
     The obscenities and blasphemies during the Olympics’ opening ceremonies have apparently galvanized significant resistance to the previously unstoppable march of the LGBTQ forces. Of course, those forces are trying to act as if nothing out of the ordinary has occurred. They must; they didn’t expect that decent persons would rise up on our hind legs at long last. But we can hope that their feigned incomprehension will come to nothing in the end.

     On Sunday morning, I wrote:

     The deliberate blasphemies, especially aimed at Christianity and Catholic practices, reveal the triumphalism at the heart of the LGBTQ movement. What do they say most clearly? You’re too scared of us to do anything to stop us! For that is the mistaken interpretation they have laid upon our aversion to confrontation. I pray that they’re as wrong as I believe them to be.

     Note that word triumphalism. It’s critical to the understanding of what’s been done to us…and what we must do henceforward. Here’s what Merriam-Webster has to say about triumphalism:

     triumphalism n: an attitude or feeling of victory or superiority: such as

  1. the attitude that one religious creed is superior to all others
  2. smug or boastful pride in the success or dominance of one’s nation or ideology over others

     That speaks of the emotion of triumphalism. But our emotions are the things that move us to action. (Take note of the etymology.) LGBTQ triumphalism – I speak of the movement here, not of any specific individual – expresses itself in public flauntings of its practices, no matter how degrading or disgusting normal people deem them. Wherever they occur, they’re premised on the presumption that they have triumphed over us.

     Remember that they started in homosexual-dominated enclaves such as San Francisco. They moved thence to other urban zones where concentrations of homosexuals and drag queens could be found. When they excited no resistance, the spread further: schools, libraries, other public venues. But the message was always the same: You can’t stop us! And for a time, it did seem that way.

     The obscenities televised to the world on Olympics opening night were almost to be expected. After all, LGBTQ had flapped its genitals in our faces successfully everywhere else. Why shouldn’t they caper before an international, multimillion-person audience? No doubt they felt secure.

     Today it seems they were wrong to feel that way. Today it appears that they’ve crossed a fatal line. I could be wrong, but so far, the indicators are favorable.

     Expect “domestic” LGBTQ types to strain to distance themselves from the caperings of their Olympic compatriots. They’ll be lying; it was exactly what they wanted, one and all. Expect their “spokesmen” to make pious statements about how “we don’t want to offend anyone.” But offending the normal is central to their motivations, for a pervert cannot rest easy unless he knows he can flaunt his perversion and get away with it.

     Their triumphalism may have made them overreach at last. At any rate, we can hope.


     It’s been said many times that when you resolve to tolerate the intolerable, you will eventually find the intolerable ruling over you. Quoth the late, great Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen:

     “America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance — it is not. It is suffering from tolerance. Tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos. Our country is not nearly so overrun with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broadminded.”

     And on a later occasion:

     “Broadmindedness, when it means indifference to right and wrong, eventually ends in a hatred of what is right.”

     Sheen was absolutely correct, with one small quibble: “broadmindedness” toward what’s wrong doesn’t just end with “a hatred of what’s right;” it also begins there: among those who are first to plead for “tolerance” of their deviances. No other power could explain the relentlessness with which the apostles of homosexuality, transgenderism, bestiality, and the rest prosecute their causes.

     Hatred has great power, as C. S. Lewis has told us. It’s one of the most effective anodynes to fear…and one whose practices offend decent sensibilities has reasons to fear.

     I will repeat my earlier prescription: Make them scurry back to their closets. Denounce, disparage, reject! Have no truck with them or any organizations that kowtow to them. An exception can be made for those who don’t parade their deviances: homosexuals who “keep it at home;” transgenders who’ve mastered the art of “passing.” But we must seize this moment. The public displays of degeneracy and vice must be quelled before they destroy our remaining norms and fatally corrupt our children.

     God be thanked that after the Olympic display, we may have finally found the backbone required to do so.