An Observation or Two on Jab Mandates

This weekend we went on a hike with the wife’s BFF and fam.  The hubby, with an air of devotion to the Covidian Cult, again wore his “Science will win” shirt (above the pharma company logo), which was the subject of discussion by he, his wife, and my wife at lunch.  I kept my mouth shut.  Not that I agreed with a word of the discussion, of course.  Why silent?  I had recently been reminded of an expression that I thought had tremendous import:

You cannot make a man see something when his income depends on his not seeing it.

And this guy’s income (not to mention profit-sharing, which I will guess will be monstrous-big), absolutely depends on his not seeing any risk at all with The Jab.  During a discussion a day or so prior he said he’d volunteered his own progeny to be guinea pigs for his employer to test the Jab at younger ages but they weren’t selected.  The BFF wants to travel, and so has zero objection to synthesized genetic material being injected so she can get on a plane and traaaaavel.  (In parallel, another parent whose kid is a friend of our kids’ cannot wait until the age is dropped so their kid can get the Jab as well… though to cede a point, that parent’s spouse is from India and has had so many calls from there about yet another dead relative they dreaded – and still dread – answering any call from “back home”.) 

I am not proud of this moment, but I had a momentary flash of white-hot ill will towards all their children, wishing that they develop some kind of permanent – possibly even lethal – side effect within days or even hours of getting the Jab.  Understand, they’re all great kids, and I don’t want the stupidity of their parents visited on them.  But the parents have survived their Jabs, and time is ticking away on approval for younger kids.  The same is true for a flash of raw hate for the parents at the same time – looking at them, preening with self-smugness at their fellow cult members, I looked at them and really hoped that ADE would catch up with them or, having to have their boosters, would have an adverse reaction. Or catch a truly wild version and die, despite their vaccination, as the animals in testing did.

Again, not that I truly wish them harm or death… but better that it happen to them than my own kids.

Circling back to Rule 3 (“circling back” – you see what I did there?) there a modification that comes to mind on the above quote:

You cannot make a man see something when his sense of himself as a good / intelligent / educated / caring person depends on his not seeing it.

And this is the problem we face.  We are told to believe the experts/science, and most – not understanding the issues or actual data – eat it up.  We are captive to dread, the fear porn that’s been pumped into us non-stop by the enemedia.



So Biden’s certainly open to a national mandate for the Jab, particularly if/when full approval is given.  Countries all over the world are seeing protests, increasingly violent, against Vaxports for functioning in society (video at the link) even as companies roll this out Fascism-like.  “Private enterprise” and all. The guillotines seen in France, for example, do not seem to be giving Marcon et al even a moment’s pause. Somehow I doubt the fatality in Germany recently as police cracked down will either. They are as bent on needles in arms as Sauron was on regaining the One Ring.

There is also talk of the Jab, or at least Pfizer’s, being fully approved as early as next month.

But I don’t think this will be enforced by troops coming to your door, at least not at first.  No, the Globalists are far more subtle.  Remember, they’ve been planning this for decades.  They have plans within plans within plans… you will be confronted by Covidians you know.  Family, friends, co-workers, or others close to you who lovingly express their concern for you – people who “care about you and want what’s best for you”.  In other words, this will be an intervention about your “vaccine hesitancy” and not believing The Science. Anything you say, any response or information or websites or whatever, will be dismissed with syrupy words and assurances that the Jab is Safe and effective.  You will be – see Step 7, below – subject to veiled threats to your family status.  If you have young children those threats will, especially in light of the pending full approvals of the Jab, be clear (bolding added):

If the person refuses treatment, relationships with friends and family must change. … Be clear that there will be consequences if the person refuses help.

Also see Step 9 (bolding added):

While television nearly always shows the person at the center of the intervention accepting help, this is not always the case in real life. Even with a well-planned intervention and clear offers of help, the individual may not accept help for a variety of reasons. If they do not, then follow through on the outlined consequences.

All accomplished, not through direct orders from the hierarchy, but implanted drip-drip-drip through social media and enemedia astroturf starting to promote the idea that to save your “vaccine hesitant” loved ones, you need to stage an intervention.



Many discuss forceful resistance.  This man, in a video that’s gotten a lot of OOOH-RAH attention, has done so simply and plainly,

You going to shoot your brother or sister, parent, child, or spouse?  Your close friend or spouse’s best buddy?  In front of their kids who, having been Jabbed as well, have been brought with specifically to plead with you to get it?  Please please please we just want you to live! We’re afraid for you if you don’t!  (Don’t think they won’t bring children precisely for the heart-strings tug effect!)  Your long-time co-workers?  Your preacher/priest/rabbi/whatever along with other long-time-known members of your congregation?

All – ALL – pleading, begging you, Please please please just do this because we care so much about you!  And look, they brought the Jab with them for you to accept the Covidian Sacrament right then and there.  How convenient.  Just roll up your sleeve, we really care about you, you can do it right now! Please keep us in your lives, because if you won’t convert get vaccinated, we can’t stay married / be friends / live with you / etc.

Only if you refuse will the velvet glove get pulled off, and threats to your family and friendships and other relationships be carried out.  Then they will go full Fascist on you – damn you Dershowitz – with soldiers breaking down the door.  The Jab must go into every living human arm.  The depopulators have spoken (and understand that they don’t care if you die from the Jab or resisting it – they just want you to die).  And all those who aided and were complicit in this will either mourn that you were “so far gone into the anti-vax cult, having been fed lies and misinformation” that you resisted unto death, or will bask in the glow of your having finally accepted the Jab as your personal Lord and Savior

Regardless of the means, they will push this into you and do so with the approval of their consciences.  And if you do die resisting they will mourn, but it won’t be your passing but simply their failure in doing good for you over your objections. Only when the predicted Great Dying starts will they realize you were right.

Too late.

The Paramount Social Principle

     Way back when the world was, if not new, still only gently used, I wrote a rather melancholic piece about the loss of trust. It evoked a range of reactions from “C’mon!” all the way to “It’s even worse than you think, Fran.” But I was mostly right. Where I failed was in noting that we still had farther to fall.

     This morning, statistician William F. Briggs discourses on the current sham posturing as “science.” Here’s a quick taste:

     “Wait two weeks,” the political appointee who heads the CDC said, repeating the Safety First Mantra. “Wear your masks and the Dreaded Delta will subside. Our new The Science, which you must believe, says so.”

     I might have got the quote wrong in detail. But it’s right in spirit.

     I did, however, get right their new The Science report. And it’s perfect.

     A perfect example of how The Science is conducted these days. Which is to say, badly. The conclusion foregone, the assumptions unverified, the methods shoddy, the results political.

     Indeed. I could not have put it any better than that. But the consequences of prior pseudoscientific posturing by the CDC is what really matters: The great majority of Americans have declined to take its “advice.”

     Our political class being what it is – i.e., vicious garbage that deserves to be stood up against a wall and shot to rags – we know what to expect. The Fearsome Frontman of the COVID Clowns, Anthony Fauci, has given us a rather broad hint:

     In this clip from Anthony Fauci on ABC This Week Sunday [Rumble Link], the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, claims that individual rights no longer exist during the era of COVID-19. When you consider the mindset of the far-left, his opinion on communal rights -vs- individual rights is right in line with the collectivist perspective. These people are dangerous.

     “The fact is, if you get infected, even if you are without symptoms, you very well may infect another person who may be vulnerable … So in essence, you are encroaching on their individual rights.”

     Scared yet? You should be. And not just because the federal government is edging toward explicitly suspending the Constitution. You see, even if you’re not scared, your neighbors are – and that should worry you:

     Gun and ammo sales are soaring under this administration. Shortages are reported by hunters, law enforcement, and other gun users.

     Manufacturers say they are producing as much as they can but in many gun stores shelves are sparse and prices are concurrently rising.

     Why are so many people arming themselves? I’m sure there are several reasons, but the one I find most compelling is the possibility that, as has already happened in Australia, our federal government might deploy the military to enforce its will upon us. Mask mandates? Lockdowns? Mandatory vaccinations? Should posse comitatus not be respected, the sky’s the limit. The only imaginable countermeasure would be armed resistance. Should the lead start to fly, you’d better be ready to declare your allegiance. The category of noncombatant would swiftly disappear.

     Concerning the political class’s arrogance and undisguised determination to have its way, Kurt Schlichter has a few thoughts:

     Imagine, and this will be hard, these masterminds getting up and saying, “America, we were wrong about something. We thought it was right, but we tested it and we found we were not right. Here is the data, and now that we have better information, we are changing our recommendation.”

     What would we say? “Oh, okay. They were doing the best they can and being straight with us. People make mistakes. We need to learn from them. After all, it’s been a century since the last pandemic so we have a lot of lessons to re-learn. Let’s move forward.”

     But no. No, there’s no humility. They make a mistake and they don’t stand up and admit it. Instead, they just change the narrative and act as if the narrative du jour was always the narrative. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. But we’re not blind or stupid for noticing.

     They tell us the vaccine is going to make us immune from COVID. Then it turns out you can still get it, just not as bad. Yet when people notice this 180-degree spin, the smart set shrieks like Donald Sutherland at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

     Humility and the willingness to admit to error are not characteristics one should expect to find in persons determined to wield absolute, unbounded, and utterly unaccountable power. Moreover, they’ll use any and every means available:

     “When I was COO at Paypal,” writes David Sacks, “we worked with law enforcement to restrict illegal activity. What Paypal now proposes is very different: shutting down people expressing views that are entirely lawful, just not popular in Silicon Valley.”….

     In an article on Bari Weiss’s substack, Sacks, a liberal, wrote, “But now PayPal is turning its back on its original mission. It is now leading the charge to restrict participation by those it deems unworthy.”

     That might not strike you as a huge threat, until you consider that PayPal is a bellwether for the electronic funds transfer industry. Its competitors are likely to follow its lead, with consequences you and I would feel rather keenly. And don’t shrug and say that we’d all just go back to writing checks and licking envelope flaps. Other major financial institutions, including credit-card backers and commercial banks, are being pressured to do much the same. What would life be like for you if you couldn’t get paid, or cash a check, or access the funds in your savings or IRA?

     How many major institutions will comply with the Left’s pogrom against us, we cannot know. What we can know is that the Usurpers will use every lever available to bend as many of them as possible. The banks are particularly vulnerable, owing to the nature of the Federal Reserve System. No payments processor can function without the banks.

     The quintessential requirement of human life in peace is trust: the common man’s readiness, willingness, and ability to turn his back on a neighbor. (Here neighbor means anyone near enough to you to affect you materially, not just the people with addresses on your block.) But the traditionally high-trust society of these United States is disappearing as we speak. It’s being destroyed by the federal government, the many institutions dependent upon its good will, and the left-wing totalitarian activists who seek the destruction of everything and everyone they don’t control absolutely.

     Quoth Benjamin M. Anderson:

     There is no need in human life so great as that men should trust one another and should trust their government, should believe in promises, and should keep promises in order that future promises may be believed in and in order that confident cooperation may be possible. Good faith — personal, national, and international — is the first prerequisite of decent living, of the steady going on of industry, of governmental financial strength, and of international peace.

     Buy guns and ammo? Hell, yes! I’m already well armed, and I’d still be buying more, if there were any left on the shelves. The balloon hasn’t gone up yet, but the fingers holding it are getting awfully twitchy. You don’t want to be unprepared when they let go. Trust me on that…if there’s any trust left in you, and with that it’s time to close.

     Have a nice day.

Trump Haters So Deranged They Now Unwittingly Align With Him

There are many irons in the fire incentivizing citizens to relinquish their rights bit by bit. The following provides a simple observation over the effectiveness of one tactic: fear. I don’t know if any reader will gain any use from this odd insight, but I felt compelled to offer it anyway. Just maybe the uncomfortable ties and the ridicule so associated can break the spell in a few of the afflicted each one of you encounter. Pray such efforts lessen the body count. It would be encouraging to learn of any successes and instructive to be informed of failures.

It is amazing how witlessly all those Trump haters have taken on what even his supporters admit was his most debilitating (and assailable) trait — germophobia. He was a germophobe and now, ironically, so are they. We used to laugh at such people. Long after he was dead, ridiculous images of Howard Hughes served as a warning against becoming one.

Wait, there’s more!

Then Biden comes into office and the Trump haters did a 180º turn: they went from critics of the vax to full out supporters overnight. Not only that, but a large number are supportive of coercing everyone in the country to get a shot. Some — even one panicky sibling of yours truly — say “Yes, the unwilling should be forced.” Forced injection of a compound that was and still is listed as only usable in an emergency — for an illness that has lower lethality than the annual flu. And now evidence emerges that the vaccinated could be super-spreaders. Any way one looks at what has transpired, one sees unhinged panic and divisiveness — made to order for those who pay huge fees to mass media and for those who run it.

Trump haters called him fascist, and in their panic are trending to support full fascism* now that he’s gone. How “Progressive!”

Dear merciful Lord, I pray there are enough of us repentant ones still extant that you will guide us to a solution.


*Fascists chose the perfect symbol in the fasces.

Sticks are gathered together to protect the deliverer of power and then bound tightly to it. Individual sticks that are not part of the alliance are easy prey, and that provides a strong incentive for others to join sooner since the entry “fee” increases later. Look how readily some corporations joined that nobody expected to see bend over so easily. Sadly for the merely coerced, it will not be easy for any member to slip out (when the costs exceed the benefits) once bound to the axe handle. Ask a member of the Mafia how easy it is to retire.

Sure an Alexander must eventually arise to cut these bindings, but what motive drives our Alexander’s audacity? Saving grace here is that many Americans still have faith in One True Higher Power. Pray they are sufficient in number for a Washington to emerge.

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When You Are Ready to Give Up on People…

…Read Sean of the South. Trust me on this – you will be renewed.

Some Random Observations About 1/6


Much ado about el zippo.

After all, the average (IFR) death rate of covid is a mere 0.26% of those infected (this is a stat that the media consistently and deliberately refuses to mention to the public). This means that 99.7% of the public is in NO danger from covid whether they are vaccinated or not.[1]

Actually, the source reports a median infection fatality rate of 0.26%. A median of 0.05% for people less than 70 years of age.

Listening to discussion of the covid-19 phenomenon is like reading the numbers provided in car commercials. So much down and so much for X months but you can be darn sure that that’s hardly the real story. Dave Ramsey, the radio personal finance guy, last week reported, IIRC, that, on average, a person who leases a car and then purchases it at the end of the lease pays an effective interest rate of 14% for what is in essence a plain vanilla car loan. So with the hysteria over the virus. The IFR should drive all official action but it doesn’t. You don’t hear about it. The mere existence of the virus is treated like a guaranteed sentence of death unless . . . .

And the 14%, if you will, is in that “unless.” But it’s not a relatively endurable, if unwise, cost like that. No. The “unless” is what amounts to a vicious, mandatory, pointless attack on millions of workers and small businesses. For nothing. For something that is no threat whatsoever.

The rest of Mr. Smith’s article is grimmer and, applying the Sherlockian formula, I am in complete agreement. Impossible for there to be good will. Therefore, ill will, no matter how improbable. A ton.

This vaccine obsession is sick and dangerous. And there is for darn sure another agenda being followed. Vaccinate babies? Sure, you sick bastards.

[1] “Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates?” By Brandon Smith, ZeroHedge, 7/31/21.

Edited 8/27/21. Not sure what I was smoking.

A New Post

At my Right As Usual – The New Generation site.

One Week From Today

     …that is, on Saturday, August 7 in this Year of Our Lord 2021,

     …will be a free download at Amazon. Feel free to indulge yourself (and save a few bucks) in the paramount near-future Catholic science fiction novel of the year!

     Pope Clement XV, the first American to be raised to the papacy, is under attack from within the Vatican. Powerful cardinals, averse to his efforts to reform the Catholic clergy, are trying to force him to resign his office. To undermine him, they spread rumors of his involvement in financial and sexual improprieties. To retain the papacy he must discover their identities and defeat the rumors…but how?

     The foremost technology firm of the day, Todd Iverson’s Arcologics, is about to introduce an artificial, completely automated womb. The device is capable of protecting and nurturing a child from zygote state all the way to birth. It would make the destruction of unborn children utterly unnecessary…but there are forces determined to see that it never reaches the light of day.

     Fountain, a young futanari with unprecedented powers over food, is exploring wine: what it is, what it can do, and what it can be persuaded to do. Pope Clement has asked her if she can concoct a wine that elicits utter, perfectly candid truth from those who consume it. Her explorations lead her into realms never before penetrated by even the greatest of vintners…and a moral thicket that tests her understanding of right, wrong, and God’s will to its limits.

     One day only, so don’t miss it!

How Can We Be Sure?

     The great goal of the knowledge-seeker is practical certainty. Note the modifier: for most propositions in this universe of discourse, absolute certainty is unattainable. That’s in the nature of causal propositions. Only in completely formal systems such as mathematics can we be absolutely certain of anything.

     This has critical implications for the sciences. The greatest of them is the Principle of Correspondence, which governs the replacement of an older theory of causation by a newer one. In layman’s terms, it goes like this: If Theory X is to be replaced by Theory Y, then Y must predict at least as well as X in all those domains to which X is relevant. However, if X out-predicts Y in any currently addressed domain, then Y must be rejected.

     In the mundane world – i.e., that realm of activity in which non-scientists make their decisions – we often find ourselves groping for practical certainty with a relative paucity of hard, trustworthy information. We strain to amass data about the consequences of doing this versus doing that. We ponder the statements of “experts.” We consider sources and their established reliability. And those of us who’ve been taken for a ride once or twice question the motives of those who urge a particular course upon us.

     Yes, this is about the “pandemic.” Consider the following stimulative graphic:

     Those are rather troubling questions. At least, they should be.

     Have a few links:

  1. Federal vaccine mandates coming?
  2. They’re preparing the epidemiological groundwork.
  3. Mask at home?
  4. Forcible vaccinations coming?
  5. Coercion versus “customer satisfaction.”

     Everything in the above list points in the direction of an increased degree of coercion being levied upon Americans to compel us to accept “The Jab.” Yet the preceding graphic asks questions that many of us cannot answer with confidence. For of all the “signs” of an epidemic or pandemic, the strongest one is that the federal government says so — and that, given the record of mendacity already compiled by the Usurpers, is pretty damned weak.

     The counter-evidence has been mounting:

  • Falling rates of infection nationwide;
  • Remarkably high infection rates among the vaccinated;
  • The mass of evidence against the efficacy of face masking;
  • Accumulating evidence of serious side effects from the vaccines;
  • The inability of the PCR test to distinguish COVID-19 from common influenza;
  • The success of “light touch” districts (e.g., Florida and Sweden) in coping with the Kung Flu;

     …and so forth. The aggregate leaves the common citizen with quite a quandary.

     Your humble Curmudgeon doesn’t claim to be a medical expert, but he can tell evidence from hand-waving and sound reasoning from nonsense. (He can also tell shit from Shinola, but that’s a story for another time.) When one side of an argument starts screaming and talking about forcing you to accept his thesis, put one hand on your wallet and the other on your gun. You’re under a crosshairs – a real one this time – and likely to need to defend yourself in the immediate future.

     A final thought: Be particularly suspicious of anyone who claims “I’m trying to help you!” while simultaneously browbeating you – verbally or otherwise – to accept his representations. Very few people anywhere, in any era, are sincerely trying to “help” you unless there’s something in it for them — and those who won’t admit to it, and specify what it is, are almost certainly dishonest.

     Verbum sat sapienti.

Objective truth.

In the 1960s, students fought for free speech but as a means to give voice to their cutting-edge progressive sensibility, which included contempt for the logic and achievements of existing institutions and for the wisdom contained in old books and ideas. Today’s students, sustained by a campus culture in which that progressive sensibility prevails, wish to impose it on everybody — in part, by stifling free speech.

However, it was not university students — either today’s or those of the 1960s — who first introduced the idea that progressive moral and political ideas were objectively true, beyond reproach, and should be affirmed by all. That conceit we owe to the founders of the progressive era.[1]

I think there’s a feature of more autocratic government that’s not always understood. Namely, that there’s autocracy and then there’s autocracy. Or, wise autocracy and unwise autocracy.

In the military, wise officers know not to issue an order they know will not be obeyed. You won’t find that in the leadership manuals in so many words but they understand that there’s give and take in all human situations, even ostensibly autocratic ones. We’ve all heard the witticism “if momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy” which captures the truth that even people not in the formal power structure, if you will, can make life uncomfortable for you, if not downright miserable, if they withdraw their willing, good-humored assent from what is. The Soviet joke went “they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.”

Stupid leaders can resort to punitive measures but those only breed more resentment or fear and such leaders find their time unnecessarily taken up by ever increasing repression. If not themselves in front of a firing squad. In the case of the Ceausescus in Romania it might have been better, in the words of Silviu Brucan of the National Salvation Front (29:24), not to execute them but rather for them to understand the “dimension of the disaster they have left and the dimension of the popular feeling about them.” Contemplate that for a moment. In particular, the phrase “dimension of the disaster.”

What has the lunatic, depraved, arrogant left created here and throughout the Western world but a disaster? Deliberate destruction, reckless plunder, and desecration are the order of the day but our corrupt media will, every second of every hour, tell you it’s sweet ambrosia. And what other popular feeling can there be but contempt for these fools? Do they think that their cheap censorship will keep it from growing?

A Russian friend told me a few stories of some of the czars in Russian history and based on that brief glimpse I was struck how the “problem” czars seemed oddly to come to an early end. There were, it seems, limits to how far the other aristocrats were willing go to put up with departures from the understood flight path, if you will. Just an impression and entirely worth every penny you paid for it.

Better to find the sweet spot of being top dog but one who uses humor, cajolery, praise, encouragement, consultation, and reason with just a hint of sterner measures should the need arise. That improves decision making in the long run and, voila, you get a big payoff in terms of legitimacy. Legitimacy is forever; temporary advantage lines tomorrow’s bird cage. Dear Lord, please spare us the visionaries.

But that prayer is apparently not being answered just now. What we’re seeing now is a determined, fanatical leftist exercise in jamming their idiosyncratic and vicious agenda down the throats of normal people. Sideways. There’s not the least gesture in the direction of what might have been called the divine scheme, the natural order, the decent opinion of mankind, or the accumulated wisdom of mankind (AWOM).

Those concepts guarantee that a smile and a simple acknowledgment of the other person in any situation anywhere in the world will make your life easier.  They touch on something that is fundamental in the nature of human beings. The progressives, otherwise known as the lunatic left, have, however, chosen the opposite route requiring normal people to bow down to loathsome ideas and inferior beings and it’s adios muchacho to any notion of consultation and compromise. In America now, the first official or media order of business is a firm middle finger salute and a hearty FUATHYRIO.

Message received 5 by.

The general principle still holds. Venture too far into the horse’s ass territory and you might find your authority becoming a bit rubbery. This gentleman wants this principle to be understood clearly.

[1] “The Roots Of The Elite Left’s Attack On Freedom.” By Peter Berkowitz, ZeroHedge, 7/30/21.

We Did It. We Let This Happen.

I was reading The Bookwormroom – the post was on the old Highlights for Children – and I started thinking about how much everything had changed over my lifetime. In her post, she contrasted the former children’s magazine, that tried to enlighten children about expected behaviors, in the cartoons Goofus and Gallant, that contrasted their actions in an effort to demonstrate how to act decently to others. There were stories, and mazes, and other simple puzzles for the slightly literate. And, for the beginning reader, there were rebuses – they combined graphics and letters, and enabled early readers to make sense of a story.

Like this

The new Highlights is, apparently, dreadfully Woke. Just another example of an institution that cannot be counted upon to pass on our cultural norms.

We’ve lost a lot of them. Like most people, I wasn’t paying attention at first – too busy with family, concerns about finances (inflation was killing us), and other things. Life was moving fast, and there never seemed to be time to do much more than look at the headlines for The Truth (yeah, I know, I was very young).

Later, when I returned to work, I had even less time. My kids were teens and that kept me hopping, my parents were aging, and I just ignored anything that wasn’t a crisis at the moment.

I was a reliable Liberal at the time, a sure Democrat vote. Hell, I wasn’t even upset when Slick Willie beat the Senate trial after his Impeachment, although I did have a twinge of doubt about the trashing of Monica’s reputation. Clinton had clearly stepped over some invisible line, and I just couldn’t be happy about the outcome. In that, I was the outlier in my group.

Until 9/11, the day that my world upended, and I began to question all of my assumptions. It’s been a long road since then, and I’ve long wondered – How the Hell Did This Happen?

Today, I knew.

We did it.

We, who knew better, failed to protest abuses and protect vulnerable populations.

Yeah. It IS our fault.

See, the voter fraud was a well-known “secret”. We saw the numbers come in for the machine Democrats in the cities, and we knew the vote was being rigged. But, we didn’t fight for an honest vote.

Because it wasn’t our problem. Because it only happened in the places where minorities were present. In the suburbs, the small towns, and the rural places – heck, even in the slightly smaller cities – the vote was fair (as far as we knew).

So, some Black people got fools and crooks for mayors and councilmen and representatives. Who cared?

Not me.

It affected me somewhat, but not that much. So, I shrugged off the corruption. Walked away from obvious fraud. Ignored the wholesale creation of votes from imaginary people. Ignored the chaos that made of the lives of human beings who deserved better than rule by kleptocrats and thugs.

Because I didn’t really care, America has turned into a 3rd World Banana Republic, complete with nepotism, dictatorial edicts, and federal functionaries that have no hesitation in clamping down on protests and incarcerating them without a trial.

And, it sucks.

We may have to roll up our sleeves, wade into the swill, and spend most of the rest of our lives clearing out the Augean Stables. It would be fair.

Our indifference created this mess.

A Compound Moral Conundrum

     First, some music:

     The tale of Jack Orion is a British Isles Traditional ballad. It’s been performed by several musicians and groups, including (of course) Pentangle. For villainy and woe, it ranks high among stories of its kind. While the traditional lyric is beautiful and evocative, it’s also rather long, so I’ll provide a condensation of the tale it tells here.

     Jack Orion is the son of a lord and a master fiddler. When he performs at the King’s court, he charms a princess into loving him. Indeed, she invites him to spend the night with her, and Jack agrees.

     Jack makes two fatal mistakes. First, he tells his “footpage” Tom, a lowborn lad, about the invitation. Second, he relies upon Tom to wake him “three hours before ‘tis day.” After Jack is abed and asleep, Tom disguises himself as Jack and goes to the princess’s bower. Thinking he’s Jack, the princess allows Tom into her body: rape by subterfuge.

     Now comes Tom’s mistake: he hastens back to Jack’s abode and wakes him, rather than fleeing and hoping never to be found. Jack goes to the princess’s bower and discovers the rape. The princess takes her own life out of disgust:

“Oh then it was your young footpage
That has so cruelly beguiled me
And woe that the blood of the ruffian lad
Should spring in my body”
Then she pulled forth a little sharp knife
That hung down at her knee
O’er her white feet the red blood ran
Or ever a hand could stay
And dead she lay on her bower floor
At the dawning of the day

     Jack, enraged by events, returns to his abode and summons Tom:

Jack Orion ran to his own house
Saying, “Tom my boy come here to me.
Come hither now and I’ll pay your fee,
And well paid you shall be.
If I had killed a man tonight,
Tom I would tell it thee.
But if I have taken no life tonight
Tom thou hast taken three.”
Then he pulled out his bright broad sword
And tried it on his sleeve
And he smote off that vile lad’s head
And asked for no man’s leave
He set the sword’s point to his breast
The pommel to a stone
Through the falseness of that lying lad
These three lives were all gone

     So: We have two suicides and an execution. The princess’s suicide was out of sheer revulsion at having been hoodwinked and raped by a churl. In medieval times, such a suicide would not have excited controversy, despite what we of Twenty-First Century America might think.

     Jack’s peremptory execution of Tom only hastened the inevitable. The King would have ordered Tom’s death the moment he learned of the rape of his daughter. No one of that time would have called it unjust. But the King might well have had Jack executed for his presumption. In that time usurping a royal prerogative – the King’s power to dispense justice – often cost the usurper his life.

     Persons of our time might say that “none of that was necessary.” Our contemporary attitude toward capital punishment differs greatly from that of earlier eras. Today we apply it only for first-degree murder, and oftentimes not even then. But historically rape has been deemed worthy of death. Indeed, it was a capital crime in certain states as recently as 2008, when the Supreme Court struck down the death penalty as Constitutionally impermissible on Eighth Amendment grounds in cases not involving the death of a victim (Cf. Kennedy v. Louisiana).

     Ponder the tale of Jack, Tom, and the princess in light of contemporary moral convictions, American law, and your own moral, ethical, and religious beliefs. How would you adjudge each of those three deaths? Wholly justified, unjustified even though inevitable, or wholly unjustified? Discuss!

Gotta Read This Guy’s Work


And, it looks as though we may – finally – have our house in the Cleveland area. Got a good rate on a mortgage, the offer was accepted, and we’re just waiting for the results of the inspection (will be on Monday, results within a few days by email). If you’ve not used Pillar to Post, I can highly recommend them for their thoroughness and low cost. A good inspection can save you money, and permit you to either walk away from a deal without penalty, or re-negotiate, based on findings. Or, let you know that there are few problems, easily correctible.

A Man Who Predicts Successfully…

     …should be listened to with attention.

     At Liberty’s Torch V1.0, I made use of this passage from The Black Cloud several times:

     “It looks to me as if those perturbations of the rockets must have been deliberately engineered,” began Weichart.
     “Why do you say that, Dave?” asked Marlowe.
     “Well, the probability of three cities being hit by a hundred-odd rockets moving at random is obviously very small. Therefore I conclude that the rockets were not perturbed at random. I think they must have been deliberately guided to give direct hits.”
     “There’s something of an objection to that,” argued McNeil. “If the rockets were deliberately guided, how is it that only three of ’em found their targets?”
     “Maybe only three were guided, or maybe the guiding wasn’t all that good. I wouldn’t know.”
     There was a derisive laugh from Alexandrov.
     “Bloody argument,” he asserted.
     “What d’you mean, ‘bloody’ argument?”
     “Invent bloody argument, like this. Golfer hits ball. Ball lands on tuft of grass — so. Probability ball landed on tuft very small, very very small. Million other tufts for ball to land on. Probability very small, very, very very small. So golfer did not hit ball, ball deliberately guided onto tuft. Is bloody argument, yes? Like Weichart’s argument….Must say what damn target is before shoot, not after shoot. Put shirt on before, not after event.”

     Physicist Alexandrov is making a critical point, one that’s at the heart of scientific inquiry:

Only the successful prediction
Of specific consequences
Can confirm a hypothesis.

     While politics, strictly speaking, is not a science –ignore the protests of the twerp in the bleachers ranting about his degree in “political science” — the psychology of the power-monger is one that can be subjected to quasi-scientific scrutiny. The gentleman in the video below, of whom I knew nothing before this, appears to have done so:

     (Many thanks to Ragin’ Dave for the above video.)

     He predicted the sequence of events rather accurately, didn’t he? Moreover, his prediction illuminates the objective of power-monger everywhere: Induce submission by whatever means are expedient. Unreasoning, counterfactual fear of the Kung Flu / Chinese Lung Rot / COVID-19 has been the principal tool of power-mongers in North America for more than a year.

     Draw the moral, Gentle Reader. He who wants you to fear is not your friend, regardless of his representations to the contrary. Following his “advice” is unlikely to make you freer, healthier, or otherwise better off. That goes double for his “mandates.”

The Elois’ Smile

The phrases “Life imitates art” and vice versa are often bandied about because they work.  In this case, the Eloi from H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine came to mind after talking with a parent of one of my kids’ classmates at a kid sporting event.  Puffing up proudly, he declared that both he and his wife had been fully vaccinated, that their older child had been too, and that as soon as their other kid was 12 they’d get be Jabbed too.

He asked if I was vaccinated, and I said “No”.  When he asked why, I said that I had some serious safety concerns about this emergency use authorization stuff including the fact that no mRNA treatment having ever made it through human trials before, and the rush to get this out.  I mentioned the Nuremberg code, and said that for a virus that has about a 99.8% recovery rate for people under 70, I was not scared…. His smile became this fixed , eyes unresponsive, just nodding a la OK, whatever, just get away from me you conspiracy monger you.

I have received reaction like this after reaction like this – politeness maintained but otherwise a dismissal of anything that might indicate the Jab could be a threat.  Not just polite dismissal… an absolute, utter incuriosity.  Which, like the man in the movie, makes me want to lose it:




On my old blog I had several pieces regarding the utter inability of any new information to penetrate the minds of Leftists – Teflon Intellects, I dubbed them.  So, on a recent piece by our host comes this comment (replying to my comment, actually) that meshes perfectly with this quote by Frantz Fanon:

“Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.”

There are myriad quotes about it being easier to fool people than getting them to admit they were fooled – one such:




I don’t recall where I saw it, but there was a quote to the effect that we are not rational beings with emotions, but rather emotional beings who can reason.  Consider Rule 3, which I put into this looooong Covid link aggregate (Rules 1 and 2 also included for completeness):

Rule 1: It doesn’t matter what’s true, it’s what you can get people to believe.

Rule 2: If you control the information flow, you control what people believe.

Rule 3: If your information manipulates emotions to make people believe they are good and virtuous for believing what you want, no facts or reasoning will undo those beliefs.

And that’s the key to the Church of the Covidian, to Socialism, to Wokeness, to every single thing the Left does: manipulate what people believe through the selective – mendacious – presentation of information to get people to feel virtuous, good, noble, kind, intelligent and educated, etc., when they believe what you want them to believe.  Do this and they will never deviate from that belief – for to deviate would mean that their self-image would crumble.  Add in a few simple rules and they will act to advance The Cause without understanding they’re pawns being used.

Few people have the introspection and strength to fundamentally examine and self-correct, especially when it risks their own self-image, plus risks their being socially shunned, or even canceled, by those around them.  Dopamine rushes from colleagues, friends, and family approving your beliefs are a very powerful operant conditioning effect.

Aside: I do have a theory on how this can be broken.  It’s worked for me… sometimes.  I’ll write about it anon.

We have a world filled with people that stare at the glowing screen and unquestioningly believe whatever pronouncements flow from it.  They are assured that the screen speaks Truth, and that anything else are lies from those who want to mislead them.  They are assured that if they believe the screen’s Truth that they are good and noble people, wanting to save others, and that anyone who doubts the screen’s Truth is evil who wants people to die.

How do we fight this?  More importantly, should we try?  Or do we simply prepare for the final death-struggle against people whose survival instinct has atrophied, and who believe the glowing screen with near religious zeal?

I am torn.  I do not want people to die from what is looking like a long-lead-time blood clot death from the Jab:



But more and more Yuri Bezmenov was right – no matter what evidence you present, it’s ignored. Consider this, Jummai Nache: 47-year-old Minnesota woman gets both legs and hands amputated after severe Pfizer mRNA adverse reactions, with a link to this disturbing piece about the omerta against saying anything negative about the Jab:

He said that the last time paramedics came to his house (there were at least seven times in six weeks), they told him not to mention the vaccine to the doctors when he arrived at the hospital. The paramedics said he would have a better chance of receiving real treatments if he kept quiet about the Moderna shot.

People who can gloss over even a scintilla of a frisson of fear from this poor woman’s story, or the increased deaths and side effects, or the medical industry pushing-pushing-pushing The Jab uber alles, will not accept anything.

A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

This is a saying my late father once said to me.  People will not believe until it affects them personally. 

We’ve tried.  We’ve begged, pleaded, and presented evidence.  I, for one, will not stop writing but I know that when the mass die-off happens I’ve done my best. So I conclude, heavily: Let them die happy, thinking they’re virtuous and good and all.  In the meantime, focus on saving what you can.

Understanding the Process of the Left

The Z Man has an excellent analysis of the inner workings of the Left, focusing on the Hive Mind. It makes sense, and shows why rational attempts to fight it are so futile.

You cannot reason them out of their beliefs. The BEST thing you can do is to work towards structure that will not permit the GroupThink, but allow them to be isolated, finally confronted with the reality that they have been programmed, and re-built into Homo Sapiens – THINKING Man/Woman.

We should look to ‘de-programmers’ who work with families that want to break their relatives out of cults. Other than just waiting until the cult collapses (often destroying their members in the process), I can’t think of another way to deal with it. A few will leave the cult’s intertwined social structure – for a job, for personal/health reasons, to move to another part of the country or to a more rural environment – and, sometimes, in the process, break the spell. The current situation, where people are leaving their urban environments for a less crowded environment, some are adopting the virtual lifestyle for work/school, or otherwise breaking free of the Omnipresent Borg, may be a stepping stone.

We need to follow that suggestion to set up Welcome Wagon committees, that will work to integrate them into their new lives. They need help to do so.

The More We Uncover Their Schemes,…

…the craftier they get in finding new ways to cheat.

It’s a moving target – and, like Charlie Brown, we fall for it just about every time.

The trouble is, we expect most people to be like us – mostly honest. And, that is true – for MOST of us.

But, it is not true for the Hard-Core Left, and their sychophants. They will use any means to get their way, whether that involves lying, cheating, or outright fraud. The Gateway Pundit has been running the most comprehensive series of posts on the post-election investigations, and the evidence is piling up – yes, they cheated. And, no, just fixing THESE tricks won’t stop them – they will immediately pivot to another tactic.

The only way to stop them is to refuse to leave the ballots in their hands, without oversight by We, the People.

We need to be right there, in the midst of counting. If they try to bring in the cops to kick us out, we need to have judges on speed-dial. And, if necessary, mass numbers of people who will back up the watchers right to be there.

No more quietly going away. No more staying so far away from the counting process that the integrity of the process cannot be verified (or challenged). No more agreeing that distancing is ‘saving lives’ – we need to be RIGHT THERE, perhaps masked, but THERE.

All people in the process have to verify their identity with fingerprints. No ballot may be moved without an audit trail. Suspicious counts (a near 100% for the Dem) should be challenged, and the ballots creating that lopsided result inspected.

NO deliveries after hours – not ballots, not food/drink, not people. If they try to shut down the place ‘for the night’, guards should be stationed inside and out, and be paired with OUR guys.

Will that stop them?

Hardly. But the margin of victory needed in a mostly honest election is well within reach, given some precautions.

From The “Cui Bono?” Department

     This morning, Dinesh D’Souza, whose intellect is significant if not quite sufficient to penetrate his partisanry, talks about “Section 230,” the fabled protection of “common carriers” against liability for what’s said over them:

     D’Souza’s comments irritated me for the reason expressed in the title of this piece. Specifically, he noted that when the Republicans had the presidency and majorities in both houses of Congress, they did nothing about Section 230. Oh, they passed a few comments about it, but actual legislative action? Naah. Too much like work!

     That was the story of the Trump years generally. It’s why so much of what Trump achieved is crumbling: he did nearly all of it through executive orders, and what one executive orders, the next can disorder. He got nearly no legislative support from “his” party.

Why Not?

     Come on, Gentle Reader! You know the answer. It’s the two endlessly interconvertible assets of American politics:

  1. Power,
  2. Money.

     It is in the nature of the power-seeker to want as much power as he can amass. The ambiguity of Section 230 makes it possible to harness Big Tech for political purposes, just as the Democrats are currently doing. Moreover, there’s gold in them thar hills: campaign contributions, free publicity, favors and deals for family members, and other goodies. Establishment Republicans are as avid for those bennies as any Democrat. They just haven’t figured out how to act “above it all:” i.e., how to get the swag without being seen to do so, which would spoil their claim to being a genuine alternative to the Democrats.

     In contrast, the Democrats, whose corruption and totalitarian inclinations have been blatantly on display since the beginning of the Clinton Administration, are willing to be seen with their fingers in the cookie jar. They believe they can cement themselves into permanent power, such that public opinion will cease to matter even as much as it does today. The Deep State and Big Tech are already in their camp, which gives them confidence that their aims are within reach.

     Draw the moral!

Neither major party is “on your side.”

     Each party is “on its own side.” The Democrats are willing to accommodate the Republican Establishment, to maintain the fiction of two opposed parties with contrasting philosophies and agendas. The GOP is willing to cooperate. When it’s in the majority, it tacitly accepts Democrat legislative gains, so that when it’s in the minority, the Democrats will allow it “a piece of the pie.” There is no practical difference between them, as is evidenced by the Republicans’ inaction when in power.

     Did you really think there was a sound Constitutional reason the supposedly conservative majority on the Supreme Court casually dismissed all those well-founded challenges to the 2020 elections?

     Americans must cease to hope for salvation from partisan alignment and electoral politics. There are no longer two major parties, despite appearances and the maintenance of two separate conventions. There is only one. George Orwell has already named it, and it needs no other:

The Inner Party.

     That is the enemy. That is what we must defeat. And there is only one way to do so. For the answer, ponder the “Off the Mishnory Road” essays:

  1. Fun and Games
  2. The Stoic Virtues and Masculinity
  3. Absolutes

     And put not your trust in princes.

Ch-Ch-Changes 2021

     The attempt to subjugate Americans has run out of new ideas. The giveaway is the Establishment’s propagandization of the “Delta variant” to frighten us back into face masks and isolation. The bad news is that some people are buying the scare propaganda. The good news is that they’re greatly outnumbered by those who aren’t.

     Phony Fauci and the rest of the “We Know What’s Best For You So Sit Down And Shut Up” crew at the CDC will push as hard as possible, on as many fronts as possible, to impose their will on us. The Department of Justice is all in on it, too. Happily, the majority of Americans have had enough of them and have “tuned out.” Thank God we can still turn off the telescreens, eh? (What’s that? You haven’t turned yours off yet?)

     The critical front, where the fear-propagandists might yet succeed in getting their way, is Corporate America. A substantial number of companies are mandating that their employees accept The Jab, and continue to wear face masks, and stay six feet or more from any other living thing. (Must make watering the plants a challenge, but, well, you know, eggs and omelets.) Resistance on this front must approach the level of open revolt. Corporate employees should solicit the opinions of colleagues at competing companies, perhaps in hope of sparking a competition for valued personnel. The labor shortage must be good for something.

     By their actions, the Usurpers are forfeiting public acceptance. In recognition of the electoral disaster that looms before them, they’re trying to contrive a new public:

     The Interagency Working Group on Promoting Naturalization brought together the heads of agencies to figure out the best way to create as many new Democrat voters as possible. The agencies included the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Education, Health and Human Services, the Department of Education, the Department of Defense, and the USDA.

     This month, the Interagency Strategy for Promoting Naturalization was released. The Obama administration had its own project for turning aliens into citizens as quickly as possible in order to get them on the voting rolls, but the new strategy goes beyond anything Obama tried to do.

     The new strategy begins with using DHS to assemble all the available data on the “potential naturalization-eligible populations” and breaking it down by age, sex, and zip code, as well as other demographic details, to target “outreach”.

     By “outreach”, the working group of agencies headed by Biden appointees means converting aliens into citizens.

     That data will allow the government and a spectrum of “partners”, most of them Democrat allies, to target resident aliens the way a corporation targets potential customers of its products.

     Sweet, eh? Bertold Brecht, call your office!

After the uprising of the 17th June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?

— Bertold Brecht, 1953

Be free Americans.
Refuse to submit.
Take back your rights.
Resist the Usurpers.
Impede them in every possible way.
Encourage others by your example.

     You know what’s coming if you persist in accepting your submission. What more is there to say?

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question


OK, most of us have seen the above picture and know at least the outline of the story behind that monument.  There are several things in the construction of this edifice that truly set my personal alarm claxons off:

  • Nobody knows where the money for this came from.  The identity of the financiers is cloaked behind a non-disclosure agreement.  Who does this?
  • The price named for construction was “ridiculous” – but it was paid regardless.  Who does this?
  • All legal documents regarding its construction were destroyed after it was done.  Who does this?

If you read the inscriptions, they are largely John Lennon’s “Imagine”, literally carved in stone:















As I said, most of the above are straight from Marx / “Imagine” / and a delusion of one world government-led Kum ba ya harmony plus a sprinkling of eugenics thrown in.  But there are a few elements with which I can agree, at least in principle.  Certainly, for example, I can fundamentally agree with fair laws and just courts assuming they actually are.

Ruling passions and being rational is also, on balance, a good thing – as are valuing truth, beauty, and love.  For example, thanks to my wife I’ve gone back to liking art… but GOOD art.  Even the abstract & often surreal glass art by Chihuly bespeaks imagination, and a time-honed understanding of and tremendous skill with the medium.  Meanwhile, so much of modern art is just trash.  Or literal ca-ca.  A video on the degeneration of art in today’s modern world (sorry for the repeat from here but it’s a good and apropos video):



And what can we say about the “invisible statue” for which some connoisseur sucker paid over $18K?  Hashem Almighty I’m in the wrong line of work, but then I have a soul… I’d feel guilty pulling a con like this.

Avoiding petty laws and useless officials is good too – which would certainly lead to simpler lives and a lot of unemployed bureaucrats.  And while I am a conservationist, not an earthy-crunchy type, in general keeping the planet clean and reducing pollution is a good thing.  It breaks my heart when I see cans, bottles, and other trash strewn alongside the wooded roads where I often drive.  Even going for a walk, I bring a trash bag and gather up stuff I can… and rapidly fill up the bag.





So the earth’s population is approximately 7.8 billion.  If the goal of 500 million is to be believed and achieved, that would mean a reduction of juuuuust about 94% of those living today.  Or about 7.3 billion people… gone.

We view Hitler as an absolute monster for murdering 6 million Jews plus other civilians (and prior to listening to Bill Whittle’s piece on Operation Barbarossa / the invasion of the USSR I did not realize – did not even have a scintilla of understanding – of how brutal it was, not just in combat but deliberately lethal to civilians).  Oddly, we don’t view the Communist toll of over 100 million, 60 million in China alone, as negatively even with a massively higher civilian death toll.  Better PR, clearly.



And leave us not forget Islam either; The Greatest Murder Machine in History (bolding added):

When one thinks of mass murder, Hitler comes to mind. If not Hitler, then Tojo, Stalin, or Mao. Credit is given to the 20th-century totalitarians as the worst species of tyranny to have ever arisen. However, the alarming truth is that Islam has killed more than any of these, and may surpass all of them combined in numbers and cruelty.

The enormity of the slaughters of the “religion of peace” are so far beyond comprehension that even honest historians overlook the scale. When one looks beyond our myopic focus, Islam is the greatest killing machine in the history of mankind, bar none.

If the fears of multiple virologists, epidemiologists, and other professionals in related fields are born out about The Jab, there’s only one word to use to compare Fascism plus Communism plus Islam together to what’s coming:





So the first kind wants money.  And there is serious coin to be made in this whole enterprise.



Murderna alone forecasts nearly $19 billion-with-a-B in sales of their Jab just for 2021, Pfizer projects $15 billion-with-a-B… leave us not forget the ongoing revenue stream from boosters for variant after variant.  All with precisely, mathematically zero liability for any side effects – at least in the US (it would not surprise me if this immunity were present in other countries).  People drop dead within hours after getting a Jab, many more within days, more with a month, and that’s ignoring the hundreds of thousands of non-lethal side-effects (again, just in the US), and there’s nothing that can be done.  In Scotland, for example, out of those Jabbed the fatality rate is 100 per 100K.  Compare and contrast with the murder rate in the US of 5.0, which is the cause for many to be ringing the alarm.

Again, this is serious coin.  Money enough to buy off people to trash alternatives or rivals.  E.g., Its official: Big pharma paid off the lancet, NEJM, to publish a phoney study panning Hydroxychloroquine, killing hundreds of thousands of people; video below from the post just above – and I’ve grabbed the video just in case:



Don’t forget the increasing likelihood of boosters now, boosters tomorrow, and boosters forever.  A never-ending revenue stream!




The second truly believes this is a noble cause to fight a virus ravaging mankind.  It’s a virus with, from one data point I read, a 99.8% survival if you’re under 70.  Some ravaging.  Obviously this is not to discount or diminish each death, but… we all have to die of something eventually.  An old saw from a book of Jewish wisdom I was given for my Bar Mitzvah:

Man: G-d, why do we have to die?

G-d: Come up here and I’ll tell you.




And the third?  They plan to use this, knowingly, willingly, with malice aforethought to depopulate the earth.  They’ve talked reducing the growth curve for decades, and advocated governmental controls on that:

Stone-Manning’s ad continues, urging Americans adopt a Chinese-style limited child policy.

“The earth is only so big, and we can tap into it only so often. In America, we tap in often and hard,” Stone-Manning wrote. “When we overpopulate, the earth notices it more. Stop at two. It could be the best thing you do for the planet.”

But that’s not enough for these lofty, wiser, anointed intellects:



No, I’m not going to delve into the WHY of why they want this – it could be to “fight climate change” or “concern for the earth’s carrying capacity” or needing to cull us to rule us more effectively, or even to soften us up for the coming alien invasion, or whatever.  Or a mix-n-match of them.  Rather, I want to address the mentality.  Many have addressed the thought, but I think Solzhenitsyn said it best:



It’s an open question: What GOOD is killing murdering more than 9 out of every 10 people alive?

Murder of another human is, I believe in virtually all religions, the single greatest crime one can commit against another human.  There are crimes against the divine, of course, but Hashem is eternal.  I speak of man.  To knowingly and deliberately murder another human is not just a crime against the person, it is a crime against Hashem who made the soul being ripped – by human action – from the shell.



What “good” can come out of homicide on this scale?  What Cause can be so important that it overrides what is, I truly believe, an ingrained revulsion from murder?  What rationalization can be so effective that, even if subconsciously, every Globalist involved in this understands that 9 out of 10 people they meet as they go about their lives will be dead if they achieve their goal… dead by deliberate and knowing actions they took? And they don’t curl up into a fetal-position ball at that?

It’s the 7.3 billion person question.




There is a scene in the scifi novel Spock’s World in which the planet Vulcan in the time of Surak is attacked by its first contact with another race.  After setbacks, the mind-mystics of Vulcan were able to seize mental control of the attackers’ pilots who then, under the control of the Vulcans, calmly and deliberately locked their ships on suicide collision courses over the screams of the crews.

The same thing here.  As people “wake up” and protest, in France, Italy, Australia, the UKglobally… even normally staid Japan (video), the leaders double down.  Any backtracking is temporary.  Authorities and chatterati discuss making life increasingly hard for those who refuse the Jab, no matter who they are.

The Peoples around the world are, increasingly, screaming NO!  And the so-called leaders continue to be locked on Jabbing every living human with the potential for mass, indeed global, carnage.  And as The Peoples get angrier and angrier, sooner or later the inhibitions that stop people from flipping the switch will fall when people realize that there is a price they will not pay.  As the deaths and side effects mount and news of them spreads despite the censorship, people will start to make the calculation about violent resistance against something they truly believe is not just dangerous but being done with knowing and intentional ill-will.

People are nearing their breaking point, whether on the Jabs or even just the new mask mandates (I am starting to see more “No mask, no service” signs where I live). And as the lines get harder, they will conclude – not without merit – that the tree is getting parched and needs watering.



And then things get… messy.  Hashem help us all.

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