David Mangan

Grumpy retired Army guy. I was grumpy before I retired, I just am old enough now for it to be in character.

Author's posts

Started cleaning out Dad’s office yesterday

And I found it a little hard to breathe. It has been all assholes and elbows here since his death. There was a bunch of stuff that was planned prior to his passing, and that still had to be attended to. Such as the removal of several trees around the property that were either dying …

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Speaking of “No Rules In Combat”

One rule that used to be in place was that you didn’t hurt kids. War was hell, but you weren’t supposed to target kids deliberately. The Left has violated that rule. Hell, they’ve tossed that rule into the trash as they try to trans and groom every kid they can get their hands on. That’s …

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Every flag officer in the US military needs to be fired

And this is exhibit 1,735,921 of why. This is not a serious officer. This is not an officer who cares about winning wars. And to be completely honest, she wasn’t selected to be a general based on the desire to win wars. She was selected because she toed the correct political line. God help the …

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Let me tell you about James

James was born the eldest of nine kids in a Irish Catholic family. James’ dad was in the Navy, and James just happened to be born in 1940, so his dad was gone quite a bit of the time trying to teach bad people the consequences of their actions. James excelled at running, winning countless …

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Check Check One Two

Well, hello there all you fine folks! As you can see, Mr. Porretto was struck by some malady that caused him to invite me to post here on his blog. Say a prayer for the poor man, as well as buy one or two of his books so he can afford to heal himself of …

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