A Farrago Of Friday Frivolities

     When the “Future Columns” folder begins to bulge, this is what follows.


1. Courage In A Bad Cause.

     Get a load of this:

     That 401 members of the Polish Parliament should have voted for the measure comes as no surprise. Sensible Poles know what’s happening to the rest of Europe and want no part of it. The ones on my mind are the 17 who voted against it. I’m sure their colleagues and their constituents know who they are. The remainder of the inference is left to my Gentle Readers.


2. Boiling-Blood Edition.

     The American Revolution, whatever you may have been taught about it, was mainly a war in defense of property rights. But look at what’s happening to property rights today:

     A judge has ordered a homeowner in Kentucky to vacate his home after a fight with alleged squatters who refused to leave the property, and Newsweek spoke to experts about the seemingly growing squatter problem.
     In Louisville, Kentucky, Daniel Toma told local station WSAZ 3 that he’s been kicked out of his own home after a group of “squatters” overstayed their welcome.
     He initially let them stay in his garage while they fixed their car, but they now refuse to leave three months later.
     The couple first moved in the middle of July, eventually decided to stay long-term without Toma’s permission, and even transferred their mail and had Spectrum cable installed.
     To Toma’s shock, they changed the lock on the garage despite never entering a rental agreement.
     While Toma finally posted a 30-day eviction notice around Labor Day for the couple to leave, the notice escalated into a fight between [squatter] Sencuk and one of Toma’s roommates.
     Sencuk then filed an emergency protective order against Toma, which now requires him to stay 500 [feet] away from him. That effectively left Toma homeless.

     Property rights in America today: the government can’t take your home without providing “just compensation,” but squatters can, with the assistance of a moron in a black robe.

     I think I’ve just taken my last vacation.


3. “Making Your Bones” Among The Establishment.

     If you don’t know that phrase, it means to establish your bona fides among a gang of criminals, by allowing them to witness as you commit a felonious act, preferably a murder. You’ve thereby rendered yourself as vulnerable to them as any of them might be to you. They have a method of control over you that you can never forget.

     Below, Peter Thiel makes a case for this as regards homosexual conduct:

     The prevalence of pedophilic behavior slowly but steadily coming to light within various Establishments may be a version of this. Pedophilia is nearly universally reviled; the ability to prove that a man has molested a minor gives one power over him. The plausibility is highly disturbing.


4. Above All, The Left Is Consistent.

     Unless you’ve been far, far away these past few days, you’ve surely heard about Springfield, Ohio, the plague of Haitian immigrants it’s suffering, and what some of those immigrants are doing to local domestic animals. (That’s been verified, by the way, just so you know.) Well, apparently a protest against the importation of these… persons is planned for quite soon. It’s to take place in front of Springfield’s Heritage Center. But look what else can be found there:

     It would take an extreme level of gullibility to shrug that off as “coincidence.”


5. Trump Isn’t The Only Target.

     The conservative justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are also under a crosshairs:

     An Alaska man has been charged with threatening to torture and murder six Supreme Court justices — including two of the high court’s best-known conservatives — as well as their relatives, the Justice Department revealed Thursday.
     Panos Anastasiou, 76, was nabbed Wednesday in Anchorage and is facing 22 federal charges stemming from 465 alarming messages he sent via the Supreme Court’s website between March 10 and July 16, prosecutors say.
     In one alleged message, sent May 17, Anastasiou said he wanted to drive by a justice’s house with fellow Vietnam War veterans and spray the property with AR-15 gunfire.
     “Hopefully N—– [Supreme Court Justice 1] and his white trailer trash n—– loving wife insurrectionist wife are visiting,” he wrote, according to the indictment.

     “N—” in the above quite obviously stands for nigger. You know, the epithet blacks use among themselves but whites are forbidden to speak or write on pain of ruination. How courageous of the Post to “conceal” it in such a manner, eh? Though the meaning is quite clear from context, we must applaud the editors’… delicacy. Well, you already know how I feel about such things.


6. Three Striking Articles.

     I’ve had these in the FC folder for a few days now. All three are worthy of reflection:

     I intend to come back to the third of those articles at a later time. All the same, set an hour aside to read it. Judge its contentions for yourself.


     That’s all for today, Gentl Reader. I have a mountain of chores ahead of me and a Significant Other brandishing a bullwhip, so for the present I must leave off the bloviating and mobilize this aged carcass in the service of… well, the details don’t really matter to anyone but me. Enjoy your day. Maybe by buying more ammo. I heartily recommend it.

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