Media Duplicity

     Beware claims from major media spokesmen that “We didn’t know!” about Joe Biden’s dementia. Also beware claims that they didn’t know that he’s the most corrupt political figure since Caligula. They’re not in the business of reporting things that reflect badly on Democrats.

     Remember this exchange from the 2016 campaign, between Mike Cernovich and 60 Minutes host Scott Pelley, over Hillary Clinton’s health:

     Cernovich: She had a seizure and froze up walking into her motorcade that day.
     Pelley: Well, she had pneumonia. I mean—
     Cernovich: How do you know? Who told you that?
     Pelley: Well, the campaign told us that.
     Cernovich: Why would you trust the campaign?
     Pelley: The point is you didn’t talk to anybody who’d ever examined Hillary Clinton.
     Cernovich: I don’t take anything Hillary Clinton is gonna say at all as true. I’m not gonna take her on her word. The media says we’re not gonna take Donald Trump on his word. And that’s why we are in these different universes.

     The Washington Post took pains to pour gallons of sarcasm over Cernovich’s allegation. Yet there was substantial evidence that Clinton was suffering some kind of neurological disorder. The Post, like the rest of the major media, carefully declined to notice. Its masters didn’t like it that a commentator who rose to prominence over the Web dared to do so. It disturbed the tableau they wanted to draw.

     The media have been boughten allies of the Democrat Party for decades. If a Democrat says it, then by the media’s standards it’s gospel truth…even if they know it’s a lie.

     As my Co-Conspirator Ragin’ Dave said recently, with regard to Joe Biden’s dementia, “The media aren’t upset because they saw how far gone Joe is. They’re upset because you saw it.” They’ve known for a long time now.