Gee, I wonder why the Catholic Church is having a hard time keeping people?

I mean, with leaders like this, I would think virtuous Christians would be just breaking down the doors, right?

Cardinal Blase Cupich, the progressive Catholic Archbishop of Chicago, offered the invocation for the Democratic National Convention (DNC) Monday without ever mentioning Jesus Christ.

The DNC with it’s mobile abortion vans. The DNC with it’s proud push for every sin the Catholic Church claims to be against. The DNC who is openly hostile to any theology that calls for man to moderate himself.

And Cupich just walks in there and blesses all of it. Because you see, he really doesn’t believe in Christianity either.

I have nothing but contempt for Cupich. I wish he would convert to Catholicism, repent of his sins, and reunite with God. But I don’t think he has the capability. I don’t think he’ll ever admit that anyone or anything is more important than himself.

Remember, when you tell God to go away, he does. And nothing says “GO AWAY” to God more than murdering babies for your own convenience. The thing that Cupich just blessed. It’s positively Satanic.

People can see the hypocrisy. And so they stay home on Sunday morning.


    • Paddy on August 24, 2024 at 7:19 AM

    Ahhh, you need a Cardinal like Timothy Dolan as we have in New York.  Next time you are here be sure to attend mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan. 

  1. I am not a Catholic, never was and never will be.  I did go to a Catholic mass in Boston many years ago and was impressed with the cathedral and the ceremony but, when I saw what revisionist Popes and Cardinals have done to God’s word I resolved to never step foot into a Catholic service again.
    Not all Christian ministers and those who profess to have accepted Christ are genuine or are even saved.  I feel my soul nourished by a good preacher whose primary drive is not money and status.  Give me a bible thumping pastor with tattered shoes and driving a ratty car and I think I know a true Man of God.  Way too many ministers only goal is bring in the dough and don’t truly care what they have to do to get it.  Jesus was not rich and neither am I.  I have my health and a beautiful wife and two great sons and food on the table and a roof over my head.  I want for nothing except peace and tranquility.   Christ is all I need and frankly, all the world needs.   

    1. Not all Christian ministers and those who profess to have accepted Christ are genuine or are even saved.

      That goes without saying. There have always been clerics who were “in it for the money,” or for the respect and prestige, or for some reason other than a true vocation. But don’t dismiss or condemn the Catholic Church because there are a few bad apples in Holy Orders. That would be utterly disproportionate. Every other Christian denomination has the same problem if not worse. Can you name some other institution whose clergy and membership are entirely voluntary and lacks all political pull, that has lasted for two thousand years?

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