Francis W. Porretto

Mount Sinai, NY USA

Author's posts


     If you need a demonstration of just how little intelligence, candor, and personal integrity are required to win a high public office, just look here:      I totally forgot Bernie existed. And then I saw THIS gem today:      We talk about being a divided nation. In many ways, that’s true. But, in some …

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Day Off

I’ve had a computer failure, and am typing this on one of my lab computers, so there’ll be no essay today. Pray for me as I clumsily swap parts among my various machines to determine what the BLEEP! has gone wrong with Ol’ Cyclops. (Is there a patron saint of computers? Or of the people …

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Let’s Mince Some Words!

     I was just tooling around, surfing through my usual list of news and commentary sources, when I found this piece:      I first noticed that the Democrats had shanghaied control of our language when the phrase “Global Warming” began to disappear. It was replaced almost overnight with ‘Climate Change,’ mostly because we had had …

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There Are Days

     Indeed, there are whole years. And 2021 was one such. This year isn’t shaping up to be better.      But this is Ash Wednesday, the first day of the special liturgical season of Lent. It moves around from year to year, as it depends on the date of Easter. For those with an interest, …

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Incentives Matter

     Human action is guided and constrained by two and only two factors: Incentives, Constraints.      Sometimes the changes to those things come in a form we fail to recognize at once. Sometimes we aren’t paying attention. And sometimes they stroll up and bite us on the nose:      After years of delinquency to meet …

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Crossing The Aisle

     “The poor” have been one of the principal flails the Left has wielded against the Right for over a century. Innumerable policy initiatives have been called for and justified under the rationale of “helping the poor.” They go by other names, now and then: the “disabled;” the “structurally unemployed,” the “historically marginalized;” the “homeless;” …

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The Fraying Part 3: Action And Reaction

     Through the first and second pieces, the news has all been bad. Now it’s time to review the other consequences of the sociocultural assault on American norms: the ones that hold out some hope for a future of freedom and decency. ***      As I’ve written before, word gets around. What people need to …

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“National Commitment”

     Hold onto this snippet for later in the essay:      During repeated visits after 1909, the two commandants became fast friends even to the extent of [British General Henry] Wilson being admitted into the French family circle and invited to the wedding of [French General Ferdinand] Foch’s daughter. With his friend “Henri,” Foch spent …

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Organic, Whole, And With The Dirt Still On It!

     Ahhh, Friday. Just as with Mondays, even retirees still look forward to them. No, it doesn’t make sense. Does it need to?      Have a few squibs before I sit down to compose the main event for today. *** “Experts”      Gerard Van der Leun has done so much good stuff for so long …

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“National Interest”

     We interrupt this series of “Fraying” essays to address the question that seems to be on a majority of Americans’ minds at this time: Is Biden Out Of His BLEEP!ing Mind?      Warning! Spoiler Alert! Yes.      But this leads to a larger and ultimately more important subject: foreign policy and what constitutes the …

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The Fraying Part 2: Genesis And Consequences

     Yesterday’s rather melancholy piece provoked some contention, but there was less of that than there was of dour, semi-resigned agreement. Quite a number of my correspondents wrote to say “I wish you were wrong, but I fear you aren’t,” albeit not in so many words. Nearly all of them asked me not to mention …

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The Fraying

     This will be a rather sad piece, I fear. Still, hang in there. You never know when a ray of light might come through the clouds. *** Unreal City,Under the brown fog of a winter dawn,A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many,I had not thought death had undone so many.Sighs, short and infrequent, …

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The Grab-Bag

     Hey, it’s Monday. Never imagine that that doesn’t distress a “retired” guy quite as much as a still-working stiff. Actually, I had more free time when I was working for someone else…and I’m not the only retired engineer who would say so. *** 1. What’s so important about this “freedom” crap?      If you’re …

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Capitalism: The Order Of Execution

     Forgive me, Gentle Reader. Because of the graphic above, which I found over at 90 Miles From Tyranny, my memory has assaulted me again, and so I find that I must do a terrible thing. How terrible it is, I shall leave for you to decide.      About thirty-five years ago, Long Island’s regional …

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Parallel Processes

     In the early morning – obscenely early by most Americans’ standards – is when the ideas that spur deeper contemplation usually occur to me. Perhaps that’s because the more recently awakened is one’s mind, the more likely it is to perceive without distraction. The world certainly provides a wealth of distractions, but at 4:00 …

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Luxuries And Necessities

     Do you work in a “service” trade? That is: rather than making or enhancing physical goods, do you merely provide a convenient service to others, sparing those others the chore of doing whatever it is for themselves? No need to be shy about it. Many Americans are in that category.      The “service economy” …

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Labels Can Mislead

     We tend to trust labels. (At least, we did back when we were a high-trust society, but perhaps I shouldn’t assume that it remains the case.) If the package says “Chocolate-chip cookies,” we proceed on the assumption that the package contains chocolate-chip cookies. If we discover afterward that it contains something else, our readiness …

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Rise Of The PAT

     My admiration for Tucker Carlson grows daily:      Carlson has nailed a key, if largely unnoticed, development: the rise of the Passive-Aggressive Tyrant. Justin Trudeau qualifies. Though a figurehead rather than an actual president, Joe Biden qualifies. Are there others in the First World? Emmanuel Macron, perhaps? I await the evaluations from European readers …

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The CHIP Department

     If you’ve never seen the acronym “RHIP,” it stands for “Rank Hath Its Privileges.” Today we inaugurate a new version of that old maxim, Class Hath its Privileges. For it isn’t just “rank,” interpreted narrowly as elevation within a hierarchy, that decides who can do what to whom, without penalty even if with malice …

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Empty Calories

     That’s what yesterday meant to most people. Not football. A social gathering with plenty of nosherai. Here at the Fortress, yesterday had another, far more significant meaning, which I shall refrain from disclosing, out of regard for the feelings of my Significant Other.      Yes, this is the introduction to yet another “assorted” column. …

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