be ‘astounded’ if Pfizer, Moderna and J&J Covid vaccines don’t get full FDA approval

Doctors Can Vaccinate Kids in DC Without Parental Knowledge

** I’ve already been telling my kids to REFUSE this.  And if someone forcibly inserts this into my kid, I will forcibly insert high-velocity lead into them.

** Next up, B”H, enough data to keep kids from getting Jabbed. And while I certainly wish no child ill, it would be poetic justice if the kids or grandkids of these Jab pushers had issues after their Jabs.

Opposition calls for COVID-19 vaccine clinics in Alberta schools this fall

** Much harder to resist The Jab when you’re in front of your friends who are cat-calling you if you resist.

Johns Hopkins Study Found Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy Kids

** I was listening to the radio and the top-of-the-hour newscast had some sob story about a young adult who swore he didn’t need the Jab, and died. Only in the weasel words of the story did it come out he’d had a lot of health issues, including pulmonary issues.



** The State dictating to private entities what they can and cannot publish?

What terrifies me is not that nascent fascists want to do this, BIG LIE style, but that there are so many people who have no issue with it. 

“[Hitler’s] primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”

Does this sound… current-event familiar?

Politicization Destroys Confidence in Science

** Quote:

“Science” means whatever powerful Democrats say it means at a given moment. Those who dissent are systematically silenced. In the near future, all Democrats and no non-Democrats will have confidence in “science.”

Which brings up the First Commandment, and my essay on that:

The Technological Golden Calf

A follow-up on this thought.  My wife’s BFF’s husband works for one of the Jab makers.  He, and she, and their children now all have matching T-shirts that reads “Science will win”.

* The masks – and now T-shirts – are the ritual clothing showing in-group status

* The Jab is the sacrament

This is a state-run religion, and we heretics will be targeted.

** Notice something?  CHINA is not a mandatory Jab country.

European States Restricting Ability of Unvaccinated to Live Normal Lives in Jab Drive

** The hemming-in proceeds apace.  More:

Macron Threatens Business Owners Who Fail to Check Patrons’ Covid Passports with One Year Prison Sentence, €45,000 Fine

Paris Clinics Offering Fake COVID Passes For £250 as Black Market Surges

** Anyone not surprised?  And one other thing:

French Face 6 Months in Jail For Entering a Bar or Restaurant Without a COVID Pass

** The greater the penalty – financial, jail – the greater the incentive to make sure the police don’t catch you.  At some point – Hashem help us – people will start making the Solzhenitsyn calculation (bolding added):

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

The police better grasp their position… and their vulnerability.  Understand, of course, I don’t want this to happen – no sane person does.  But laws can only be enforced when there are enforcers willing / able to do it.  Update:

Macron Forced to Back Down on Mandating Vaccine Passports For Shopping Malls After Nationwide Protests

** Understand something fully: they are hell-bent on this.  This backing down is temporary.  And in Oz:

Australian MP Says Unvaccinated People “Need to be Controlled and Restricted”

** Controlled and restricted?

Will we as Americans actually see these tactics used on citizens who elect not to be vaxed? I sure hope not, but with the current regime, all sorts of clown world antics are possible.

** Long but with lots of links, e.g., about other countries and their doing forced quarantining and isolation, including planning camps.

WARMINGTON: Man in forced detention in a Canada COVID hotel

** Forced into isolation, forced to pay for it.

** If they can censor ONE thing for “misinformation” they can censor everything.  And that’s what they’re trying to acclimatize you to accept.



Ohio Gov. Dewine Signs Bill Banning Schools From Mandating Coronavirus Vaccines

** Quote:

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (RINO) has signed legislation that prevents public schools and colleges in the state from requiring people to get a vaccine that has not been fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Note the weasel words.  “Not been fully approved”.  That’s coming, and right soon, and then this law will be moot.  I have a good friend in Ohio – he says DeWine is as back-stabbly a RINO as they come.

Expect lots of kabuki by pols passing similar legislation with similar weasel words.

Protests Held Across Metro Detroit Over Vaccine Mandate for Henry Ford Hospital Employees

** This will be squashed, and hard.  There will be NO dissent from The Narrative lest the people at large question The Jab.  More from Michigan:

Michigan Senate repeals emergency powers law; Whitmer can’t veto

** About time the MI GOP grew at least a vestigial set.

Tokyo 2020: Hungarian Athlete Canceled Her Olympic Participation — This is Why She Decided to Do So

** Translated quote:

Julia Schmid, a kayak-canoe slalom qualifier, has withdrawn from the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games following the decision of the Hungarian Olympic Committee (MOB) that only athletes protected against Covid-19 can be members of the Hungarian team.

On 9 July, the Hungarian Olympic Committee (MOB) decided that only athletes protected against Covid-19 can be part of the Hungarian team at the Tokyo Olympics. Subsequently, Julia Schmid, who has a reallocated quota in slalom kayaking, announced that she will not participate in the Olympics for this reason…

Can you imagine?  All that preparation, training, etc., gone?  But good for her.

Chaos on the Streets of Sydney as Anti-Lockdown Protestors Flood COVID Hotspot Chanting ‘Freedom’ While Truckies and Tradies Block Major Bridge Demanding Extraordinary Two-Week Ban on All Construction be Lifted

** Please understand – I do not condone or advocate for a violent resistance.  But I fear it’s coming.

LA County Sheriff Says He Will Not Enforce COVID Mask Mandate

** Good.

Doctors’ group plans to sue colleges that require students to get Covid-19 vaccine

** And I was listening to my favorite AM talk show and he described this case:

Guillain Barre Survivor Denied Medical Exemption By BYU Hawaii Despite Medical Contraindication

Resistance To Vaccine Passports Shows The Elites Haven’t Snuffed Out Our Desire For Freedom

** This is why – look above to the POLICE STATE section – the fines are so heavy.  They’re terrified that people are saying no and are determined to cow the populaces into obeying.  On that:

Cyprus: Protesters Storm TV Station Over Coronavirus ‘Slave Pass’

Nightclub Owners Say They’ll Refuse to Enforce Vaccine Passports as a Condition of Entry

** Good.

Lawsuit Filed Today Accusing Government of Hiding More Than 45,000 Dead Americans from the Jab

** Do some math.  Let’s assume that the Covid death numbers were hyperinflated – a supposition supported by several data points that have come out – and that this number is conservative.  Could it be that the deaths from The Jab actually exceed those who died FROM, not WITH, Covid?


The more confrontational you are, the more black marks they’ll put next to your address.  Factor that in.  Related:

US Marshall Explains What to Do If JoeBama’s Vaccine-Knockers Darken Your Door

** Overall I like Wild Bill for America – and IMHO he’s got a good one here.

Note: Granite Grok is New Hampshire’s premier conservative site and they need legal defense money.  If you could consider chipping in that’d be great.



** And related:

mRNA Vaccine Inventor: I Risk ‘Being Assassinated’ For Speaking Out Against Experimental COVID Shots

** I have ZERO doubt his pre-written “tragic accident” report has already been written.  With this much money at stake – billions upon billions just this year let alone the ongoing boosters forever – don’t doubt it at all.  No wonder he’s scared:

“This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit”: mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries



** Why, it’s almost as though there’s a deliberate and centrally-organized campaign running this. Almost.  </sarc>

** When you have to bribe people to do something, something ain’t right.  If a thing has merit, it will be.

** My synagogue does not require showing your Jab certificate, but “requests” that non-Jabbed people wear a mask.  I never thought I’d live to see the day a Jew demands another Jew wear a piece of cloth or other distinguishing marker.  And if they go to asking for your Jab cert, I will openly state I will not comply – and shame on them for asking for my papers!

** On the plus side of the predicted Jab die-off – these people need culling!

** Again, empathy is a marvelous thing, but it’s been weaponized.  The Globalists are insane, but they’re also very, very clever.  And if you notice, people were wearing masks to protect THEMSELVES… until the pore vs. virus size was pointed out.  Instead of saying “Wait, you’re right” they flipped it to PROTECT OTHERS.  It was never about the virus, it was about wearing the mask.  Related:

Tucker Rips Return of Mask Mandates: ‘A Sign of Obedience and Submission’

** Good point!  And another:

** Go Candace!

** And this time they’re immune from lawsuits!

** Believe!  Believe!  Big Brother can be trusted!

** Prediction.



Diamond and Silk nail Fraudci

** I’ve downloaded the video just in case.  Oh heck, here:


Sen. Rand Paul Destroys Dr. Fauci Again

Video: Rand Paul Vows To Ask DoJ For Criminal Referral On Fauci After Blistering Exchange

LIAR FAUCI BUSTED: 2018 Video Shows Dr. Fauci REINSTATING Gain-of-Function Research at NIH – Defending Its Use

Fraudci loses it

** Fauci is rapidly becoming a liability for them.

House Democrats Block Bill to Declassify Intel on Origins of COVID-19 Virus in Wuhan Lab

** What’s that quip?  It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up. (And I was 100% convinced, even before this, that Democrats not only knew, but were active in helping it spread – remember the Lunar Festival? – as a weapon against Trump.)

Reasons to be fearful of China’s data-gathering

** There are already rumors that Covid and successors are targeted at non-Asians.  If this is true, and can be proven to a high degree of confidence, let the nukes fly.  For example, this quote from a comment by Surak on one of his blogposts – can’t find the specific place though:

It has not escaped attention that the highest death rates per capita seem to be in Caucasian countries – and India is part of the Indo-European stock.

Stock up on potassium iodide.  If this is shown to be done deliberately, Russia will turn on China in a cold second.  Putin may be a bloody-handed monster, but he believes in Russia.  White Russia.

WHO Admits Rejecting Lab Leak Theory Was Wrong

** IMHO they know.  They’re covering their butts for when actual proof somehow gets out.  Related to the lab:

China Not Cooperating With WHO on Wuhan Investigation; Again Says Fort Detrick Should be Focus

Fauci: We’d Have Smallpox and Polio in the US if the Current Level of Misinformation Existed Decades Ago (VIDEO)

** First, those were real vaccines, not mRNA Frankenstein monsters.  Second, he’s lied so often he could say the sky is blue on a clear sunny day and my first reaction would be to run outside with a color chart to check.

Dr. Fauci Did lie to Congress and documentation provided by Sen. Rand Paul proves it

** Fraudci’s squelching of HCQ alone should land him in jail for life with an amorous cellmate who likes older “prison b*tches”.  Audio only at the video – but funny.

Putting the Biden government’s COVID pressure in a proper historical context

** Quote (links in the original):

But back to Fauci’s falsehoods….

Smallpox killed 33% of those it affected, regardless of the victims’ age or general health. Those who survived were left hideously scarred. If the disease mutated into hemorrhagic, or black, smallpox, it was invariably fatal. The risks of dying from smallpox were so great that people viewed with great relief variolation (inoculation with life smallpox) because it substantially reduced the risk of a fatal infection. Nowadays, when we no longer used life smallpox, the risk from the smallpox vaccine is that one out of 1,000 people get an allergic reaction, with 14-52 people out of one million getting a skin infection or, worse, postvaccinal encephalitis or heart inflammation.

Polio or, more officially, poliomyelitis, was another scourge, especially because its preferred target was children, with many of those who survived left paralyzed. Although polio seems to have ancient genetic origins, it really took off in America in the early 20th century. In 1907, there were 2,500 cases in New York City. By 1916, there were 27,000 cases with 6,000 deaths — that’s a 22% mortality rate. And again, let me remind you that those who were most likely to die were children. Even during the epidemic of 1949, when medical treatments had advanced significantly thanks to two world wars, 42,173 people, mostly children, got polio, with 2,720 dying. That’s a 6.4% mortality rate.

Did scientists stifle the lab-leak theory?

** They certainly did, IMHO. It would have helped Trump. Which, IMHO, tells you “everything you need to know” about their characters: they’d rather squash in investigation into what actually happened, possibly leading to people dying, than do something that might benefit their political opponent.



New UK Study: People Who Have Been Vaccinated Make Up 47% of New COVID Cases

** What percent in the UK have been Jabbed?  And isn’t this evidence that the Jab may not be as effective as promised?  So, cue crickets on this – but expect drug-pusher-level increases in new Jabs every few months or so.  A product with no liability at all (at least in the US, and I suspect elsewhere).  Man, I’m in the wrong line of work, but then… I have a soul.

Biden: COVID ‘Misinformation’ Is ‘Killing People.’ So Why Is Fauci Still Recommending Masks?

** It’s only misinformation if it counters the goal of a needle into every arm.

The ‘COVID Misinformation’ Train Wreck

** Quote:

If they are “an imminent and insidious threat to our nation’s health,” why can’t the government just talk to them directly?

More to the point: If these people are so influential, have them on national TV with counterarguments.  SHUT UP is not an argument, but it is something the Left has used for decades:

Twitter suspended New Jersey State Senator Declan O’Scanlon for questioning vaccine passports and mandates

** You WILL toe the line, comrade.  More:

Twitter Temporarily Suspends Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene – Again

Great thread by Glenn Greenwald

** All the times they’ve backtracked and/or been shown to be wrong – let alone lying – but NOW we’re supposed to believe they know the whole truth?  Nope.

Just 12 people are responsible for the majority of COVID-19 conspiracy theories online, study finds. JFK’s anti-vaxxer nephew is one of the ‘disinformation dozen.’

** What’s the hidden message?  If you’re “Jab hesitant” it’s because of a few nutballs, so don’t listen to them.  TRUST THE SCIENCE!!!  And note the instant drive to shut people up who disagree with The Narrative, quote:

“The CCDH is now calling on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to de-platform every member of the disinformation dozen with haste.”

Any counter-argument, any counter-presentation, even there being another reality, is the enemy of The Big Lie.  Related:

Who Are the COVID-19 Misinformation ‘Dirty Dozen’ WH Wants to Silence?

“If the Biden administration were interested in relieving COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, they would put forth convincing arguments, data, and information to make people feel as if they could give informed consent. More listening and less vilifying would be a much better strategy.”

Again: If they had the facts – verifiable, testable, replicable facts – they wouldn’t be scared of being challenged.  And now, the truth of the real target of this comes out:

[WATCH] Biden’s Communications Director Just Swapped Out the ‘Disinformation Dozen’ for ‘Conservative News Outlets’

One Day Soon, You’ll Wake Up to Find Your Favorite Website Has Vanished

** Bit of an ad for their VIP level.

And my recent piece on this, at Granite Grok:

Is President Asterisk Ruthlessly Deleting Wrongthink in Your DM’s and Emails?

Sharyl Attkisson: Big Tech Is Censoring Key Facts About COVID Vaccine Safety

** Researchers across the world are raising red flags about this, and governments are full speed ahead.  Something does not add up – at least not if the public’s safety is the goal. Related:

Fauci Demands Censorship to Fight Pandemic

** As a STEM professional I find the idea of simply shutting down opposing views utterly repugnant if you want to ascertain the Truth (or at least as close to it as humans can come). And it is a yuuuuuuuge red flag to me. More: he gets it:

YouTube Removes Video on Parental Rights, Claiming Vaccine ‘Misinformation’



Reiner Fuellmich speaks with lawyer from India about Covid rates, deaths, and the fight for Ivermectin

** The reason this is here rather than with Ivermectin, etc., is because of the data “tweaking”.  Just yesterday there was an MSN piece about >600K deaths in the US, which we KNOW is BS.  But remember Rules 1, 2, and 3 (mine, so please give me credit!):

Rule 1: It doesn’t matter what’s true, it’s what you can get people to believe.

Rule 2: If you control the information flow, you control what people believe.

Rule 3: If your information manipulates emotions to make people believe they are good and virtuous for believing what you want, no facts or reasoning will undo those beliefs.

Just look at the Jab selfie-stations – people can broadcast to the world how wonderful and good and noble they are:

Having shown themselves to be good and virtuous people bravely protecting others, they’ve been immunized… not against the virus, but against any information that goes counter to what TPTB want them to believe.

‘They Should Be Fired’: Scientist Says Washington State COVID Test Info That Prompted Lockdowns Is ‘Garbage Data’

** In general, how many lockdown advocates with their hands on actual levers of power to do it – who did it – lost a single paycheck?  And related – I make my living in a STEM career.  If I misrepresented data and conclusions like this, I’d be out of work.  But an interesting quote I saw:

“Any data set can be tortured until it confesses”.


COVID-19 News: England Unlocking is ‘Unethical’, Say 1200 Scientists

** How many times can they be wrong and still have their jobs?  And an Instapundit collection about this.



Revealed: Dr Simone Gold implored VP Pence to support executive order making hydroxychloroquine available over-the-counter

** HCQ is OTC in many countries and has been used widely for decades.  It’s history is will known (as is Ivermectin).  Given Pence’s actions on January 6, I’ll say it: I think it is possible Pence was actively part of sabotaging Trump through the entire thing.  I can’t say for sure of course, but… how many deaths might have been prevented, that would have then not been laid at Trump’s feet?

Israeli lab: Some existing drugs could stop COVID at almost 100%

** As I’ve said before: If this were an actual pandemic that was a true (cue dramatic reverberation) “threat to all of humanity” then we’d be throwing the kitchen sink at this.  Anything, everything, would be tried and good results would be shared.  Instead, we get cases like this poor woman:

Woman on Ventilator Clinging to Life, Doctors REFUSING Treatment, Violating Judge’s Order

So she improved after one dose, which I’ve read about in other instances.  And more Ivermectin was forbidden? Related:

Frontiers Removes Controversial Ivermectin Paper Pre-Publication

** People are dying. There is – as far as I understand – overwhelming anecdotal evidence that Ivermectin and HCQ+zinc work (e.g., the Zelenko Protocol). To wait for “true scientific studies” in the face of clinical and empirical evidence of success is criminal – but again, it’s to push a needle into every arm.

White House Staffer, Pelosi Aide Test Positive for COVID-19

Any takers on my bet that every single Democrats is on HCQ on the QT?  Either that or Ivermectin? How do these people sleep at night?



Republicans have become the Death Wish Party

** Quote:

They’re not just standing up and speaking out against the COVID vaccines, they are passing laws with the express purpose of making it easier for people to refuse vaccinations. In some cases, these laws are specifically aimed at school-age children. It’s one thing to put your adult neighbors and employees and fellow workers at risk. It’s quite another to put not only your children, but all children at greater risk of getting sick with a virus that, with the spread of the Delta Variant, is showing signs of being deadly to children as well as adults.

First, from Salon, so note the source.  But also note the language.  Republicans oppose mandatory / forced Jabs.  This results in children dying.  The clear implications is that Republicans are evil.  What do “good people” do when faced with evil people that don’t mind seeing children die?

These people feel morally superior in their pro-Jab position.  And on the flip side:

MIT Study: Vaccine Hesitancy Is ‘Highly Informed, Scientifically Literate,’ and ‘Sophisticated’

** As I’ve noted before, I have challenged people on Jab statistics.  I have asked them about the total immunity of liability of the makers (at least here in the US, I can’t speak about other countries but I’d be surprised if they weren’t immune overseas too).  I have asked question after question after question, without answers, without curiosity – but they call ME uninformed??? 


Hemmingway Destroys Dem Narrative on Vaccines: 61% of Vaccine Hesitant People are NOT Republicans

It’s not just Trump-supporters who are resisting the COVID vaccine

** Over ½ of government health workers have not accepted the sacrament.

And related to the first link, more painting of anyone to the Right of Stalin as evil and dangerous:

MSNBC: GOP Is a Greater National Security Threat Than Al-Qaeda And ISIS…

CNN Demands to Know Vaccine Status in Order to Submit Questions to Ask Biden at Next Week’s Town Hall in Cincinnati

** As I read this – allowing I could be wrong – this is to submit a question ON LINE.

STUNNING: Watch How Media Covered Swine Flu Vaccine After 4,000 Reported Adverse Events in 1976 – Then Compare to COVID Vaccine Coverage after 463,000 Adverse Events

** The Swine Flu program was called off after, what, 50 deaths?  25?  Something like that.  Meanwhile, last I saw, we’re pushing 11K deaths and they’re still going strong.

The Panic Pandemic

** Never let a crisis go to waste.

A reporter lies about Trump’s statement regarding vaccines

** There’s a reason I call them the ENEMEDIA.



Olivia Rodrigo explains ‘man crush Monday’ to Fauci while reading fan tweets

** As I said, a thing that has merit will be.  When you have to push-push-push PR with pop stars and free beer and lotteries, something is very, very wrong.  But don’t forget, these people are convinced they are doing good, and that makes them very hard to deter or dissuade.

Biden’s Door to Door Plan to Inoculate Americans

Vaccinated Canadians Won’t Be Spending Time Around The Unvaccinated: Poll

** Does this sound familiar:

3:28 – The believers must not establish friendship with the unbelievers in preference to the faithful.



Jen Psaki: Vaccines Can Kill Even the Young

** Would this be a GAFF?

Injecting Data Along With Vaccine

** Say, what’s that thing about being marked so that none may buy or sell?

Scientist Sounds Alarm: COVID Vaccines Producing Symptoms of Parkinson’s, Other Neurodegenerative Disorders

Seven Hairy Hells, just how many “rare” side effects besides the deaths do people need?  Related:

Birth Defects, Paralysis, Stroke & Blindness – UK Gov. release 24th report on adverse reactions to the Covid-19 Vaccines

Mailbag: The Lawyers Are Gearing Up For What They Know Is Coming…

** If you know it’s coming, instead of preparing for lawsuits why aren’t you forestalling lawsuits by saying this Jab could be dangerous?

T.L. Davis: Not For Me

** Quote:

None of the sources I found admitted the inclusion of graphene oxide. If graphene oxide is actually in the injection and not listed or addressed in documentation about the contents, it is a crime against humanity.

I have seen, at this site especially, a number of videos regarding graphene oxide being in the Jabs. These data are compelling; I have yet to see – and perhaps it’s there but unknown to me – independent verification of this claim.
Now, if it’s true and can be corroborated, verified, and replicated, this SHOULD be a game changer. Key word, SHOULD. You’d think over 11K Jab-related deaths reported to VAERS would be a game changer. You’d think young people with enlarged hearts would be a game changer.



As Canada Eases COVID-19 Border Restrictions, Advocates Say Refugee Travel ‘Essential’

** What’s important?  Electing a new population that will vote for you:


In parallel, if Covid is such a BIG F*CKING DEAL (TM: President Asterisk) why are they letting hundreds of thousands stream in, many of whom have Covid, and actively transporting them across the country?

CDC Issues Warning About Monkeypox-Infected Air-Passenger Traveling Through Atlanta

** The only way to stop global transmission of pathogens is to shut down airplane flights – every single one.  Period.  Absent that, they’re not serious.  And I’m floored we haven’t had an actual Ebola outbreak in America given that both Nigeria and Congo are two flights away from JFK or O’Hare.

The eventual effects of Covid on the economy

** Quote:

McDonalds can hike their wages up to $15+ an hour and give new workers a $500 signing bonus, but the mom-and-pop restaurants down the street can’t. What this system is doing is quietly eliminating the small business sector, the same sector that employs around half of all Americans.

Fascinating observation.  And it drives people to be employed by corporations, who are implementing the Dems’ Covid policies.  How… accidentally convenient.

COVID Recession Shortest in History; Recovery Began Under Trump

** Quote:

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) declared Monday that the coronavirus recession lasted only two months — the shortest on record — and that the economic recovery began in May 2020 under President Donald Trump.



“All Lies”: Dr. Yeadon Sums It Up On The CovidHoax

** Video and article both.

Nothing about the “novel” coronavirus is new: Dr. David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich

** I’ve always been dubious about patenting life forms, but… this does provide a paper trail!

Glazov Gang: Vaccination Passport – The Road to a Totalitarian State

** I have been fearing this moment for decades.

Deadly COVID mRNA Shot Is Made To Murder You While Big Tech Censors Victims

Emergency Saturday Transmission! Biden Administration Preparing Forced Injections

** Both InfoWars.  On the latter, given that I’ve seen videos of forced injections in other countries – and see the SPECIAL at the top – it’s coming.

“Are there Jews in Your Attic?” Try, “Are You Vaccinated?” Must-Watch Debate: Is Lying Always Wrong?

** Quote:

I think all adults need to sit down and watch this, even if in blocks, and not go bumbling forward into the Covidic Reich without giving serious, informed thought to the question of what you will do when you will inevitably be asked by a Covidic Gestapo with full powers of arrest and detention, and the mandate to take your children from you, “Are you vaccinated?”



Get Vaccinated – or Else

** My fear of catching the virus?  0%.  My fear of losing my rights because of this?  100%.  Related:

Man who nearly died from COVID and now struggles to breath says he deserves ‘punishment’ for not bothering to get vaccinated

** So you better get it, for goodness sake!

They Are Desperate To Get Their Poison Into You

The missing link in the COVID vaccine equation

** Quote:

I’d like to know, no matter what, because having all the facts makes an informed decision easier. I’ve been sick, mildly, a couple of other times since the beginning of COVID. Being a healthy person, I don’t stay sick for long. If I could get my “passport” stamped IMMUNE, I’d be happy. Since I’ll never take the jab, it would allow me to live my life as a free citizen once again.

It’s not about protecting the public.  It’s about driving mRNA into every living person.

Why I want to catch COVID

New long COVID studies warn we’re still in “uncharted territory”

** BE AFRAID! GET THE JAB!  Not just THE Jab, but ongoing Jabs:

Monthly vaccine doses

TOLDYA: BigPharma now pushing MONTHLY “vaccination” in UK. The objective is a global mandatory coerced “subscription” to BigPharma, and THIS is how you sterilize humanity

** Endless profit with zero liability.



Sudden Death After COVID Vaccination

** Another from the same site – lots of them on the sidebar:

45-Year-Old Mother of Two Dies 6 Days After COVID Vaccination Required By Employer

** Can the employer be sued?  The makers of this stuff sure can’t.  All profit, no risk – what a business model!

Dystopian Media Moment: Everyone Needs the Jab And It’s Normal if You Die As a Result

** Death from a medication is always a risk, but it’s never normal.  And if someone is telling you it’s normal, then it’s definitely not normal.

5,522 people have died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 Vaccine in Scotland according to Public Health Scotland

** Quote:

The most up to date figures published by PHS and within the report released by on the 23rd June 2021, and they reveal that between the 8th December 2020 and the 11th June 2021 a total number of 5,522 people died within 28 days of having a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

That’s a fatality rate of 0.1%, or 100 per 100,000.  Contrast that with, say, the 2018 US homicide rate of 4.96 which, as we “know”, is a horrific thing and an abomination in the sight of the Left thus driving the need to ban all guns.

The ‘Inventor’ of MRNA Technology Says Vaccines are 72% More Likely to Kill Female Children Than Coronavirus

** Video.  Now, remember that in population growth women are the bottleneck.



Into the gulag: July 16, 2021

** Good Covid stuff plus other info.

REPORT: “900% Increase” In Illegals Testing POSITIVE FOR COVID Within First Two Weeks Of July

** If they were actually concerned about Covid the border would be closed.  But the Great Replacement must continue regardless. Related:

30 percent of illegal immigrants in border facilities refused COVID vaccine: report

** Bet they’re still released into America’s interior anyway.

COVID-19 Death Toll in India May Top 4 Million

One of my clients is in India.  They said it was and still is bad.



** Yes, that’s confidence.

** Yes I did LOL! (And I want some.)

** Yup.

** One of my favorite not-kosher seafood dishes.  Sigh.  There are moments when I regret Hashem renewing my faith… but then again, in all actually, faith is a good thing.

** Good safety idea!

** Yes, I’ve had my shots. Both of them.


     I’m hurting somewhat – yesterday was a day of much exertion – so have a few brief comments on assorted matters, that I might leave my computer and assume a more comfortable position. Assuming I can find one, that is.


The Dynamic of Power Strikes Again.

     Don’t take that “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity” stuff too seriously:

     Today’s FBI is a nightmare. They have turned the FBI into a political force akin to the East German Stasi and the Nazi’s Gestapo. Instead of protecting American citizens they are spying on patriots and launching groundless cases, such as the bullshit charges brought against DEA Agent Mark Ibrahim….

     You can read those charges for yourself. I have no love for the DEA, but I have even less for a government agency doing what the FBI appears poised to do to Ibrahim.

     Not only did Ibrahim not enter the Capitol, he was there with his brother, who is an FBI Agent. But he also was there with a “friend” who, it turns out, was an FBI informant. That FBI informant was encouraging Ibrahim to go inside. Ibrahim did not. But the fact that he did not incite violence or engage in any act of violence is ignored by the ironically named U.S. Department of Justice. They want to make an example of him.

     Any and every law-enforcement agency is a power center. Power centers are all subject to the dynamic of power. That dynamic, over time, will corrupt the institution regardless of any and all efforts to keep it honest. The FBI has not proved to be an exception.


And While We’re On The Subject Of The FBI…

     Apparently, now that the Left controls the federal government, they intend to get revenge on those who previously failed to cooperate:

     A group of US Democratic senators on Thursday said that newly released materials show the FBI failed to fully investigate sexual misconduct allegations against the US supreme court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he was nominated to the court in 2018.

     The senators, including Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Chris Coons of Delaware, said a letter they received from the FBI director, Chris Wray, last month shows the FBI gathered more than 4,500 tips relating to Kavanaugh without any apparent further action by investigators.

     “The admissions in your letter corroborate and explain numerous credible accounts by individuals and firms that they had contacted the FBI with information ‘highly relevant to … allegations’ of sexual misconduct by Justice Kavanaugh, only to be ignored.”

     Note the use of the word credible. “Credible” is a personal judgment in the absence of evidence – a matter of opinion, if you will. Its presence in the above is a rhetorical device, a way of suggesting that the reader should take the writers’ opinions of the “tips” as authoritative. Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations received no corroboration whatsoever from any witness that came before the Senate. Why, then, should these “tips” be granted any credence whatsoever?

     The Left is vindictive in the extreme. If they can “get” those who failed to deliver Kavanaugh’s scalp, they will, and never mind how many years and changes of administration it takes.


Authoritarians Gonna Authoritate.

     Leana Wen doubles down:

     CNN medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen on Thursday demanded a nationwide mask mandate regardless of vaccination status.

     Leana Wen was born in China and served as the president of Planned Parenthood until July 2019.

     “Without a reliable system to determine proof of vaccination, it’s not possible to tell who is vaccinated and who is not,” Wen said. “The honor system does not work.”

     Wen said ultimately the Biden Administration should mandate Covid passports in order for people to be able move about. [Emphasis added by FWP.]

     Doctors have always displayed a dictatorial tendency, but Miss Wen has decided to take it as far as her imagination will allow. Place millions of people under house arrest for not complying with her arrogant demands? No problem!

     I’d advise this woman to be very careful going through doors and crossing parking garages.


Anyone Still Not Convinced?

     Apparently we palefaces are the reason the Negroes won’t go outdoors:

     A report published by Outside Interactive alleged that America’s historically racist policies have contributed to “the nature gap,” resulting in black Americans having less enjoyment of the so-called “great outdoors.”

     Erin Key, the report’s author, is pushing for minorities to use their free time outdoors in nature through the use of grants and advocacy work. She does not, however, mention that there are no modern laws prohibiting non-whites from visiting public nature sites.

     “Though many don’t like to speak about it, so many of our living relatives experienced racism when it was legal — directly affecting how they interacted with society and how society interacted with them — all based on the color of their skin,” Key wrote, explaining that her family lived through an era “when many Black Americans were taught not to do things outside of their community areas, in an effort to keep them ‘safe.’”

     I’m unconvinced. Negroes don’t go outdoors because they feel “unsafe” out there? I’ve been mugged five times. Each time the mugger was black. Each time it happened “outdoors.” What am I missing here?

     Is the problem that our parks and nature sites make our darker-skinned brethren feel “unsafe,” or is it the distinct lack of asphalt and basketball hoops?



     In light of recent developments, I fear the worst:

     Comes now Amazon, with its own Middle Earth series, drawing upon “The Silmarillion” and “Unfinished Tales.” (Confession time: I admit to lacking the intellectual firepower to work through the former, although I did enjoy the latter.) There has been a great deal of speculation among fans as to the nature of the series. And it looks like the first leaks are out. Among other things, the new series will include “sexless nudity,” as opposed to the absence of nudity in the books.

     Maybe Amazon will hit it out of the park. The Tolkien estate seems to think so. But it is worth noting that the release is coming after the latest meeting of the Tolkien Society, during which papers were presented and discussions were held about ways to make the legends of Middle Earth more woke. These of course are the same kind of people who will highlight in bright yellow the “environmental messages” in LOTR, while conveniently ignoring the chapter entitled “The Scouring of the Shire” in The Return of the King, which provides a very accurate description of the effects of socialism.

     The trend among Leftists in the arts has been to desecrate great older works such as The Lord of the Rings in any possible fashion, and to condemn outright that which it cannot somehow spoil. Tolkien himself described his magnum opus as an overwhelmingly Catholic novel. It perfectly expresses his own Catholic-pastoral morality and ethics. (Tolkien was no fan of industrial society.) To turn it into some sort of “woke” tract would be a kind of blasphemy, on the order of a Passion Play performed entirely in the nude, with lots of gratuitous swearing and sex acts.

     If Amazon permits the befouling of The Lord of the Rings, those who’ve loved the trilogy should vow never again to patronize Amazon.


     That’s all for today, Gentle Reader. Time to soak in a hot tub for a week or two. See you tomorrow, perhaps.

Something Catholic And Beautiful

     If you haven’t yet made the acquaintance of Loreena McKennitt, it’s high time. Listen to what she does with the stanzas from Saint John of the Cross’s classic tome Dark Night of the Soul:

Upon a darkened night
The flame of love was burning in my breast
And by a lantern bright
I fled my house while all in quiet rest

Shrouded by the night
And by the secret stair I quickly fled
The veil concealed my eyes
While all within lay quiet as the dead

Oh night thou was my guide
Of night more loving than the rising sun
Oh night that joined the lover
To the beloved one
Transforming each of them into the other

Upon that misty night
In secrecy, beyond such mortal sight
Without a guide or light
Than that which burned so deeply in my heart
That fire t’was led me on
And shone more bright than of the midday sun
To where he waited still
It was a place where no one else could come

Oh night thou was my guide
Of night more loving than the rising sun
Oh night that joined the lover
To the beloved one
Transforming each of them into the other

Within my pounding heart
Which kept itself entirely for him
He fell into his sleep
Beneath the cedars all my love I gave
From o’er the fortress walls
The wind would his hair against his brow
And with its smoothest hand
Caressed my every sense it would allow

Oh night thou was my guide
Of night more loving than the rising sun
Oh night that joined the lover
To the beloved one
Transforming each of them into the other

I lost myself to him
And laid my face upon my lover’s breast
And care and grief grew dim
As in the morning’s mist became the light
There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair
There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair
There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair

Having It Both Ways

     I’ve ranted on other occasions about my strong preference for stand-alone novels: i.e., no unending series in prospect and no need to purchase a sequel to find out how the story ends. Now and then I find one that “cheats” in some fashion, usually by incorporating plot threads that aren’t critical to the resolution of the novel’s main conflict, but which will support a sequel should the fit take its author. Over time I’ve come to appreciate this technique for keeping one’s auctorial options open. It capitalizes on the existence of well-developed characters and settings, which are difficult, valuable items.

     There’s also the recognized attraction of the familiar protagonist and the familiar setting. Many readers actively seek series founded on an appealing protagonist. Consider Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, Malorie Cooper’s Tanis Richards, and John Conroe’s Christian Gordon. The approach guarantees the reader that whatever the novel’s failings of plot or style, at least he can count on the presence of his favorite hero.

     Of course, there always remains the question of whether a sequel to a stand-alone novel is a good idea. Are its “trailing threads” strong enough to hold up a new story, or will more elements be required? If a protagonist is to be perpetuated, is he attractive enough to serve as the tale’s central character, or should he be subordinated to a new face? And what about the setting? Is it broad enough for the proposed new plot, or would it prove too confining? Satisfactory answers to these questions are particularly important for tales told in the speculative genres.

     Sometimes the answers to those questions emanate from one’s readers.


     Just now I’m straining to choose what sort of project to start next – apart from the interminable yard work, that is – and I can’t decide. However, in recent weeks readers have asked me for:

  • More from the Onteora Canon;
  • More from the Spooner Federation Saga;
  • More from the Futanari Saga;
  • More from the Aeolian Fantasies;
  • And more standalone romances.

     I’m tempted to do one of each! But there’s no guarantee I’ll live long enough, so I have to choose…or set out in a completely new direction, with no guarantee that my existing readership will follow along. It makes the virtues of the series protagonist / series setting approach look a lot better than previously.

     I suppose this isn’t the worst problem a novelist could have. All the same, I’m beginning to feel like the donkey who starved to death because he was equidistant from two identical piles of oats and couldn’t decide between them!


     Another consideration is my inclination to explore challenging ideas and themes. That’s been a constant for as long as I’ve been writing. Are there still new ideas to explore? If so, which ones mate best with which genres? There’s also the problem of protagonist selection. Some ideas demand a particular kind of protagonist and wouldn’t work with any other kind. I’d hate to try to wrap a murder mystery around Father Raymond Altomare, the much-traveled pastor of Onteora parish.

     The writer determined to address a new idea will always need to select the characters and setting with which to depict it. Generally, the idea must come first. It will rarely arise in the course of writing an already-settled story. But this can frustrate the writer who seeks to incorporate the idea into (one of) his existing series.

     You see, I do have an idea in mind. It involves necromancy. I’d like to use it, but it seems incompatible with my four existing series. (I’m not going to embed it in a romance, either.) So far I’ve been unable to sculpt a setting for it. As for Marquee characters, those too have proved elusive. Given time and a smidgen of luck, something will occur to me when I least expect it.


     I suppose that’s enough kvetching for the moment. This sort of fumfering around, groping semiconsciously for ideas, characters, settings, and whatnot is one of the reasons writers’ groups haven’t worked out for me. As little as I like my own tendency to drone on and on about the problems involved, I can’t bear to hear other writers do the same. But for those who’ve been wondering what’s next on my fictional agenda, perhaps the mutterings above will tide you over until I have something concrete to dangle before you.

     Have a nice day.

Idaho Governor’s Message to Californians.

The Mystery Of Work

     It’s time for something to raise the spirits, rather than darken them as political BS tends to do. As it happens, I have something of the sort on tap.

     First, a little C. S. Lewis:

Then an experience that perhaps no good man can ever have in our world came over (Ransom) – a torrent of perfectly unmixed and lawful hatred came over him. The energy of hating, never before felt without some guilt, without some dim knowledge that he was failing to distinguish the sinner from the sin, rose into his arms and legs till he felt they were pillars of burning blood. What was before him appeared no longer a creature of corrupted will. It was corruption itself to which will was attached only as an instrument. Ages ago it had been a Person: but the ruins of personality now survived in it only at the disposal of a furious self-exiled negation. It is perhaps difficult to understand why this filled Ransom not with horror but with a kind of joy. The joy came from finding at last what hatred was made for. As a boy with an axe rejoices on finding a tree, or a boy with a box of coloured chalks rejoices on finding a pile of perfectly white paper, so he rejoiced in the perfect congruity between his emotion and its object. [From Perelandra. Emphasis added by FWP.]

     That sense of congruence that arises when one matches the tool to the task perfectly is one that virtually everyone feels at least once in his life. Most people fail to grasp its full significance, despite its intensity. This is a pity.

     You may be thinking that I must have had such an experience recently. You’d be correct about that. Details to follow another cup of coffee.


     I like trees. I tend to excuse their little faults, such as the tendency of the twin aspens in my back yard to “shed” copiously whenever there’s a breeze of more than about five knots. Still, it wearies me to collect the branches and pile them up out of the way, especially as I have no way to dispose of them.

     Yes, there are firms that will rent you a wood-chipper. But any homeowner who’s used one will tell you that that’s pretty wearying too…and what are you supposed to do with the chips? The garbage collectors still won’t take them, and the rental company won’t dispose of them for you. Unless you have a hedge that needs mulching, you’ll simply be trading one problem for another.

     So as of the day before yesterday, I had a huge pile of aspen branches, some of them as much as a dozen feet long and four inches thick. piled up alongside my fence. It wasn’t a pretty sight. I’d resolved to do something about it, but aspen is unsuitable as firewood, and anyway my old chainsaw breathed its last some time ago.

     In the hope that reducing those branches to a manageable size would at least allow me to rent a pickup truck and tote them to the landfill, I went a-shopping for a new chainsaw. In the course of my search I stumbled over something I didn’t know about: the existence of battery-powered chainsaws, some of which are small enough to be operated with one hand.

     At only seventy-five dollars, it seemed like a modest risk, so I bought one that has a six-inch bill. It had its baptism of fire Monday afternoon.

     Glory be to God! What a perfect tool for the job!

     I kept at it as long as my body would hold out.


     There’s more to the story, of course. Yes, the saw was perfect for my application, and I rejoiced in the discovery. But beyond that, it was the first seriously hard physical labor I’d indulged in some years. I went back to the house exhausted, showered off the sweat, and spent the remainder of the day with a huge grin. Despite recent difficulties in sleeping owing to my bad shoulders, hips, and knees, I slept “the sleep of the just.”

     Sometimes, one discovers what one needs entirely by accident. This was one such instance. I needed physical exertion, and a time away from my computer, quite as much as I needed to do something about that pile of fallen branches. Despite the effort and the consequent fatigue, that period of labor exalted me. It left me feeling right.

     As happens so often, my lumber-room of a memory reminded me of a passage from a novel:

     David has never entered the elder Schiele’s mind before. The old man is a grim and forbidding character, well past sixty, who says little and stalks dourly through his day-long round of chores with his heavy-jowled face perpetually locked in a frosty scowl. David occasionally wonders whether he once might have been a concentration-camp attendant, though he knows the Schieles came to America in 1935. The farmer gives off so unpleasant a psychic aura that David has steered clear of him, but so bored is he with the trout that he slips into Schiele now, slides down through dense layers of unintelligible Deutsch ruminations, and strikes bottom in the basement of the farmer’s soul, the place where his essence lives.
     Astonishment: old Schiele is a mystic, an ecstatic! No dourness here. No dark Lutheran vindictiveness. This is pure Buddhism: Schiele stands in the rich soil of his fields, leaning on his hoe, feet firmly planted, communing with the universe. God floods his soul. He touches the unity of all things. Sky, trees, earth, sun, plants, brook, insects, birds—everything is one, part of a seamless whole, and Schiele resonates in perfect harmony with it.
     How can this be? How can such a bleak, inaccessible man entertain such raptures in his depths? Feel his joy! Sensations drench him! Birdsong, sunlight, the scent of flowers and clods of upturned earth, the rustling of the sharp-bladed green cornstalks, the trickle of sweat down the reddened deep-channeled neck, the curve of the planet, the fleecy premature outline of the full moon—a thousand delights enfold this man. David shares his pleasure. He kneels in his mind, reverent, awed. The world is a mighty hymn. Schiele breaks from his stasis, raises his hoe, brings it down; heavy muscles go taut and metal digs into earth, and everything is as it should be, all conforms to the divine plan. Is this how Schiele goes through his days? Is such happiness possible? David is surprised to find tears bulging in his eyes. This simple man, this narrow man, lives in daily grace.

     [Robert Silverberg, Dying Inside. Paragraphing for legibility added by FWP.]

     Young telepath David Selig is astounded by what he finds in the mind of Hans Schiele. Schiele is a humble farmer for whom David had never before had a glimmering of respect. Yet old Hans Schiele has mated a tool – himself – to its perfect application – the land he farms. His labor is his fulfillment and his glory, though it is no less wearying for that.

     This might not be my – or your – perfect application. But we all have bodies. They need to be used, sometimes to their limits, to remind us of what they’re capable of and can do for us.


     I spend the greater part of my day writing, or (more often than not) trying to write. It’s the vocation I chose for my senior years, and thus it gets the greater part of my time and effort. But the body is still there. When there’s other work to be done, fetching the proper tool and having at it isn’t just the dispatch of an obstacle to other things. It’s also a fulfillment in itself.

     The moral of the story is quite simple:

Work of any kind,
Done with one’s whole being,
Is not a cross but a blessing.

     Yes, it’s a necessity, but so are eating, washing, eliminating, and sleeping – and these things are also pleasures, are they not? So why shouldn’t work, undertaken at the proper time, with the proper tools and in the proper spirit, be a pleasure as well? Isn’t the leisure that follows physical labor, and the relief of weariness that accompanies it, greatly enhanced by prior exertion? How much does anyone enjoy leisure if he has no work whatsoever to occupy him?

     Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow!

The Fundraising Dynamic

     The following six-minute video from Dinesh D’Souza is a must-view:

     In light of David Friedman’s assertion that political parties are vote-maximizing machines (from The Machinery of Freedom), the decomposition of a political party into its constituent components, specifically to look for any “interior” motivations, is of particular importance. There is no guarantee that the parts of an organization will always support the nominal purpose of the whole. D’Souza provides both a logical argument for the duplicity of the Republican National Committee’s fundraising apparatus, and evidence to support it.

     Of course, it’s also possible that the RNC’s political strategists are deeply involved in the fundraisers’ activities, and support them enthusiastically. Indeed, the more I contemplate it, the more likely it seems. After all, there’s no inherent incompatibility between them, and everyone loves a nice big helping of graft appreciation for services rendered to the “cause.”

     “Politics and business…I don’t pay them no mind.” – Jesse Colin Young


H/t: The Burning Platform.

A Quick Alert

I’m heading out of town for a few days. The Lord of the Manor will be staying behind, this trip.

We’re still trying to nail down a house:

  • That we can afford without dipping into our retirement funds, and that will not require a bridge loan.
  • That is big enough to give us some space, yet not so big that the cost of utilities will bankrupt us. Also, not too big because, I hate to clean.
  • We need separate rooms for our “stuff” – he likes to put his stuff in Craftsman carts, and little cubbyholes. My stuff is mostly technical/radio/computer.
  • I need a separate office for my insurance stuff, with locking file cabinets. When I work, I’m mostly portable these days, but I do need a separate, quiet room for phone calls/video conferences.
  • A decent-sized kitchen for him, a 1st floor bathroom for me, and, for us both, laundry facilities that don’t require trips up and down stairs.
  • Near enough to medical facilities that we don’t have to be life-flighted if there is a major problem.
  • Would like: a patio/deck, a place to put a garden. No HOA. Room for a radio antenna and my radios (I’m willing to share space in my office).

But, real estate is moving fast, and we’ve missed the window of opportunity several times, by not being able to tour a house as soon as it hits the market. So, I’m going to do a blitz, and cross my fingers that I can weed out the possibles, and get him to make a decision.

All of which explains why I’m likely not to have a lot of time to post. Well, unless I have trouble sleeping, as I often do in strange houses (like my daughter’s – not that they are strange or the house is odd in some way).

Giveaways 2021-07-20

     Very few people ask “why?” with sufficient frequency. Even fewer demand an answer and refuse to rest until they get one.

     Consider the following three pieces:

  1. Get Vaccinated – Or Else
  2. Concerning recent church burnings in Canada
  3. The changing tone of the Mainstream Media

     The unifying factor here might take a moment for my Gentle Readers to discern. So take that moment. What change of attitude is exhibited in each of those three subjects?

     What’s that? You don’t get it? Really, Gentle Reader! Wasn’t it just a year or so ago that innumerable persons on the Left, including Kamala Harris, proclaimed loudly that they would never, ever trust the “Trump vaccine?” Wasn’t it then that the Left was in high dudgeon about church arsons here in the United States? Wasn’t it then that the major media bombarded us ceaselessly with breathless warnings about the “authoritarianism” of the Trump Administration?

     That’s right. As the Left is now in power, the utility of those things has changed dramatically:

  1. Vaccine mandates can now be used to expand government’s powers over us, nullifying the Fourth Amendment’s protections thereof.
  2. It’s no longer useful to point to church burnings as a symptom of “systemic racism.”
  3. And of course, it’s vital to Americans’ perception of the Usurper Regime that the Mainstream Media – a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party – take a calm and reassuring tone about its own coverage. Today it reserves the breathless warnings for alternative views from the Right.

     Concerning that last point, Ace has a few words of note:

     Just a few weeks ago, Tater was shrieking that well-trafficked podcasts get better ratings than CNN.

     Those absolute scoundrels! How dare they!

     And no matter how many times this is explained to them, they refuse to understand that the leftwing has already taken control of almost all the means of communication — TV, the biggest newspapers, AP, etc. — so of course a dissident media will tend to dominate in the secondary and tertiary streams of communication… like FaceBook.

     And now NPR wants the right driven off of FaceBook. The left wants complete control of not just the primary means of dissemination of thought — the publishing houses, TV stations and networks, newspapers, magazines — they want to also ban the right from the secondary means — talk radio, for one — and the tertiary means like the internet.


     When federal power in the Left’s hands – as it usually has been, this century past – that which can be used to solidify or extend that power is promoted. That which would be detrimental toward that power is downplayed. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, Gentle Reader; he’s merely there to wipe the windows.

     Tone can be quite as important as coverage choice and coverage framing. If the public “needs to be aroused,” an arousing, even alarming tone will be applied to any report that can be made useful in that fashion. If the public “needs to be reassured,” a calming, “everything’s under control” tone will be applied, regardless of the outrage factor the subject matter deserves.

     This is part and parcel of the degeneration of American politics toward total insincerity. The typical politician no longer asks his conscience “What would be right and proper in this situation?” Rather, he asks his inner calculators, “How can I use this to my advantage – or failing that, keep it from being used against me?” The media having been purchased lock-stock, and barrel by the Left, the tonal shifts and choices exemplified above will naturally follow.

     It seems that H. L. Mencken was, at worst, only slightly ahead of the curve:

     The typical lawmaker of today is a man devoid of principle – a mere counter in a grotesque and knavish game. If the right pressure could be applied to him, he would cheerfully be in favor of polygamy, astrology or cannibalism.

     Two hundred forty-five years ago, this continent experienced a blossoming of public virtue and statecraft Mankind had never previously known. The leaders of the American Revolution led and won a desperate war against the foremost military power of the day. They went on to give the new nation the soundest foundation any state has ever had. But the two centuries that followed have made all too clear what I call the dynamic of power – what the late Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek described in The Road to Serfdom, specifically his chapter on “Why The Worst Get On Top:”

They who prize power above all else
Have a natural advantage in its pursuit.
They will be both relentless and unrestrained
In their efforts to get it, to keep it, and to expand it.

     Draw the moral – and keep an eye out for a convenient planetoid.

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