Francis W. Porretto

Mount Sinai, NY USA

Author's posts

Free Fiction!

On January 1, 2022, my new Onteora County romance The Discovery Phase will be a free download at Amazon! One day only, so get yours while it’s free!      And by the way, Happy New Year!

Make Up Your Own Clever Title

     Sorry, Gentle Readers. The “Future Columns” folder is about to explode, and as the UXB squad has professed a complete lack of interest in my peril, I’m just going to slather it all over you.      (Don’t you feel special?) *** 1. Alternative explanations dept.      These days, it’s unwise to settle for the …

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Perfection: Its Uses And Abuses

     Once again, I have to take the C.S.O. to a medical procedure a little later. And once again, my “Future Columns” folder is near to bursting. Therefore, in an <sarcasm>unprecedented act of self-assertion,</sarcasm> I’m going to write about what I damned well please.      ‘Tis the season to be ornery. ***      To me, …

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An AFK Day

     I’ll be offline much of today, as I must take the C.S.O. to a medical procedure a good distance away. It will take several hours, during which I’ll be hopping up and down and jittering about waiting with my justly famous confidence and world-renowned patience in a nearby coffee shop while the flesh mechanics …

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Comprehension: A Primer

     First, a few quotes:      You say: “There are persons who have no money,” and you turn to the law. But the law is not a breast that fills itself with milk. Nor are the lacteal veins of the law supplied with milk from a source outside society. – Frederic Bastiat, The Law      …

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Saint Stephen

     Today, December 26, is the feast day of Saint Stephen, one of the first (some accounts make him the very first) martyrs to the Christian faith. Here’s what this morning’s missive from the Catholic Company has to say about him:      St. Stephen (1st. c.) was one of the Church’s first deacons in Jerusalem …

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The Big Whys

     Why do you do what you do? Apart from the autonomic stuff such as breathing, and the instinctive stuff such as chasing cute girls, that is.      As far as I can tell, there are only three categorical reasons for any consciously chosen action: Desires; Fears; Beliefs.      Virtually everyone understands the first two …

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For Real Americans Everywhere: Lest We Forget

     Just a quick reminder, before I go offline for the Christmas weekend:      Government kills.      All governments, at all levels.      All elements of government, whatever their nominal function.      Killing is the only thing they’re good at.      The events of January 6? Capitol police officers killed three protestors. All three were …

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Some Early Christmas Presents To Indie Colleagues

     Here we are: December 23, only two days from the Feast of the Nativity, Christianity’s second-biggest holy day. But many Americans’ thoughts remain on entirely secular matters, especially the purchasing and wrapping of presents for others. As one of my parish priests put it, this is the time of year we go running around …

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Tribalism Ascendant

     I’ve written about tribalism on several occasions, mainly at Liberty’s Torch V1.0. Because of associations that link tribe with race, it’s a subject that induces considerable trepidation in persons who dislike being called nasty names. Yet it’s a real phenomenon, it has deleterious effects on a society, and when allowed any latitude it can …

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Shibboleths And Scare Talk

     Political talk is mostly hot air, of course. Among other influences, politicians almost unanimously regard their own voices as the sweetest sound in the universe. They’ll fill whatever space is provided to them with as much blather as they can get away with – and it won’t necessarily mean anything in particular.      So …

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Christmas, Children, and Christ

     If you have young children (I don’t), or were once a young child yourself (I wasn’t), you’re probably familiar with children’s Christmas frenzy. It’s all about the presents. (Well, maybe a little about the decorations.) The religious aspects of the holiday are virtually impossible to communicate to them. The origin of the gift-giving tradition …

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Bits Of Fun

     Christmas is a week away. What point is there in writing about politics and current events at a time this joyous? Shut ‘em out with me, at least for today, and see if we can amuse one another.      (Amuse, not abuse! Get your mind out of the gutter.) ***      I saw this …

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Preparing For Armageddon

     A funny way to open a column in the second half of Advent, eh? But it’s what’s on my mind. The eighteen entries in my “Future Columns” folder can wait another day.      Here is the stimulus for today’s exercise in futility:      Please take the twelve minutes and watch it. It’s one of …

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Conquest’s Second Law In The Saddle

     You remember Robert Conquest’s Second Law of Politics, don’t you? Any organization not explicitly right-wing Will sooner or later become left-wing.      This is the consequence of a powerful dynamic: the dynamic of power-seeking. It’s a fairly simple progression, yet there are persons who fail – or refuse – to understand it: Any organization …

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URGENT: Mike Hendrix of Cold Fury in Critical Condition

     I just received this from Big Country Expat:      Mikes in the Critical Care/ICU. I’m waiting to find out -where- exactly.      I just got word that my brother-from-another-mother Mike Hendrix, late of the famed rockabilly band The Belmont Playboys and more recently of the Blog “Cold Fury” has gotten seriously hemmed up medically …

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     These grab-bag pieces have always helped me to de-escalate in the past. Let’s see whether this one follows the pattern. ***      A few days ago, the New York Times published a piece about rising French politician Eric Zemmour that was hysterical even by that paper’s standards. John Hinderaker at Power Line provides a …

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Brutal But More Likely Than Not

     Yes, I’m back. I needed a few days off, in part to get The Discovery Phase released, but in larger part to flush the static out of my head. Anyway, it’s hard to type with your fists. Puts a lot of stress on the keyboard, too.      This morning, I encountered an unusually frank …

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New Fiction

     Loren was good looking, well mannered, and highly intelligent. He was broadly competent in applied mathematics, the physical sciences, and computer technology. He could fix almost anything, and would do so happily. Yet for years he’d spent most of his days doing janitorial work at a state college. While at age forty-eight he had …

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Presented Without Comment

     I hadn’t paid much attention to Jesse Watters before this. I will henceforward.

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