
     The evil of the State can be summed up in one brief sentence:

The State does all things by force.

     Whether it wields its weapons openly or merely brandishes them, force is the State’s standard and its only tool.

     It’s typical of men that we strive, unconsciously, to blot out our more painful and upsetting memories. We don’t necessarily wait a long time to do so. That makes reminders of unpleasant experiences an obligation, for it’s mainly from pain and loss that we learn.

     Have a reminder of a recent, extremely painful experience, inflicted upon us by the masters of the State:

     So-called health expert Dr. Peter Hotez has called Biden regime, the United Nations and NATO to deploy security forces against “anti-vaxxers” in the United States.
     Vaccine promoter Dr. Peter Hotez made headlines last year for refusing to debate author, activist, presidential candidate, and attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines.
     Rather than accept the challenge, Hotez lashed out at both Robert Kennedy Jr. and Joe Rogan, who invited the two to debate the facts on his show.
     Hotez refused and smeared Robert Kennedy, Jr. instead. Hotez actually said, “Science is not something that is typically debated.” What a fraud.
     Then, the ‘charlatan’ doctor claimed that ‘Disease X’ is coming, which will be worse than COVID-19.

     While there was some previous unease about vaccines – especially, the vaccinations imposed on today’s newborns, often without bothering to obtain their parents’ consent – the COVID-19 “vaccines,” and the attempts by governments to make them compulsory, made the subject of bodily autonomy headline news for the first time in decades. Quite a lot of eyes were opened by those mandates. People began to ask a critical question: If the State can force you to accept this crap into your body, what can’t it force you to accept?

     The unease about vaccination mushroomed rapidly. It spread to embrace even well-studied vaccines such as those against polio. It may not have been the first time a medical preventative was the subject on everyone’s lips, but it was maximally dramatic.

     The Powers That Be were not pleased. A key element of their agenda had elicited resistance. There was talk of “vaccine passports,” the possession of which would be required for entry to a sports stadium or a large city. Hangers-on such as the above Dr. Hotez, angry about having their decrees questioned, started to make fatuous statements about “science,” e.g., “Science is not something that is typically debated.” Despite the rumbling unrest at such manifestations of medically-justified totalitarianism and the many unanswered questions about the “vaccine’s” efficacy and safety, an estimated 70% of the American population accepted it into their veins.

     Now significant medical institutions are allowing that We the Unwilling may have been right after all:

     A team of prominent Japanese medical researchers has revealed that the side effects associated with Covid mRNA shots continue for a long time after the injection.
     The new study, led by Dr. Haruka Hikichi, MD of the Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Laboratory Medicine at Akita University, found that injuries from Covid shots can act like a ticking time bomb, with adverse events emerging long after the injection was received.
     The peer-reviewed study was published in the prestigious Cureus medical journal.
     The research team, which includes Professor Shigeharu Ueki, MD PhD, a renowned allergist and immunologist specialist, sought to better understand the nature of reported adverse events following Covid mRNA injection.
     While the authors suggest the majority of these incidences have been transient, meaning temporary, they note that an alarming number of cases involving persistent adverse events have been uncovered.

     And in the corridors of power, the Establishment is trembling yet again.


     It shouldn’t be necessary to repeat this as often as I do, but once again: People who seek to force something upon you do not have your interests in mind. “It’s for your own good” is a tough case to put over on a toddler. It doesn’t fly at all when the speaker is brandishing a club. Yet the majority of Americans continue to trust the State: the peculiar institution, unique among all others, that can say “Do as we say or we’ll kill you.” It boggles the mind, and not just my mind.

     By now we should have learned better. Why haven’t we? Is it the unctuous promises of politicians, the processions of heavily-credentialed “experts,” the monotonic exhortations of the “media,” or a lack of trust in ourselves and our own judgment? Are we so resistant to the notion that our submission to the State, its various clerisies, and its boughten allies might have been mistaken from the outset? Are we too proud to admit that we’ve been wrong?

     Forgive me, Gentle Reader. Now and then it all gets to me. I’m old, and will depart from this life and its troubles soon enough, but I’d hate to leave you behind to suffer without me. Please, please think it through.

     Withdraw your sanction.