A Litmus Test For Death Cult Membership

Despite its lead in, the following video, tweeted to X, appears to be the recording of a Caesarean section live birth.

Because of the words of the tweet preceding the video, I was sickened by what I thought I saw. The upside: there may be wisdom to be extracted from my reaction. And, believe it or not, we may have Stalin to thank for that insight.

At the end of the video, at the point where the last of the amniotic fluid collapses the sac, the flash of light made the final fluid appear as if it was blood. That and the tweeter’s words implies this was a live birth abortion.

Consequently, I thought that this was a video used for training abortionists. It certainly would be an excellent way to test each candidate to see if one’s conscience was callous enough to perform the murder.

And, thus, this is why this video provides an excellent litmus test to see if one has joined the Death Cult mind set. Among the comments to this tweet was several that excoriated the tweeter to the effect that late term abortions are not that common no matter how often you pro-lifers try to make it seem.

See, there is no conscience in that. One abortion of a baby — or fetus if they insist — at or near such a late stage of development is clearly murder. Yet such thinkers want us to only think of the vast numbers, not each individual. That allows them to numb their conscience — just as Joseph Stalin implied by how easy it was to kill millions of those subject to his will. Viz:

One death is a tragedy. A million merely a statistic.

Frequently attributed to Joseph Stalin

Accepting that line of thinking is how the Death Cult will get compliance from the majority of its very victims. What you think you have witnessed since the plandemic was merely a statistic, not the murder of millions of individuals.

You’re just imagining it. /gaslight.

‘So just keep silent and let us get on with it.’

Yep, keep doing what you have always done, and expect a different result.


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    • Mad Celt on August 30, 2024 at 8:59 AM

    I have not and never will support the Molech worshippers as many of them unwittingly engage in ceremonies for their god. They are not only pagan but hav we a misconstrued idea of rights. Rights come from God, not from governments. When a government creates a ‘right’ you can bet the basis is evil.

    • Scott on August 30, 2024 at 12:44 PM

    Please stop calling it pro choice.  Call it pro death because it is just that. In life we have opposite   Here are some examples
    Dark – light
    Day – night
    Good – evil
    Pro life – pro death
    Pro choice – pro no choice
    Pro life – pro choice =  NOPE not  a opposite only a made up difference to make it sound good , so you can feel good about yourself supporting murder of the innocent. Sounds so much better to say pro choice instead of pro murder. If we all call it like it is , maybe these murdering  freaks will go hide some where in shame till they are sent to hell. Man I can’t wait for them to stand before God and try to argue their point with him for why it is ok to kill a innocent child he created because God didn’t make that child by mistake I can promise you all that.

    • George Mckay on August 30, 2024 at 4:31 PM

    It is very difficult to watch this.  Babies are a gift from God and anybody who murders one has committed the gravest sin imaginable.  Killing an innocent child for the convenience of the “mother” is wrong, always was and always will be.  
    Abortionists are murderers pure and simple.  There can be no equivocating or rationalizing murder.  I know God is capable of forgiving them – I don’t think I am.  Evil is evil.

    1. This was a live birth by Caesarean section. Once I realized that, it’s usefulness for life defenders became apparent. Corporate media continues to refuse to air any paid or public service awareness ads with such images. More of us need to show this on our blogs.

    2. One of the hallmarks of Christianity is that God works through us to accomplish the righteous act we ourselves struggle to accomplish. If we ask.

  1. At first I thought, as you and others, that this was an abortion and stopped watching.”Yet such thinkers want us to only think of the vast numbers, not each individual. “Collectivists.

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