How much are you willing to do?

So, does anyone know what the term “scraping” is in the context of physical therapy? It’s when they take a metal “scraper”, a metal tool, and literally scrap the tissue that they’re trying to work on. With me, it’s my Achilles tendon. Also, a cortisone shot into the ankle is not something that I recommend.

All of this happened because I was helping my mother in her chicken coop. I honestly can’t tell you want the incident was that caused the damage. I didn’t feel it. I just know that my ankle hurt that evening, and the next morning I couldn’t walk up the stairs. That was in early March. Since then, it’s been a litany of doctors and diagnosis, leading up to me being face down in a therapist’s room, getting my tendon scraped. And I think scraped is the proper term for it. I had it done to my left foot a couple of years ago, trying to deal with scar tissue from having a bone removed from my foot. Yes, it’s as pleasant as it sounds.

Now, if you were to ask me would I do it again, given the amount of pain that I’ve undergone in the past few months, the answer would be yes. Without question. Do I want to undergo some pain, or do I want to leave my mother searching for help? I’d take the pain, any day of the week.

Cool. Now translate that into your local political scene.

Hell, translate that into your national political scene.

What are you willing to undergo in order to avoid having a cackling marxist whore installed into the Oval Office? How much pain are you willing to endure? I know that this question might call into question my own stalwartness, given that I’m in deep red Idaho, and even the Democrats around here are wavering in their support of the crowned candidate of the Democrat party, who to this day has not received a single vote in any primary for President ever.

Let me say that again for those in the back. Kamala Harris, the Democrat running for President, has not received a single vote, in any primary, either in 2020 or 2024, ever. Not. A. Single. Vote.

So why is she the nominee? Because she’s even more brainless and clueless than Joe Biden in his senile dementia, and the Deep State needs a puppet they can control. And Kamala is so very easy to control. She has no morals. She has no principals. She is an empty shell of envy, narcissism and greed, wrapped in an ever shifting kaleidoscope of intersectionality. There’s not a chance in hell that the Deep State is going to allow the Democrat nominee to be anyone who might challenge their supremacy.

Now, here’s where Black-Pill Dave comes into play. Do I think that she’s going to win? Yes, I do. I actually think that there’s a better than 50/50 chance that the Deep State manages to kill Trump before the election.

So why the push? Because I want the fraud to be so evident that even the people who’ve been living in a hazy slumber for the past four years to wake up and say “This ain’t right”.

I think that the Former United states, as an entity, are done. There’s no way in hell that the people I live around are in any way compatible with Gavin Newsome. Not a chance. But we’re all being forced to comply with the regulations that people like Gavin Newsome are pushing. Chuck the Satanic Bastard Schumer doesn’t represent the majority of Americans, but it’s his legislation being pushed. The world’s dumbest bartender, AOC, should be a national laughing stock, especially after she claimed that unemployment was going down because everybody had two jobs. I want to point out that her degree is in economics, which makes that single statement question not only her degree, but the degree of every single graduate of Boston College. But as much as she should be ridiculed and ostracized, she’s a leading voice in the Democrat party.

Think of how stupid the average American is. Now realize that at least 49% of Americans are dumber than that. And most of that population resides in the Democrat party. The rest of the Democrats are the anti-American communists who know that they’re causing the downfall of the FSUA and are in favor of it.

I will be happily surprised if Donald Trump is alive and successful on Election Day. I will happily flambé a crow and eat it without sauce should he not only be elected, but inaugurated. I would eat all of my hats if that outcome occurs, and do it with a smile.

But in the meantime, what are you willing to suffer to make it happen? Forget money – there’s no amount of money we can raise that can match the fraudulent activity of ActBlue, who at this point is submitting hundreds of thousands of dollars in the name of some welfare recipient in New Orleans. Are you willing to go register some voters? Are you willing to man a booth? Are you willing to confront the lies of the Democrat party, publicly?

This election season is going to be a world of suck. Embrace the suck.

And buy more ammo. No, more than that.