Desiccated To Dust

     I’m in a profoundly dark mood this morning. I hope it will lift, but for the moment, you, Gentle Reader are the “beneficiary.”


     To lead off, a reprint from three years ago:

The Political Strategy of the Usurper Regime…

     …is to lie. Continuously. About everything.

     Two examples follow – and believe me, I could have produced more without any exertion.

     First comes a scathing article from John Lott and Thomas Massie:

     There were so many lies in Vice President Kamala Harris’ and President Joe Biden’s presentations on guns Thursday that it is hard to know where to start. One thing is certain, though: The media fact-checkers won’t question their claims. Here are just a few of the false ones….

     Six egregious whoppers follow, straight from the Biden-Harris puppets’ mouths. Lott and Massie refute each of them in turn. Their conclusion?

     No, the rules for buying guns at gun shows are no different than buying them anywhere else. And no, when guns are unavailable neither the suicides nor the suicide attempts drop. Unfortunately, the liberal fact-checkers—as usual—are nowhere to be found.

     Next up, there’s a minor matter affecting illegal immigration:

     One of the very first things Joe Biden did when he came into office was to cancel the Remain in Mexico policy and the Trump agreement with the Central American nations of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Then the invasion began. At least 350,000 strangers, adults, and children, blew in and traveled throughout our country, some criminals and terrorists too, others with COVID. And they are here to stay.

     Well, now Biden wants to slow the migration since public opinion is turning against the administration. Our border guru Kamala Harris is missing in action. We are told she is studying the causes of the mass migration and we are supposed to believe that.

     So, what he decided to do is go back to Trump’s agreement with Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala and pretend it’s his agreement.

     No joke.

     CNN reports that the Biden administration has secured agreements for Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala to tighten their borders and stem the flow of migration, Special Assistant to the President for Immigration for the Domestic Policy Council Tyler Moran told MSNBC Monday.

     “We’ve secured agreements for them to put more troops on their own border. Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala have all agreed to do this. That not only is going to prevent the traffickers, and the smugglers, and cartels that take advantage of the kids on their way here, but also to protect those children,” Moran said.

     As Maura Dowling notes above, those agreements were hashed out by the Trump Administration and were already in place when Biden took office. Once again, the liberal fact-checkers are silent. “Liberal fact-checkers” will someday have a high place among the Orwellian phrases of our time. But then, why bother about the facts when there’s a Narrative to be maintained?

     The rioters were out in force last night looting and destroying their community after police shot and killed wanted gangbanger Daunte Wright.
     The rioters looted several businesses including a liquor store, a computer store, and a hair supply store.
     During the press conference on Monday leftist reporters tried to lecture Police Chief Tim Gannon on the situation on Sunday night.
     One reporter told Chief Gannon that the riot was not a riot!
     That’s when Chief Gannon set them straight.

     Brooklyn Center [Minnesota] Police Chief Gannon: “I was front and center… at the riot.”
     Reporter: “There was no riot.”
     Gannon: “There was… the officers that were putting themselves in harm’s way were being pelted with frozen cans of pop, they were being pelted with concrete blocks.”

     Large numbers of persons committing acts of violence and vandalism is a riot both legally and colloquially. The “reporter” was probably under instructions to minimize the event. Chief Gannon, God bless him, would not permit it. Meanwhile, the media freely use the words riot and insurrection to describe the events in Washington D.C. on January 6. Yet in that event, the only interpersonal violence was perpetrated by the Capitol police and the damage to the Capitol building was trivial.

     There’s no more effective technique for paralyzing a country than the ubiquitous lie – especially when the truth is plain to see. The inescapable cognitive dissonance that results leaves the victim feeling helpless, unsure of his own perceptions and unable to act with confidence. Ursula Le Guin gave us a fictional depiction of the technique in her early novel City of Illusions:

     “What do we really know of the time of our greatness? A few names of worlds and heroes, a ragtag of facts we’ve tried to patch into a history. The Shing law forbids killing, but they killed knowledge, they burned books, and what may be worse, they falsified what was left. They slipped in the Lie, as always. We aren’t sure of anything concerning the Age of the League; how many of the documents are forged? You must remember, you see, wherein the Shing are our enemy. It’s easy enough to live one’s whole life without ever seeing one of them — knowingly….There is no trust in them, because there is no truth in them….It was the Lie that defeated all the races of the League and left us subject to the Shing. Remember that, Falk. Never believe the truth of anything the Enemy has said.”

     For a summing-up, we have the great T. L. Davis:

     America is right where the left wants it, mired in the quicksand of trying to distinguish the truth while new lies are invented every hour. The stolen election cannot be countered by the right, because that would require massive voter fraud on the right to counter that on the left. There is no equilibrium. The left is fighting for what it wants and the right, it seems, is tired of having what it has always had, bored with it, too lazy to maintain it. Granted, there is a lot more motivation to achieve something one has not had than to defend what is common. Until, at least, it is no longer common, but something to be obtained.

     But make no mistake, the lies told today are about everything. Every commercial represents a popular lie as if the people have chosen to be deceived rather than to face the truth or deal with facts. It’s dangerous. It’s how whole nations dissolve into nothingness. If I thought that my countrymen, who recognize all that I have said, would stand with me, I would have no fear for the future of this nation and the human beings being raised into this soup of self-deception. We could turn it around, but as we have seen, any congregation quickly becomes a means of our own destruction by the society of lies in which we live, so we contemplate our own isolated destruction by the machine of lies.

     History teaches me that in the darkest moments, when all seemed lost, a spark has ignited the world against its own destruction. At one time, that was America. But communism is the pernicious lie that consumes all. It is ingenious in its simplicity, lie until the truth cannot be known, destroying all truth, leaving only propaganda. That it always leads to destitution and an annihilation of the human impulse toward charity and righteousness seems not to bother those who claim to be too principled to fight it.

     Until we destroy the machine of lies, we cannot be free.

     Have a nice day.

     That’s roughly how the Biden Administration started out: by lying, and enlisting its boughten allies in the media to swear to it. At that point, anyone whose eyes were open could already see what the consequences of the stolen 2020 election would be. Moreover, it was – please pardon the use of the following word – inevitable. A regime intent on the destruction of the things its subjects most value must lie to them, lest it provoke mass resistance beyond its ability to quell.

     Allow me, one more time, to cite a critical passage from the late, great Clarence Carson’s masterpiece The American Tradition:

     [W]e are told that there is no need to fear the concentration of power in government so long as that power is checked by the electoral process. We are urged to believe that so long as we can express our disagreement in words, we have our full rights to disagree. Now both freedom of speech and the electoral process are important to liberty, but alone they are only the desiccated remains of liberty. However vigorously we may argue against foreign aid, our substance is still drained away in never-to-be-repaid loans. Quite often, there is not even a candidate to vote for who holds views remotely like my own. To vent one’s spleen against the graduated income tax may be healthy for the psyche, but one must still yield up his freedom of choice as to how his money will be spent when he pays it to the government. The voice of electors in government is not even proportioned to the tax contribution of individuals; thus, those who contribute more lose rather than gain by the “democratic process.” A majority of voters may decide that property cannot be used in such and such ways, but the liberty of the individual is diminished just as much as in that regard as if a dictator had decreed it. Those who believe in the redistribution of wealth should be free to redistribute their own, but they are undoubtedly limiting the freedom of others when they vote to redistribute theirs.

     Just as Dr. Carson writes above, it was the Left’s thesis, beginning with Woodrow Wilson, that freedom of expression plus the electoral franchise constitute liberty in its entirety. If you’ve got freedom of speech plus the vote, you’re “free.” After all these years, we should know better…especially considering the waves of censorship, “cancelings,” “deplatformings,” and massive vote fraud, all of which are in the Left’s playbook.

     As it happens, the war on the franchise has attained an unprecedented height:

     Please, please read it all.

     The “desiccated remains of liberty” are crumbling to dust as we watch.


     Present trends continuing – feel free to shudder – the passage above from Ursula Le Guin’s early novel, which describes the reduction of the Earth to a totalitarian, barely technological nightmare, will come upon us. The Lie is that powerful. Lies can be made both more attractive than the truth and impossible to gainsay, whether by ceaseless, unanimous repetition by the “media” or the relentless censorship of alternative outlets.

     The Lie is more powerful even than the vote… and to ensure its dominance, they who count the votes are maneuvering to make certain that vote totals will favor them forevermore. The Lie will be used to reinforce the election “results,” until the subjects no longer dare to say otherwise.

     It’s time to clean and oil all the guns and reassess the ammo stocks. Have a nice day.