Francis W. Porretto

Mount Sinai, NY USA

Author's posts

Do You Pray?

     Not a lot of people pray these days. To my sorrow, that includes many self-nominated Christians of every denomination, including mine. I understand some of the reasons. Our lives have never before been as cluttered as they are today. The world around us presents us with a multitude of distractions, some seemingly so imperative …

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Every Time You Think They’ve Hit The Bottom…

     …they pull out their shovels and dig like giant moles on meth:      It’s possible that this isn’t a first – that at some time in the past, unknown even to me, there have been presidents and Supreme Court justices unacquainted with the concept of enumerated powers, unaware of the significance of the Tenth …

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Even The Greatest Men Are Sometimes Wrong

     Men are fallible. We make mistakes. Some of us are wrong more often than right. And yes, “men” includes women, so no smirking, ladies. Especially since the majority of you react worse to being criticized than to being publicly groped.      The history of Christianity knows few mortal figures to compare with Saul of …

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More Anarchy, More Tyranny

     I’m in a particularly dark mood this morning. It derives from several causes, most of which my Gentle Readers would deem irrelevant to them. However, there is one that’s worth a mention.      Though I disapprove of the linguistic hijacking that has conflated anarchy with chaos, I can do little about it. Worse yet, …

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A Brief, Bitter Tale

     Forgive me, Gentle Readers. I have a great need to vent about a semi-personal matter, and this is my only outlet for it.      As you probably know, I sell my fiction through Amazon. Like it or not, Amazon commands approximately 85% of the eBook market, so a writer who seeks to move his …

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Is Comment Required?

     There are days when even an idiot would easily draw the moral:      In this purported hot sauce incident, a few weeks back, Drake had allegedly met up with some model on Instagram at a party, and the two ventured back to his hotel room. Reports note that Drake and this woman engaged in …

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Ultra-Quickies: Conical Pizza?

     I sometimes lament my memory. It’s too good; it forces me to remember things I’d rather forget. But then something like this comes along:      A lot of people like to make rules around what pizza is and isn’t. From where a pizza is made to what toppings are on it, a pizza can …

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Patterns Redux

     Long, long, LONG ago, I wrote a half-satirical essay about patterns in the lives and doings of public men. It’s in the “Baseline Essays” section, which should tell you a wee bit about what I think of its significance. Before proceeding here, I exhort you to go thence and read it, even if you …

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     Enough of the political / current events crap for today. Maybe Linda or the Colonel will ring in with something later. My mind is on matters fictional.      I’ve ranted several times, here and elsewhere, about the priority I place on originality. Even before the “indie explosion,” original ideas and approaches in novel-length fiction …

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We Need Some Music Around Here!

     And so we shall have some: Last night I dreamed about you I dreamed that you were older You were looking like Picasso With a scar across your shoulder You were kneeling by the river You were digging up the bodies Buried long ago Michelangelo Last night I dreamed about you I dreamed you …

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The Lash Indirect

     I’ve written on several occasions about the Left’s power-tropism, and how it targets organizations to garner more of it. Every “formally organized” organization – i.e., one with by-laws or a charter, a hierarchy, and a procedure for becoming and remaining a member – offers a kind of power to those who can rise within …

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Immanentizing the Eschaton of the Republic

     “Don’t let them immanentize the eschaton!” – William F. Buckley, 1966      It has been said, and truly, that whatever the Left accuses the Right of doing is what the Left is already doing, or planning to do in the immediate future. In today’s political battlespace, that has a particularly large force.      Have …

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You Have To Wonder Dept.      Just how blatantly can a Democrat lie and still get away with it? From the Supreme Court oral arguments over federal vaccine mandates:      Ohio Solicitor General Benjamin Flowers, representing the coalition of GOP-led states opposing the OSHA rules, was quizzed by Justice Sotomayor on the mandates — which …

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     Circus knife throwers go through a lot of beautiful young assistants in scanty costumes. That’s not because they “miss” all that often; obviously not, or their unique occupation would have been banned long ago. Rather; it’s because the young beauty’s fear that sooner or later the day will come eventually wears her down. She …

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Anarcho-Tyrannical America, The Continuing Story

     It’s beyond the possibility of dispute today.      Consider the following short video:      Stephen Miller of America First Legal has stated the matter perfectly. But it’s not just medical care that’s at risk:      Manhattan’s new DA has ordered his prosecutors to stop seeking prison sentences for hordes of criminals and to downgrade …

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The Devolution Of The American Female

     Among the truly stupendous lies of the decades behind us, this one is near the top: Ladies: You Can Have It All.      It’s shorthand, of course. “All” is an abbreviation for “all the fulfillments and satisfactions known to Mankind, without limit and without cost.” It was one of the inducements for young American …

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The Search For Exculpations

     It continues.      I admire Maura Dowling. She’s done terrific work at her site for many years now, which has put her on my twice-daily reading list. Besides, she’s one of the only two Long Island bloggers in the Dextrosphere, which makes her special indeed. So the following should not be interpreted as an …

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Threatening Or Heartening?

     I’m in the habit of sending out “Happy New Year” notes to my friends, cordial acquaintances, and other regular correspondents. Those who reply usually just echo the wish, perhaps with a few words of personal news attached. However, this year one friend, whom I’ll call Smith, included in his response that he’d decided to …

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Crisis: The Agar Of Leviathan

     [A repost from four years ago. It came to mind when I read this John Hinderaker piece. History might not be perfectly cyclical, but its “greatest hits” surely do get a lot of replays. — FWP] ***      You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s …

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Alert! Alert!

     They killed him! The wisest man on Earth, a godlike being with superior intelligence who has absolute evidence and proof of his theory. He could not have expired from any natural cause. He’s been taken from us by the Worldwide Single-Day-Time Conspiracy!      To gauge the immeasurable height, width, and depth of what we …

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