
     Breathes there a man who isn’t instantly and near-terminally irritated by cold-call salesmen? If anything it’s worse when the caller is selling something you don’t need, never have needed, and never will need barring an act of Congress or God. The impulse to shriek something obscene and slam the phone down can be close to irresistible… though be it said at once, I’ve learned to resist it, having ruined far too many phones already.

     Still, a cold caller can be an occasion for whimsy, as James Veitch has told us. And just a little while ago, one such occurred, and my whimsy switch flipped just like that:

FWP: Hello?
Cold Caller: (in a thick south-Indian accent) Hello, is this Francis?
FWP: Who is this, please?
CC: (insistently) Is this Francis Porretto?
FWP: No, you identify yourself first.
CC: Ah, I’m Roger, and I represent XXX Development, a specialist in mobile app development. Does your business have any need for one?

     I was tempted to do the shriek-and-slam, but it occurred to me that there was another, far more amusing way to cope with this gentleman’s intrusion:

FWP: Actually, I have been thinking about contracting for one. How much experience does your company have? Have you dealt with any really large clients? Say, Fortune 1000 or larger?

     There was a remarkable interval of silence. I think “Roger” might have been overwhelmed by the possibility that he’d caught a “whale.” But he recovered:

CC: Oh yes, we’ve developed apps for many large firms. We guarantee you—
FWP: Never mind that. I need an app that will function globally, as I do business worldwide. Can you produce an app that can cross the carrier differences among the continents?

     Have you ever sensed a surge of pure greed over the telephone? It’s quite an experience.

CC: I think we can help you, Mr.—
FWP: Dr. Porretto, please!
CC: Yes, of course. First, what’s the nature of your business?
FWP: (after a slow count to three) I’m an arms dealer.

     In all candor, Gentle Reader, I expected “Roger” to hang up at that point. But he didn’t:

CC: I see. You sell globally, you said?

     And now for the windup, and the pitch:

FWP: Yes, I broker small arms, armored transports, short-range ballistic missiles and surface-to-air missiles.
CC: … I see. And where are your sales currently concentrated?
FWP: Just now, mostly in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangla Desh. I do sell some odd-lots in Sri Lanka, but my volume there is minor by comparison… Hello? Hello?

     I set the phone down gently and smiled. Chalk one up for the home team.


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    • Gene on August 22, 2024 at 12:02 PM

    I wanted to relay my 30 year old experience when I was of a similarly ornery bent of mind.


    Back in the day when newspapers existed only as physical copies and I lived in a metro area with a major newspaper the phone rang.  The gentleman on the phone was seeking to sell me a subscription to have that newspaper delivered to my home.  After leading him on for several minutes expressing great interest in the paper I asked him “do you sell an edition in braille?”.  The dead silence was priceless.

  1. A very creative response. Glad to see that you can still amuse yourself.

    1. It was a tough choice between “arms dealer” and “pimp.”

    • John in Indy on August 22, 2024 at 5:35 PM

    The arms dealer was better. The only way a pimp would need multiple continent access is if he were an importer of sex slaves.


    • Daniel K Day on August 22, 2024 at 8:53 PM

    I can do a fairly good Indian (dot, not feather) accent. I explained to the young man that I’m an Indian living in the U.S. and Americans are beginning to hate the local Indian community due to calls like his. I urged him to get a better job.

    • jwm on August 23, 2024 at 9:10 AM

    I get more spammers than I do legitimate phone calls. All these calls are scammers. They are thieves looking for an opportunity to cheat you out of your money. Therefore, all the protocols of decency, and manners are suspended in the same way it is premissable to do violence on someone who trys to rob you. I have cursed these clowns a blue streak more than once. I have led them on for several minutes before excorriating them for all I’m worth. If I can’t deliver a well deserved punch in the nose I can at least make their scummy job unpleasant.

    But I’m a dinosaur, and I don’t carry a sailfoam. I’ve grown very weary of dropping what I’m doing when the landline (ha ha) rings. I changed the message on the answering  machine, explaining why I no longer pick up the line. Legit callers will leave a message and a number. I get very few legitimate calls.



    • FJ Dagg on August 23, 2024 at 10:57 AM

    Stop! I’m dyin’!

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