What Desperation Looks Like

     They fear they can’t beat him – even with “the most massive vote-fraud organization in history:”

     ‘Nuff said.

1 comment

  1. “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?” posted by WretcardTCat on FB with link for those who have FB access

    The only other thing he did was link to the Henry II quote at Wikipaedia which adds the helpful “(spoken aloud)” so as to make clear that the outcome for Becket was encouraged.

    After several commenters asserted how such alouds prove that TPTB would love a civil war, one fine commenter wrote this:

    “Will no one rid us of the Western elite death cultists?”

    This speaks well like what so many of our Gentle Readers have reacted whenever we quote one of those academic Death Cultists like Eric Pianka.

    “You first.”

    It would accomplish two things simultaneously. It would be far less bloody and so deprive the deceased of their fervently religious wish for the rest of us.

    I seek wisdom from the knowledge I accumulate. Openly advocating the elimination of the most highly situated haters of mankind and God does not seem wise. But knowing that such words, hopefully repeated by others, will inspire men who are far more brilliant and creative than am I, and from there wisdom can spring.

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