Category: Election 2024

Some Unsolicited Advice

     Advice is easy to give, hard to take, and seldom followed even when it’s plainly correct. Yet I’ll try it, even though the probability of it being heard by its intended recipient is close to zero.      To President Trump concerning tonight’s debate:      Trust in God and fear no man. You are the …

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The Newest Federal Holiday

     Perhaps you’re already aware that the word holiday is actually a contracted equivalent for holy day. And perhaps it troubles you just as much as it does me that the federal BLEEP!ing government takes it upon itself to declare new ones, entirely to placate noisy interest groups. We dodged one a few years back, …

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To Prevent November Surprise

     Read the following two articles. They’ll provide you with all you need to know: Biden’s “campaign.” The federal government and “voter turnout.”      Joseph R. Biden could not win an honest election for dogcatcher. (Watch for “revelations” that he was elected dogcatcher in his hometown at a record early age, and with the highest …

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Betrayal By Ballot

     Kurt Schlichter’s column of today makes a couple of penetrating observations, some of them rather sad. Here’s the bit that’s uppermost in my thoughts:      Some groups vote as a bloc. Black Americans almost always vote Democrat – something like 90%, though this time Donald Trump seems to be earning a better percentage. Similarly, …

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“Getting Close To Post Time”

     Ever heard that phrase? It may not be used commonly anymore. It originated in the years when most betting on horse races was done at betting sites remote from the race track. If you wanted to bet on a race, you had to get your bet in by “post time:” the moment at which …

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When Someone Else Says It Perfectly…

     I can only cite, quote, and applaud:      If you’re on the fence or thinking of sitting this one out because Trump offends your sensibilities, then please be aware that your sensibilities are going to get this country killed. Really. The Democrats are right about one thing — there is a threat to democracy, …

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If The Headline Says “Scientists Say”…

     …or any approximation, it’s odds-on to be scare talk: Bird flu pandemic could be ‘100 times worse’ than COVID, scientists warn      A bird flu pandemic with the potential to be “100 times worse than COVID” may be on the horizon after a rare human case was discovered in Texas, experts have warned.      …

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Much Driving Ahead So I Must Be Quick

     Yes, it’s another of those days, so have a quickie:      New polling data show Biden’s support in our state plummeting. With an approval rating of just 41% and a disapproval rating of 57%, Biden finds himself 16 points underwater. This decline is particularly worrying for the President, given that he won New Mexico …

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How It’s Done

     Vivek Ramaswamy may not be our next president, but he’s a man to watch: 🚨 WOW 🚨 Vivek FLIPS script on Reporters, leaving media STUNNED by simply asking: – ‘Did you lie about Trump-Russia collusion?’ [SILENCE] – ‘Is Hunter Biden’s laptop Russian disinformation?’ [SILENCE] – ‘Did COVID leak from the Wuhan lab?’ [SILENCE] Just …

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They’re At It Again

     Some of the Establishment’s dance steps are fresh. Others are well rehearsed and easy to recognize:      Jim Messina, a former top aide to former President Obama, claimed that a “third-party candidate can’t win in 2024” and might guarantee former President Trump does.      “With a rematch between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump …

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The Question That Perpetually Goes Unanswered

     I was musing over problems of veracity tests and identity management – in less highfalutin’ terms, truth and trust — and spontaneously remembered something I wrote back in 2015, at Liberty’s Torch V1.0. I reproduce it below, in its entirety. I’ll rant on from there. The GTOFTS Gazette: Audiences      (No points for guessing …

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The Leftist fascism strikes again.

Never, ever, ever ever everevereverever use Fecesbook as a source of information. Like many people, I have a presence on fecesbook. For me, it’s about motorcycle rides, motorcycle groups and motorcycle activities. For a multitude of reasons, many of the various motorcycle groups out there use fecesbook as a way to get their events out …

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     Utopia is not one of the options. — David Bergland      This is likely to be a ramble, but it addresses one of the most important of all axioms in…well, in life, so I hope my Gentle Readers will bear with me for a few hundred words.      Every human being engages in a …

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No Courage In Politics

     Just in case you’ve spent the last five years in a coma, the federal government of these United States, currently under occupation by the Ukraine-China-Democrat combine, is doing its damnedest to persuade Us the People that to question its legitimacy is against the law. Every now and then one of its boughten allies in …

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