The Media Are Partisans

     You knew that already, didn’t you, Gentle Reader? But perhaps you didn’t know just how maliciously partisan they’ve become:

     The “journalist” takes the statements of Springfield, Ohio officials at face value. Worse, she twists them into absolutes that go beyond what those officials actually said, spo that she can use them to attack Donald Trump. Vance rebuts her in his usual, poised way.

     It’s the modus operandi of today’s “journalists.” If Democrat officials – or anyone in a public office who has an interest in minimizing some problem – says that “It’s unproven” or “We need more evidence,” then the “journalist” takes that, amplifies it, and uses it to attack Republicans who disagree. Republicans before Trump were so confrontation-averse that they often didn’t reply at all. No longer! Quoth Charlie Kirk:

     It’s not that they’re “sure that’s a good idea,” Charlie; it’s that they’ve gotten away with it for so long that it mystifies them that it doesn’t work on Trump and Vance.