On Feeling Old

     I snagged this over at AoSHQ:

     I’ve felt old since 1994. You know, the last year in which the New York Rangers won the Stanley Cup. So I don’t have a lot of sympathy for younger snots who’ve just started “feeling old.” But the image above caused me to drag out my own Sony Walkman – the original, the one that plays cassette tapes – and check that it still works. Yup, works fine. Good sound quality, too.

     Where had I stored it, you ask? Why, right next to the 13-inch portable black & white TV that entertained me through my college years. On the shelf below that was a 15-inch diameter hard disk drive that could hold 30 megabytes; a marvel for its era. And then there’s the C.S.O.’s old TRS-80 Mark II, which she still gazes at fondly. Ah, the memories!

     Take that, whippersnappers.

     (No, I don’t have an 8-track player. Got rid of it last year. There are limits, you know.)

1 comment

  1. Fun Fact: 8-track tapes were originally sold at auto parts’ shops, rather than in music stores.

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