You HAVE to Watch this Video!

Words don’t properly convey the ridiculousness of it, all conveyed in a ‘baby-talk’ voice.×720/T6ZJ9oqrEOHc_XsW.mp4?tag=14

The game plan has been set, the operation is in process.

The programming has begun. We are being directed to view this woman as inevitable, gentle, and reasoned – none of those qualities are true.

Kamala CAN be beat. And, here is how:

  • Don’t try to argue anyone out of their choice. That will produce resistance, and a complete inability to hear anything you say.
  • Instead, try gentle prods:
    • “I just don’t feel that we know enough about this woman. Perhaps we should hold off on voting for a little while? I’d hate to cast my vote, and then find out I’d made a mistake.” Our goal is to delay, rather than stop. I’m confident that a whole lot will surface later, when it’s too late to change their vote.
    • “Are you happy about what she did with her border responsibility?”
    • “Her record with keeping people in jail beyond their release time worries me.”
    • “Foreign leaders don’t seem to be impressed with her.”
  • Suggest that they not vote early, and take the time to hear the debate and think about it.
  • Perhaps the most important way to reduce the early “Regret Votes” – suggest that every time they see a political ad, or someone forwards a post about the election – EITHER WAY – they Hide Posts Like This, or Snooze the rabid partisan from their feed for 30 days. Without all that stuff, it’s amazing just how little interaction will be on their feed. They will still get information about their friends and family, but it will be actual information, not paid-for partisan cr@p.

Much of the pro-Kamala hype is manufactured. True passion for her is rare, and weak. Let the process play out without letting us get tied up in knots. Let her trip herself, and have some faith.

Breathe. Pray. And, spend your time getting in better shape, doing the essentials at home and with family, and organizing your surroundings. Make a will. Stash some cash. Pack your bug-out bag.