Well well, look who finally showed up

Jorge Bergoglio the anti-Pope finally had someone issue a statement regarding the blasphemous opening of the Paris Olympics.

“The Holy See was saddened by certain scenes at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games and cannot but join the voices raised in recent days to deplore the offense done to many Christians and believers of other religions,” it said in an unusual weekend evening press release.

I doubt that Jorge Bergoglio was saddened at all. But that’s just my hunch. What is sickening is that Islamic countries were slamming the Olympics for their blasphemy the day after it happened, but the Roman Catholic Church was mum about it until now. Hey, anyone want to guess why church attendance keeps dropping?

People won’t buy in if the leaders don’t buy in. It’s that simple. And if the church leadership doesn’t think that protesting against world-wide displays of blasphemy is something worth doing, then why should the laity bother to show up?

Pray for our country. Pray that the church actually starts to follow Jesus Christ rather than the matters of this world. And buy more ammo.


  1. I’m so tired of Jorge Bergoglio. I want an actual pope, not a pretender.

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