The call has gone out

Bathhouse Barry O’Bumblefuck has put forth the narrative, and the media lapdogs, being the worthless propaganda whores that they are, are falling in line. Once again, the Democrat-Media Complex is going to start telling you to ignore your lying eyes, Drooling Joe the Chinese Hand Puppet is fine, there’s no cognitive decline, he didn’t really need help down two (2) steps, and he’s the perfect picture of health.

Expect to see this narrative pushed hard and fast, until it can’t be pushed any more. Also, the “TRUMP LIES” narrative is being pushed. That’s to be expected. The Democrat party always accuses their foes of what they themselves are doing. Drooling Joe is a pathological liar, and he always has been. I think our host’s description of him is accurate: “Most vicious and unprincipled figure in the history of American politics”. Small minded, petty, mean, and stupid could be added on.

This election cycle really will be unprecedented. Buy more ammo.

No, more than that.

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