Francis W. Porretto

Mount Sinai, NY USA

Author's posts

Just Because I Feel Like It

     I’m in something of a mood this evening, so have a couple of songs from two of the paramount singers of the Twentieth Century. First, from the late, great Stan Rogers:      And for dessert, the two pieces that made Tom Rush a legend:      I suppose the Twentieth Century wasn’t all bad, after …

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Something You Won’t See On YouTube

     The Powers-That-Be will not tolerate any dissent from the Gospel Of The Holy “Vaccine.” Yet the casualty count is high and still rising. Beware!

Destruction Tests Are Destructive

     The only way to learn just how much abuse an item will accept is to test it to destruction. Such a test should start gradually, with mild abuse, and escalate by small increments through higher and higher levels of abuse until the thing being tested is a pile of rubble. Any other approach would …

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Maintaining Important Distinctions

     One of the little tricks by which the Left has made steady inroads into American life is the effacement of important distinctions. While this is largely a matter of linguistic chicanery, its effects often eclipse those of any other political tactic. That makes it an important front in our political combats.      Unfortunately, many …

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     When you reach a certain age, it becomes unwise to trust your memory absolutely. Now, I’ve always had a near-perfect memory, so it distresses me when I fail to remember something that, upon investigation, I really should have remembered. (Note to married men: This is why it’s both important and hazardous to keep a …

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A Cardiographer Speaks Out

     There are some brave people in the medical sector: BitChute embedding powered by      Perhaps the logjam is breaking.

All COVID All The Time

     That’s the news for you. At least, it can seem that way. COVID, the “vaccines,” various companies’ mandates, other companies’ refusals, health-care workers being fired, Florida’s policies, Ivermectin…it’s a long list. I’d have thought people would be sick of it by now. I certainly am.      But that’s the news. ***      First up, …

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While One Swallow Doth Not A Summer Make (UPDATED)

     …it is instructive to watch the little thing flit past as the vendors of the “vaccine” strive to assure us that their product is “effective” and “safe:”      I’m currently trying to download the video, so that YouTube can’t memory-hole it.      Folks, the “vaccine” might not kill you. However, it appears to be …

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That’s Gotta Sting Dept.

     The U.S. gets criticized by many other nations, but when it’s the French, you just know an important threshold has been crossed:      The worst part about it, of course, is that this time around, the French are right. Mark your calendars, Gentle Readers; it’s an occasion worth remembering.

The Coronated, The Venerated, And The Skepticated

     [Cannot be sung to the tune of “Baubles, Bangles, and Beads.” Don’t even try. Please!]      There have been times when, after watching supposedly intelligent people swallow utter bilge in Great-Lakes quantities, I have asked myself “Which of us is crazy? Are we living in Andrew Klavan’s Empire of Lies for real?” The answer …

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All You Need To Know

     It’s one thing to be wrong. It’s another to be unhappy about being shown to have been wrong. It’s quite another to insist that one’s position, despite a monumental record of error, failure, and outright deceit, is privileged: HEWITT: “Is there a point where you will say: ‘I have done more harm than good …

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A Not-Funny Conversation

     Imagine, Gentle Reader, that rather than talking to one another about how much of your money to spend, Congress is a single individual, and he’s talking directly to you, hoping to win your approval for his spending bill. Your exchange might go thus: CONGRESS: So you see, this $[insert insane spending amount here] appropriations …

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“We Can Afford To Spend As Much Of Your Money As We Like.”

     Listen as a top Congressional Democrat tells you exactly that:      On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront,” House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth (D-KY) said that $3.5 trillion in spending under the reconciliation bill “is pretty inconsequential when you consider all the benefits to the American people,” and “The federal government can afford anything …

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A Little More On The “Public” “Education” System

     This development almost got past me:      The leftist National School Boards Association is begging President Joe Biden to use domestic terrorism laws to target parents who oppose anti-science mask mandates for children and the infiltration of racist curriculum in schools.      In a letter sent on Wednesday, NSBA asked the Biden administration and …

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You Thought It Was Just A Gaffe, Didn’t You?

     Not only wasn’t it a gaffe, it goes all the way to the top:      So I saw this clip circulating the Twitter interwebs (I don’t think that’s a word but it’s funny to say when referencing the Internet – makes me feel like I’m 90) of Miguel Cardona, President Joe Biden’s Education Secretary, …

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The Point Of The Left’s Program

     One could say a lot of very negative things about former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe. He hates guns. He’s pro-abortion. He keeps bad company. He lies a lot. In other words, he’s a typical Democrat politician. But, his backers would say, at least he’s consistent. And consistency is a virtue, right?      McAuliffe is …

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More On The “Think Again” Front

     “The threat is more powerful than its execution.” – Aron Nimzovich      “Not if the probability of execution is zero.” – Me.      I’ve been seeing a lot of online bravado of the sort that runs “If they go any further, we’ll rise up and…” – You get the idea, don’t you, Gentle Reader? …

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So You Think Things Can’t Get Any Worse?

     Think again: The Glut      “Wake up! Wake up!”      “Huh?” Smith came slowly to consciousness. The clock on his nightstand told him it was 2:00 AM. He turned on the light and peered up at the intruder. “What’s the matter…hey, who are you?”      The figure at his bedside was plainly no one …

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Peak Lunacy Dept 2021-09-28

     We have arrived at a moment when making a gathering less diverse, according to the dictionary definition of that word is characterized as defending diversity:      Video out of Arizona State University on Thursday shows a pair of black activists ordering two white students to leave a “multicultural” center for being white.      “You’re …

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What We Need

     Everybody is screaming a warning about something. Each of those everybodies is peddling a nostrum of some sort – usually something you can buy over the counter – he’ll tell you is essential to deal with the threat he hawks. And while it’s not perfectly uniform, a great many of the everybodies hope to …

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