Continuing the theme of failed military leadership

CDR Salamander takes down the Navy leadership’s use of Hopium. I suspect they’re smoking more than just Hopium out of their pipe.

How many times will Charlie Brown let Lucy hold the football for him to kick?

How long will we allow military professionals to benchmark marketing over sound military planning?

How many times will we let the Cult of Tomorrowland whisper sweet nothings into our ear while serving up a bowl of lotus stew?

Here is a rather simple fact: inside the procurement system we have – including kludge workarounds like DEPSECDEF Hicks’s “Replicator” – if you believe that the window of greatest vulnerability for war with the People’s Republic of China is 2027 to 2032, which after initial skepticism I have grown to think is correct, then we will go to war with what we have now.

While I have great distain for the Army leadership, it pales in comparison to the distain I have for Navy and Air Force leadership. If the Army leadership is a bunch of marxist, woke idiots, the Navy and Air Force are led by honest to God dope-smoking retards. If you want to see a prime example of people smoking the Hopium and then basing their future plans on the demented dreams that ensue, all you need to do is look at the Littoral Combat Ships (aka the Little Crappy Ships). These ships were supposed to be the ships of the future, able to take naval combat into waters that the big ships couldn’t go. The end results of the LCS program is that the ships are getting scrapped. Not down the line, but now. They don’t work. Literally. Their engines don’t work. The planning on manpower aboard the ships don’t work. The combat systems don’t work. It is literally billions of dollars of failure floating in the ocean, slowly rusting like the rest of the US Navy fleet.

Don’t even get me started on the Air Force, with it’s demand for the all new shiny whizz-bang F35, which the last time I checked lost a dogfight to a…. F16.

Yes, I know the F-35 was in it’s infancy, new tactics, new controls, yada yada yada. I also know that it’s run by software that will cause the plane to fall out of the sky in certain maneuvers. Meanwhile, the Air Force is essentially shutting down the F-22 Raptor, despite the Raptor’s proven track record of, ya know, not falling out of the sky, and essentially being able to do all the things that the F-35 is supposed to do. But the F-35 also put millions of dollars into the pockets of military contractors and the politicians who support them, while the F-22 didn’t have near the opportunity for graft and corruption.

This is the same Air Force that keeps trying to do away with the A-10 Thunderbolt, aka The Warthog, the greatest Close Air Support aircraft in the history of aircraft. While promising that the F-35 will replace the Warthog, a claim which is not only dubious but completely unproven, the Air Force is desperately trying to get rid of the A-10 across the force. “Oh, it’s old. It’s not sexy. It’s not a real fighter jet.” There’s not a single aircraft that can replace the A-10 when the ground-pounders, that would be we Soldiers and Marines, need some help that Arty can’t give us. Empty promises don’t cut it, and unlike the Air Force leadership we can’t afford to smoke that much Hopium because then we folks on the ground tend to end up dead. Much like the F-35 would end up dead if it actually tried to do what the A-10 can do.

But then, all of this could have been predicted based on what the military is focusing on. Here’s a hint: They ain’t focused on winning wars.

On Tuesday, a year-long study by the Arizona State University Center for American Institutions (CAI) confirmed what we have suspected all along, that the U.S. military, along with the Pentagon, has become a “vast DEI bureaucracy,” wasting millions of dollars on DEI indoctrination of future and current military members over actual military readiness. The results of the study reveal that the military is producing a “race and sex-based scapegoating and stereotyping” environment that is impeding efficiency. 

The military, led by the racist piece of shit Lloyd “I’ll fuck the troops for another cool mil in my bank account” Austin, has focused on what Lloyd Austin wants to focus on. And since Lloyd Austin is not only racist but a fucking idiot of the highest order, they’ve focused on demonizing white males, injecting woke DEI garbage, and pushing radical Leftist ideologies into the military.

What effect is all of this DEI indoctrination having on America’s fighting force? Nothing good. First and foremost, recruiting. In FY 2023, the Army, Navy, and Air Force all missed recruiting goals. The group consistently falling in recruiting numbers: white recruits — can’t imagine why. The U.S. military started 2024 with the smallest fighting force since World War II. The CAI study lays out exactly what the primary problem of DEI indoctrination in the military is: How can you ask military personnel “to defend a nation that is an alleged cesspit of racism and discrimination”? You also don’t have to have served in the military to know that DEI and anything related greatly impairs unit cohesion and teamwork.   

I’ve already pointed out that the government is viewing members of the military as possible domestic terrorists. They view white males as the enemy. Guess who the constitutes the big number of door kickers and trigger pullers? Yep. White males. I’ve gone over this before: White males, by their own choice, are over-represented in the combat arms, while our diverse countrymen, once again by their own choice, are over-represented in the combat support branches. There isn’t a draft pushing people into one branch or another. You get to pick and choose when you sign on the dotted line. So the racial make-up of the different branches is entire due to the choices those recruits make. And the white male recruits are simply saying “No” to the military at this time. Who can blame them? The President is a drooling Chinese hand puppet, the SECDEF is a racist shithead with a history of fucking over the troops, the CJCS is another racist, DEI hucking shitbag, and this entire administration seems to be forcing us into WWIII in Ukraine so that the corrupt government can keep using Ukraine as their personal money laundering machine.

You can’t use calls of patriotism to get people to join when anyone can see that this government doesn’t deserve to be defended. The country, yes. But everyone can see the writing on the wall. The military isn’t going to be used to defend this country, it’ll be used to defend the corrupt money laundering boondoggle overseas. People aren’t willing to sign on the dotted line so that the Biden family, or the Pelosi family, or the Romney family, can get another couple million dollars funneled into their bank account.

In short, the military is in trouble. And it’s in trouble because the military “leadership” is either corrupt, racist, woke, incompetent, or all of them rolled up together. And once again, I’ll state that every three and four star officer needs to be cashiered. Retired. Possibly have charges put against them. Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin need to spend the rest of their natural lives in the Ft. Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks, stripped of rank to E-1 with forfeiture of all pay and benefits. And the woke, communist shitbag “leaders” need to be replaced with warriors.

Do I think it’s gonna happen? Not really. Not until the US faces a catastrophic military loss, and then it’ll be forced to make that change.

Buy more ammo.

1 comment

  1. Oh traditional White Men will have a role all right, to be blamed when everything implodes. I can see the talking heads now; “This disaster could have been averted, but once again, White men decided to do the cowardly thing and sit this one out, when the country they claim is “theirs” by some twisted virtue of birthright needed them the most where were they? They were here swilling their beer while watching sportsball! While their fellow Americans were giving their lives in the mud in Ukraine for democracy, these “paragons of the founders” were sitting on their lazy asses. They should be made to pay!”
    You can see the bylines now. Hell, if I can write this off the top of my head, you know what the “professionals” will come up with.

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