9 results for "same-sex marriage"

Clerical Missteps

     The news in religion today focuses on the “Synod on Synodality” currently being held in the Vatican. Many Catholics are seriously concerned about what’s being discussed by the assembled clergy. Longstanding teachings of the Church appear threatened. Of course we won’t know what will come of it all until it’s over and its deliberations …

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A Saturday Smorgasbord

     It promises to be a busy day – this home ownership scam can really get to you in the spring – so have a few scattered bits for now. *** 1. The FBI Doesn’t Like Us.      I don’t mean “us” in the widest sense this morning. Rather, I’m thinking of the special attention …

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Learned Soullessness

     I scratched around for quite a while, looking for a title for this piece. The above is the best I’ve got, and not very good at that, so please bear with me.      This is “Respect Life” weekend at my parish. We have the annual drive for funding for the local crisis pregnancy center, …

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The War On The Church

     You might not believe it – after all, the mainstream media never report on atrocities committed against Catholic churches in America – but it’s going on nevertheless.      You see, the oh-so-tolerant Left considers us intolerable:      THERE WAS NO winner in last month’s vote on abortion rights in Kansas. Technically, nothing changed after …

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The Church Under Attack

     Political matters can go hang for the moment. Just now, my focus is on more permanent things…some of them eternal. ***      Surely this piece is not so far in the past that my Gentle Readers will have forgotten it. It may have drawn more giggles than sober ponderings, but the true import of …

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The Price Of Clarity

     Our favorite Bookworm has produced her best column ever. I hope she’ll permit me a lengthy excerpt:      For several decades, leftism has been that ghost in the American machine. For decades, leftists were the “good guys.” While they were already haunting the Democrat party, they were still invisible. The Democrat party was able …

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Misplaced Pride And Its Consequences

     Pride is one of the more controversial elements in the human psyche. Excessive pride, a.k.a. vanity, is one of the seven capital sins. However, just pride – i.e., a proportionate pride in one’s own accomplishments, is all right. In fact, it’s damned near impossible to suppress.      But there’s also a foolish variety of …

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Gazing Into The Abyss

     If you’re not aware of Catholic moral theory – and even many Catholics aren’t fully aware of it – you might not have become acquainted with the “five non-negotiables” of the Catholic Church: i.e., the five subjects on which no alteration in doctrine will ever be contemplated: Abortion; Same-sex marriage; Embryonic stem-cell research; Euthanasia; …

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[This essay first appeared at the old Palace Of Reason, on August 13, 2004. I chose to reprint it today in light of the unusual degree of attention Mark Butterworth’s post A Distasteful Subject has been getting. As usual when sexual mores and conduct are the topics, I expect disagreement – but given the facts, …

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