Brace For Impact

     Gold is flying: $2577.80 / Troy oz.
     Silver is as well: $30.58 / Troy oz.
     Platinum, palladium, and rhodium are all up sharply.
     Copper’s moving, too, albeit more gently.
     Would you like to know why? Just go here.

     The aggregate federal debt is now $35.3 trillion. That seriously exceeds the Gross Domestic Product: $27.36 trillion at the end of 2023. Just the annual interest on that debt now exceeds $1 trillion: more than the U.S.’s annual defense budget. And Washington keeps on borrowing and spending.

     The collapse of the dollar becomes ever more likely. The great majority of Americans are totally exposed to it. Even those of us who’ve worried about it and prepared for it for decades are somewhat vulnerable. It’s hard to get quit of the dollar, when so much of our “wealth” is just paper.

     Donald Trump has said his Administration will work to restore the dollar to its status as the world’s standard currency. I hope he’ll get the chance. Present trends continuing, he might not. As for you, Gentle Reader, buy gold and silver. Fill your pantry and your ammo stocks. If you expect to need it, get it sooner rather than later. And pray that we who study money and currency are totally wrong – that what we see coming never arrives.