David Mangan

Grumpy retired Army guy. I was grumpy before I retired, I just am old enough now for it to be in character.

Author's posts

Speaking of transitions

I’m old enough to remember when almost everybody thought that grooming young children for sex was a bad idea. A University professor has claimed kids should be exposed to adult genitalia to prepare them for the possibility of seeing a naked trans person, in a shocking jab at swimmer Riley Gaines. Of course it’s a …

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Red on Red

What happens when two of the Democrat Party voting blocks follow “their truths”, or whatever the hell they want to call it? The military calls it “Red on Red”. Two enemy groups attacking each other. All we have to do is sit back and watch. Sibley was “blasting music and dancing with his pals at …

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I don’t have a single bit of proof

But here’s what my brain is coming up with regarding the Obama’s personal chef, his death from drowning, and Barry showing up in bandages and a black eye. Barry plays for the home team, if you get my drift. I’m not even sure that Michelle Obama (aka Big Mike) is a real woman. Yeah, yeah, …

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If I could do one thing to improve America’s long term prospects

I would destroy the publik skool sistim. And quite frankly, I’d take out a lot of the “higher” education system as well. At this point, when someone brags about their degree in my presence, I automatically assume that I’m dealing with a brainwashed drone who knows nothing about anything. When it comes to education in …

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Not my favorite quote from W.C. Fields

My favorite is actually “Who is the despicable scoundrel who has stolen the cork from my lunch!” But then, I’m Irish and Italian mixed with Viking, so a little drink has never quite been enough.

The Frenzy of Global Cooling Climate Warming Change

And I do need to thank Kim du Toit for that little descriptor. Maybe it’s just me, but I have seen a frenzy of propaganda recently regarding how we’re all gonna die and how we just need to give up our money and our personal freedom to the government in order to save Mother Gaia …

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What a load of hogwash

Yet another idiotic article proclaiming that eating meat is global warming climate cooling change. This really is a religious cult. University of Oxford experts say eating just 100g of meat per day – less than a single burger – creates four times more greenhouse gases compared with a vegan diet. And this is where I say that these …

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I’m tired of being right

We told you this would happen. Lots of people, not just myself, said that women were going to be forced to deal with male genitalia in the showers under the guise of “Trans rights”. Lo and behold…. An 18-year-old military recruit forced to shower with biological males as part of the Biden administration’s transgender policies …

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Gosh, what are the odds?

I mean, I’m totally sure that the people attacking a movie that exposes child sex trafficking and pedophelia are doing it for the noblest of reasons, right? *cough* What IS IT with these Leftist rags trying to tie ‘Sound of Freedom’ to Q? Guys, gals, whatever you call yourselves, CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING is sadly very …

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Random night time thoughts

I’ve test ridden the H-D Pan American, and it’s a tremendous motorcycle. I want one. But if I had my druthers, I think I would return to a bike that had one of these. Don’t ask me to explain. If you know, you know.


Every time I open the local rag, I’m treated to some insinuation that the earth and all its inhabitants are going to die from global cooling climate warming change. Many people today actually believe that. Let me add some context, compliments of Borepatch. The plain truth is that the earth has been far warmer on …

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I thank the Good Lord I’m retired

Because if I were still in, this would probably end up with me in Ft. Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks. Diversity is our strength. Except, apparently, the more diversity the military seeks, the less strength it requires. That seems to be the lesson of the Army’s physical fitness standards, which do not apply to people who are …

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Yes, I’m still here

I’m pretty sure that when our gracious host invited me to blog here, he expected a bit more output from me. I do apologize, but my time seems to constantly be gobbled up by all sorts of various undertakings, both physical and mental. However I do try to find some time to smell the roses, …

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One of the *ahem* joys of living where I do

Is that we’ve been inundated with people from California coming to live up here. We are not singular in this, as states all over the USA have been filling with Californians for years. Heck, back in the 80’s we had bumper stickers on cars telling Californians that we were full, and they needed to go …

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More cleaning

Dad was a bit of a hoarder. Part of that was from growing up dirt poor. Part of that was when you’re living out in the country you don’t really throw anything away if it still has some use to it. Chains, rope, tools, all of them are kept and stored away because when you …

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This is only a shock for the Left

Because those of us who actually pay attention knew in 2020 that Hunter Biden was daddy’s bag man, both in Ukraine and China. HUNTER BIDEN: I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve …

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You cannot fool Mother Nature

No matter how hard you try. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I hate hippies. But you can disapprove of someone and still acknowledge some good things, such as the whole natural foods movement. I’m a huge believer in eating as naturally as you can. Processed foods are the devil. And no matter how …

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Started cleaning out Dad’s office yesterday

And I found it a little hard to breathe. It has been all assholes and elbows here since his death. There was a bunch of stuff that was planned prior to his passing, and that still had to be attended to. Such as the removal of several trees around the property that were either dying …

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Speaking of “No Rules In Combat”

One rule that used to be in place was that you didn’t hurt kids. War was hell, but you weren’t supposed to target kids deliberately. The Left has violated that rule. Hell, they’ve tossed that rule into the trash as they try to trans and groom every kid they can get their hands on. That’s …

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Every flag officer in the US military needs to be fired

And this is exhibit 1,735,921 of why. This is not a serious officer. This is not an officer who cares about winning wars. And to be completely honest, she wasn’t selected to be a general based on the desire to win wars. She was selected because she toed the correct political line. God help the …

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