A Good Start

     Vivek Ramaswamy appears to have his head on straight:

     I definitely like this guy. But how about denying Congress the power to legislate on anything not mentioned explicitly in Article I, Section 8 and not forbidden by the rest of the Constitution? The regulatory agencies didn’t grow like cancers all by themselves. Unless the federal government is restricted to its enumerated powers, they’ll swell again – and faster than anyone can imagine.


    • Drumwaster on September 18, 2024 at 1:08 PM
    • Reply

    I would argue for the utter abolition of any Department or Agency that isn’t explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. That gives us Defense, State, Treasury and Justice (enforcement of Federal Laws, which are specifically limited to the delegated powers of Congress, with repeated reference to the Tenth Amendment). The rest can go back to begging for nickels on the overpass.
    “A public employee, having no self-respect, needs and demands a show of public respect. ” — R.A. Heinlein
    “When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property.” — Thomas Jefferson

    • Benjamin Martin on September 19, 2024 at 12:17 AM
    • Reply

    The federal government is already restricted by the Constitution to its enumerated powers. They (our SLAVEMASTERS) Overthrew the Constitution long ago. They pay it homage from time to time but make no mistake we live under a totalitarian system of government!
     The judicial branch was too cowardly to stop it at the time and has also become accustomed to having Unlimited power! Generations of our youth and now our senior citizens have long forgotten or never even knew what a Constitutional Republic even looks like.
    Here we sit, awaiting the economic collapse that will surely come from the absolute avarice of our so-called leaders. When that day finally comes, a biblical level of sorting will begin. Upon the ashes, rubble, and mountains of dead bodies, our country will begin anew.

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