Damnation With Faint Praise

     Applause to Diogenes Sarcastica for catching and posting this:

     He really is a Kennedy, isn’t he? That crap about “darker shadows,” “injustice in its past and present,” and “inconsistently applied” ideals gives the game away. I’m sick to death of it – and for the record, and at the top of my voice:

America Is Not A Democracy!

     Democracy is mob rule. In a democracy, the majority can do whatever it likes to the minority, and “rights” be damned. A lynch mob is a localized “democracy.” The Democrats were big on those, back when. Say, isn’t it funny how our contemporary lynch mobs – know them by their black garb, their masked faces, and their violence toward peaceable people – are all on the Left? The side of “democracy?”

     The United States is a constitutional federated republic. Neither the Constitution, nor the federal structure, nor the concept of federalism itself bear any trace of “democracy.”

     Other commentators have noted the sentiments of the Founding Fathers about “democracy,” so I shan’t repeat them here. For those Gentle Readers who are unaware of it, the word democracy was actually introduced to American political cant as a campaign slogan. It was a shibboleth of the Democrat Party in its 1828 campaign to elect Andrew Jackson to the presidency. The Founding Fathers were all but extinct at that point, or they would have raised one hell of a ruckus over it.

     Jackson, by the way, was pro-slavery. So were the Democrats before and during the Civil War… and afterward. It was Democrats who founded and peopled the Ku Klux Klan. The Democrat Party has slavery in its genes. Its innumerable “welfare” and “affirmative action” programs have merely transferred the ownership of their slaves to the government. Harp on it. Don’t let your “liberal” friends forget it.

     The greatest of all ironies would be a successful campaign by the Left to use RFK Jr. to “liberalize” Trump and the MAGA movement. Don’t let it happen.