Can we be done with Ukraine, please?

Ukraine has been the go-to country for the US politicians to engage in money laundering, illegal bio-labs, and various other sundry things that they can’t get away with in the USA. We’ve given hundreds of billions of dollars to the Ukrainian government, which has allowed those government officials to purchase wonderful homes in France, as well as fancy cars and other items that the rich and famous certainly can’t be seen without. The Ukrainian president-for-life has outlawed things like any opposition to his position and the Russian Orthodox Church. And now, Zelensky has decided that he wants to make sure the gravy train keeps on chugging, so he had the US Government fly him to Pennsylvania on a USAF C-17 so he could campaign for the Cackling Whore of Scat Fransicko.

In a heavily coordinated and strategic political visit to Pennsylvania, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was essentially campaigning for Kamala Harris and a continuation of the Biden foreign policy which provides billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine. [AP Article Here]

Any non-pretending political pundit can see the transparency of the Zelensky visit to an ammunition factory in Pennsylvania when timed in context against the 2024 presidential campaign, with an overlay of Zelensky’s comments about how a Trump-Vance victory would be detrimental to the interests of the Ukranian government.

If the GOP had any kind of spine, the articles of impeachment would be drawn up and presented as of yesterday. But since the GOP is quite possibly even more spineless than a jellyfish, we get nothing. We have to SAVE act, we have no budget, we have failure theater and gutless, spineless, pathetic cowardly shitstains who care more about their cocktail parties than in doing what their constituents want them to do.

I’m done with Ukraine. I’m done with the corruption, the greed, and the callousness of leadership who destroy a country’s youth in order to pocket those sweet international bucks. Fuck Ukraine, fuck Zelensky, fuck the worthless fucking cock-goblins in the US Government who keep sending our money over there, and fuck anyone who says that it’s somehow our responsibility to defend another country when they refuse to defend this one.

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