Why do Leftists hate Native Americans?

I’m currently sitting in a hotel, with the patio door open, listening to the waves of the Pacific Ocean crash against the rocky shore. I’ve hit all the points in Oregon and Washington, and I think that’ll be my Tour of Honor for this year. I’m going to turn my bike towards home and take the long way.

However, I just wanted to point out that when Leftists get their way, the supposed people they’re trying to save always end up suffering in some form or fashion.

The family of the Blackfeet chief who served as the face of the Washington Redskins for 48 years want his image back on the fields of the NFL, relatives told Fox News Digital.

The descendants of John Two Guns White Calf also want his incredible life story retold, too, to a new generation of Americans who seek unity and value multiculturalism. 

Do you remember everyone screaming about how racist the Redskins logo was? I don’t, because it wasn’t everyone screaming, just a very loud minority of busybodies and people who have a compulsion for unearned moral preening and virtue signaling. But they succeeded in removing what they found offensive, and never once did they bother to ask the family of the man on the helmet how they felt about it.

The lovely Native lady on the Land-o-Lakes box? Gone. Uncle Ben? Gone. Aunt Jemima? Gone.

You know who they left alone? That old white Quaker Oats guy. Man, the Left sure is racist. Get rid of all the black folk and native people but leave whitey untouched? It would sure be a shame if that got pointed out whenever the topic came up.

Anyways, it’s time to put the kickstand up and ride.

1 comment

    • Drumwaster on September 20, 2024 at 10:37 AM
    • Reply

    Yeah, our generation may have had its problems, but we were never offended by pancake syrup. (Except for that boysenberry stuff.)

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